Marriage values in our society....



  • perfect_storm
    perfect_storm Posts: 326 Member
    No one has the place to judge anyone else's relationship, you just do not know what kind of arrangement or relationship they have and are comfortable with, you can not judge a book by it's cover so to speak. I know several married couples who text other people and have male and female friends that border on flirting, but it is all in jest and just silliness, however their spouses also know their spouses would never cross "that" line. To me it is about understanding each other and being secure.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    When you say "our" society, which one do you mean?

    more than likely, shes talking about humanity. humanity once had morals and ethics, not so much anymore...

    Tell that to the Sodomites

    why would i tell the sodomites that? what a silly statement...
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Yes, people have cheated throughout history. That does not excuse it. I think the issue the OP is really having is society no longer stigmatizes the act like they used to. As a society we no longer hold each other for crappy behavior. Many of the responses are "if it doesn't affect you why do you care?" True infidelity may not affect us on a daily basis. That does not mean we have to agree with it or ignore it. Think about your political hot button abortion, gun control, gay marriage, or the death penalty, If it doesn't affect you why do you care about these issues. We do care and have a right to express an opinion without being mocked or ridiculed. (I know everyone is a tough guy on the internet)

    I believe marriage is sacred because I made promise to my wife and God. I always find it interesting that many atheists make statements about people of faith being stupid because we believe in a high power. I disagree with your beliefs, but I don't mock you for having the courage to express your beliefs. Have some basic human decency and show some respect for others.

    Emotional cheating is a real thing and until you’re in a loving a committed relationship it cannot be fully understood. In the end if I am more emotionally connected to someone than my wife, I am not respecting her and am cheating.
    People have a right to express their beliefs, but can you do it without a—hole?

    THIS THIS THIS :heart:

    Is my marriage less sacred because we got married by a justice of the peace and did not make any promises to God? Oh and we're not atheists, my husband was raised Protestant and I'm half Jewish.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I feel bad for nice people who are cheated on. That is all.
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    These are all considered Affairs....whether physical and/or emotional....they are still affairs.

    That is your opinion.

    It is not an opinion, it is the actual definition of affair.

    af·fair (-fâr)
    1. Something done or to be done; business.
    2. affairs Transactions and other matters of professional or public business: affairs of state.
    a. An occurrence, event, or matter: The senator's death was a tragic affair.
    b. A social function.
    4. An object or a contrivance: Their first car was a ramshackle affair.
    5. A matter of personal concern.
    6. affairs Personal business: get one's affairs in order.
    7. A matter causing public scandal and controversy: the Dreyfus affair.
    8. A romantic and/or sexual relationship, sometimes one of brief duration, between two people who are not married to each other.

    Looks like you're going to have to find a new tactic in your crusade to defend infidelity. Good luck.

    It's different if someone is Poly. They are not having an affair. They have their primary. They also have others they are in a relationship with. If they are honest with the primary it's not an affair.

    If two ppl agree beforehand, and are both ok with it, more power to them. That is their business and none of mine. But it still fits within the definition of "affair", regardless of whether both parties are cool with it.

    Edited for typos
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    No one has the place to judge anyone else's relationship, you just do not know what kind of arrangement or relationship they have and are comfortable with, you can not judge a book by it's cover so to speak. I know several married couples who text other people and have male and female friends that border on flirting, but it is all in jest and just silliness, however their spouses also know their spouses would never cross "that" line. To me it is about understanding each other and being secure.

    Correct. Some of my male friends have been in my life longer than my husband (and he's been in my life nearly 19 years). I grew up in a house where the parents had same sex friends and it was always the norm.
  • InsaneShalaine
    Your husband is probably cheating on you.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    These are all considered Affairs....whether physical and/or emotional....they are still affairs.

    That is your opinion.

    Looks like you're going to have to find a new tactic in your crusade to defend infidelity. Good luck.
    AWWWWW :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    Morals and values are subjective......different people have different beliefs, and no one is perfect.

    Even "good and evil" isn't black and white.
  • SmexAppeal
    SmexAppeal Posts: 858 Member
    Yes, people have cheated throughout history. That does not excuse it. I think the issue the OP is really having is society no longer stigmatizes the act like they used to. As a society we no longer hold each other for crappy behavior. Many of the responses are "if it doesn't affect you why do you care?" True infidelity may not affect us on a daily basis. That does not mean we have to agree with it or ignore it. Think about your political hot button abortion, gun control, gay marriage, or the death penalty, If it doesn't affect you why do you care about these issues. We do care and have a right to express an opinion without being mocked or ridiculed. (I know everyone is a tough guy on the internet)

    I believe marriage is sacred because I made promise to my wife and God. I always find it interesting that many atheists make statements about people of faith being stupid because we believe in a high power. I disagree with your beliefs, but I don't mock you for having the courage to express your beliefs. Have some basic human decency and show some respect for others.

    Emotional cheating is a real thing and until you’re in a loving a committed relationship it cannot be fully understood. In the end if I am more emotionally connected to someone than my wife, I am not respecting her and am cheating.
    People have a right to express their beliefs, but can you do it without a—hole?

    THIS THIS THIS :heart:

    Is my marriage less sacred because we got married by a justice of the peace and did not make any promises to God? Oh and we're not atheists, my husband was raised Protestant and I'm half Jewish.

    I don't think that was his point. I think his vows were made to his wife and to God, but I don't think he was bashing you for how you made yours. He was stating the importance of his. He pointed out he does not care if you are athiest or whatever else. He just believes in human decency.
    I am a Christian, but I don't care if you are gay, or whatever. It doesn't effect me. And I agree, some gay people hold marriage more dear to their heart than some straight people. I just think if you enter into such an agreement with someone you love, then hold it close to your heart and keep the promises you made!
  • dirtnap63
    dirtnap63 Posts: 1,387 Member
    When you say "our" society, which one do you mean?

    more than likely, shes talking about humanity. humanity once had morals and ethics, not so much anymore...

    Tell that to the Sodomites

    why would i tell the sodomites that? what a silly statement...

    No sillier than your statement. "The good ole days" weren't that good, they were just better at hiding things. At no time in our history was humanity more "pure" than it is today. Stop looking at history through rose coloured glasses.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    *GASP* How dare you have a perception of people based on their honesty, integrity, faithfulness, and sincerity of character in keeping the vows they make!

    Sarcasm. ^

    By the way, FR SENT!
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    When you say "our" society, which one do you mean?

    more than likely, shes talking about humanity. humanity once had morals and ethics, not so much anymore...

    Tell that to the Sodomites

    why would i tell the sodomites that? what a silly statement...

    No sillier than your statement. "The good ole days" weren't that good, they were just better at hiding things. At no time in our history was humanity more "pure" than it is today. Stop looking at history through rose coloured glasses.

    "the good ol days" wasnt my statement... try again.
  • MissyJessy
    MissyJessy Posts: 1,279 Member
    Let me break it to you: It has always been that way, it is just much more easy to know about these things now. Study history, infidelity all over the place!

    Yes but times have changed. So have circumstances back then it was much more difficult to dissolve a marraige... it usually ended up in the man sending the woman off to her death.... Things have now changed. Women are just as unfaithful and men...

    I agree that its no ones place to comment on other peoples relationships and all couples may have different views of what a marriage should be like.

    People now get married for all the wrong reasons... I was married :) to whom i thought was the man of my dreams 8 months in i started getting contacted by multiple women advising me that he has been unfaithful for the past 2.5 years... which means he never had any intention of being faithful... that... would be getting married for the wrong reasons :)
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    No one has the place to judge anyone else's relationship, you just do not know what kind of arrangement or relationship they have and are comfortable with, you can not judge a book by it's cover so to speak. I know several married couples who text other people and have male and female friends that border on flirting, but it is all in jest and just silliness, however their spouses also know their spouses would never cross "that" line. To me it is about understanding each other and being secure.

    This. My fiance and I text and talk to people of the other gender without getting mad at one another at all. He has some female friends that he's known since high school, and I have some close male friends from college that we talk to regularly. There is no reason that we should stop talking to them just because we're in a relationship now because we both know we're not going to cheat. And I don't get mad when he tells me about his man-crushes, nor does he get mad at me when I tell him my woman-crushes. This is what works in our relationship, and if anybody doesn't like it, that's their problem.
  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    You're right; none of us have any values.

    I, too, miss the old marriage values of society. When women were forced to marry the men who raped them. Or when women were considered property and nothing more. Or when women couldn't marry someone of a different race.

    Yup. No values today. We've only gone downhill.

    Yep, I think I love you!!!

    While I understand that different people have different values, what about the couple that has an "open" marriage. If you have agreed-upon "rules" and you both abide by those that considered "cheating"? Here's the dictionary definition:

    1.Act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, esp. in a game or examination: "she cheats at cards".
    2.Deceive or trick.

    Yes, I've been cheated on. It sucks. It wasn't because I wasn't putting out enough at home - it was something new and exciting that catered to his ego. Nothing more.

    Different people/cultures/religions have different values/philosophies about marriage. Mormons, Muslims, Pagans, Christians....etc.
  • DarthFalchion
    If you are a married female.. I am your James Bond.. Haha..

  • Still_Fluffy
    Still_Fluffy Posts: 341 Member
    Yes, people have cheated throughout history. That does not excuse it. I think the issue the OP is really having is society no longer stigmatizes the act like they used to. As a society we no longer hold each other for crappy behavior. Many of the responses are "if it doesn't affect you why do you care?" True infidelity may not affect us on a daily basis. That does not mean we have to agree with it or ignore it. Think about your political hot button abortion, gun control, gay marriage, or the death penalty, If it doesn't affect you why do you care about these issues. We do care and have a right to express an opinion without being mocked or ridiculed. (I know everyone is a tough guy on the internet)

    I believe marriage is sacred because I made promise to my wife and God. I always find it interesting that many atheists make statements about people of faith being stupid because we believe in a high power. I disagree with your beliefs, but I don't mock you for having the courage to express your beliefs. Have some basic human decency and show some respect for others.

    Emotional cheating is a real thing and until you’re in a loving a committed relationship it cannot be fully understood. In the end if I am more emotionally connected to someone than my wife, I am not respecting her and am cheating.
    People have a right to express their beliefs, but can you do it without a—hole?

    THIS THIS THIS :heart:

    Is my marriage less sacred because we got married by a justice of the peace and did not make any promises to God? Oh and we're not atheists, my husband was raised Protestant and I'm half Jewish.

    I expressed my belief that marriage is sacred, it did not but limits on it. I made a promise to God and that is a sacred vow to me. It sounds like your marriage has lasted the test of time, good for you. Though I would point out that relationships based in faith (not just Christian) statistically have smaller divorce rate.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    When you say "our" society, which one do you mean?

    more than likely, shes talking about humanity. humanity once had morals and ethics, not so much anymore...

    Tell that to the Sodomites

    why would i tell the sodomites that? what a silly statement...

    No sillier than your statement. "The good ole days" weren't that good, they were just better at hiding things. At no time in our history was humanity more "pure" than it is today. Stop looking at history through rose coloured glasses.

    the thing with message boards is that you really need to pay attention and match the correct statement with the correct person. the statement "the good ole days" doesnt belong to me. i simply answered someones question when they asked, by our society, who do you mean, and i said, maybe shes talking about humanity... got to read the message boards a little bit better...
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