the way people are trying to lose weight



  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    OP - this is what i was after today!

    Peoples ideas of quick fixes really bug me, i makes me feel cheated that i am doing it the long and slow way.

    I am learning what to put in my mouth and how to move about and how to play.

    Others get to go nothing but push go on the microwave and are expecting me to congratulate there loss.

    Once they reach goal the go back to square one.. they know nothing about how their body works, what to eat and how to be healthy.

    One girl i work with has had a big loss using one of these programs and i snubbed it. She knows nothing about cooking , hates the gym and is all a bit clueless.

    It feels like a smack in the face sometimes.

    why does it make you feel cheated? why do you care? seems silly to get upset about it. if these people lose weight in a bad way and then just gain it back, what have they really gained from you congratulating them? seems more embarassing on their end than anything else. everyone noticed that i lost weight. if i gain it back, that would be embarassing. i don't gain anything by people congratulating me.
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    I agree with you 100%
    I was going to do the surgery thing, but luckily my not wanting to spend the money won out.
    I decided to just watch l my calories and WALK!
    I had lost 112 pounds.
    I actually got to size 2 but felt I was to thin, I want stay size 4.
    Any diet will work IF you stick to it.
    My Fitness pal is the best one!
    Calories in, calories burned, Log it
    Good luck to you
    It is not a diet, it is a chosen life style!
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    I have been on the journey to lose weight. But i decided to do it the right way. count calories and exercise. And people seem to find it hard to believe this is all im doing. And yes im going to brag that its all about getting off your butt and moving! But its crazy the things im reading and seeing on tv. Juice diets? Eat special K and lose weight in 2 weeks! Take this supplement but yet its not evaluated by the FDA. Do this workout. Buy this membership or this piece of exercise equipment. And another that gets me is these food programs. How does that teach you how to live? It may work for some people. But do you want to be 60 and still converting your meals into points? Why is it that some people cant face reality that weight loss takes work, And why is it so hard to believe that you don't have to diet so to say. That you cant learn to eat normal everyday foods in a healthier way. And its so funny going through the weigh tloss sections of stores and seeing these drinks and bars that pack more calories then if you were to prepare the meals to begin with. it took time to learn habits and its going to take time to fix them. okkk. venting over!

    Of course we all know this is true..... NOW.... and many of us knew it for many many years, but just weren't ready to make the commitment yet. It is very easy for us to get on our high horses once we figure it all out, and look down on all those people that are looking for miracle pills or plans that will do the work for them, and forget how many years we spent ourselves in that frame of mind.

    I have to be very careful around my friends in the 'real world', that I don't get so hyped up on the success of so many people on here that have figured it out, and become 'enlightened to the RIGHT way', to the point of alienating my friends and family with all my 'wisdom' I have obtained here over the past 5 months.

    I have to remember where I was 6 months ago, and how easily I could slip back into that 'easy fix' mentality. If the answers were so obvious, why did it take me X number of years to figure it out??

    A little humility goes a long way.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Short answer - people would rather spend money than make effort, and there will always be someone prepared to profit from this.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    I always tell people I lost weight from Stress, Men and Tequila...for some reason people accept that answer better than Exercise and Watching What I Eat.

  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    People don't WANT to believe you. You are actually putting in effort.

    Notice how they disappear as soon as you can't name the magic pill you are "using"???
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Forks over Knives
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    We all have different bodies and I do not see the value in judging or putting one another down for our methods. Counting calories and exercise is what I choose at this time but that does not mean that what another chooses is not right or that it cannot work.

    The internet is a very convenient way to throw out passive aggressive comments and not have to be held accountable for them. Perhaps we should just try to support one another and be proud of our accomplishments rather than looking down our noses.


  • SoulReckoning
    SoulReckoning Posts: 48 Member
    Okay, OP, I think your opinion is valid, however it is one sided and a little harsh. Many of the things you mention are completely legitimate, doctor approved methods.

    1. I used Phentermine in the past, for 4 months. I lost about 20lbs. It mainly helped to suppress my appetite. I love food. It was prescribed by my doctor, who I saw every month for testing and a session on eating & exercising habits. We treated this program as if I was going to make a lifestyle change. I however, was not as commited as I should have been, hence the reason I quit taking the phentermine. I wasn't looking for a "quick fix" I was in need of support for my appetite. But like I said, I hadn't really made the mental commitment of what should have been a lifestyle change.

    2. Before that, I did Jenny Craig. It was expensive, but I could afford it. I lost 40lbs with that. I was going to college full time, working full time, was newly married, & renovating our house. Needless to say, I was busy, so the convenience is what I was paying for. The food was just a tool or aid . Again, with that program, we talked diet & exercise. I ate salads & veggies with their meals, and I got support once a week from my consultant, who is still a friend today. I loved it. Yes it was expensive, and yes I put the weight back on a few months after I stopped. This is due to a lifestyle change my husband and I made together, that change was letting ourselves go and getting addicted to watching TV every night instead of cooking & exercising.

    3. I've started & stopped weight watchers several times. I always lose when I go to the meetings, count points, and log food. Again, they have a weekly support system, they TEACH clean eating just as much as they promote their prepared products and recipes. For many people there is a balance. They have great tools & support. But again, each time I've gone, I've lost following the program, but eventually I lose interest and quit going and then quit working the program, and I realize I wasn't commited to making this lifestyle change in the first place.

    4. I've done cleanses and felt better. I think cleansing is a personal preference. As long as you aren't using a very low calorie diet during, but just eating clean, and it's not for too long of a period. If it makes people feel better, they should be able to do it without judgement.

    5. I currently use Herbalife as a meal replacement in the morning. I figure, this is better than not eating at all, which was my morning habit before. Their shakes taste the best out of any I have tried, which is quite a few different brands. Again, I think this is a personal preference.

    So, calorie counting is the MFP method. I agree that it is a very effective method, obviously almost everyone, if not every here on MFP agrees. It comes down to the person. Some people just aren't ready to let go. Some people have issues with food and that's why some of the above mentioned methods don't work for everyone but do work for some. It's personal preference. You really shouldn't be so critical of the methods, especially if you haven't tried them. They all promote health & lifestyle changes. I know this because I've tried them all. If I am honest with myself, they didn't work for me because I didn't work the programs. I am having many of the same issues here with MFP as I was before with the other plans. Because I LOVE food. I also grew up with overweight parents who didn't care what they ate because they don't view their weight as a problem. They just love food, fried, baked, grilled, Red Meat, Pork, and veggies, we even had a huge garden and therefore ate a lot of Wholefood organic stuff. So, that is why it's so hard for me to jump on board with healthy eating & weight loss. It's going to have to be a slow mental shift process. I have years of growing up in an unhealthy lifestyle of bad eating habits to overcome. It's not going to happen overnight. If I try different tools to overcome that, then that's on me. I've learned a little something from each program that I still use today. It doens't mean I'm looking for a quick fix, I'm just looking for something that works for me.
  • evilmj31
    evilmj31 Posts: 55 Member
    Everyone is looking for the magic pill or special diet. Someone earlier said that your mental state plays a big part and I agree 100%. I have challenges due to food allergies so milk and soy are out, and I don't eat a lot of bread carbs, no legumes or artifical sweetners as they cause stomach upset and I don't eat sugar. It works for me, it is healthy and my doctor said it is okay. Eat less and move more, sounds good to me. I hesitate to say I am on a diet, because it no longer feels that way to me, I don't starve myself, I just changed the way I eat and my relationship with food, weight loss is an added benefit..

    I have a problem with Body by V just because I found that the people selling them were very aggressive and didn't want to listen when I said I had no interest in shakes, I have a milk allergy and prefer to do it the old fashioned way, eating healthy food, proper portion sizes and exercise. That being said, I never say anything negative to anyone who tells me they are doing a specific diet or program, if it works for them great, if not they will learn the hard way I guess.

    weight loss is hard work, that is why companies make such money on weight loss pills, foods, plans, gadgets.. you name it, because people don't want to do the work if they don't have to. We have all given up at some time in our journey that makes us human...getting back up on the weight loss horse is the hard part.

    That being said I should also mention I have done weight watchers in the past and found them to be a good program that worked. They do try to teach healthy eating and the support is a big help as well. So I don't frown on all weight loss programs. Different things work for different people I guess.
  • lazymochabear
    OP - this is what i was after today!

    Peoples ideas of quick fixes really bug me, i makes me feel cheated that i am doing it the long and slow way.

    I am learning what to put in my mouth and how to move about and how to play.

    Others get to go nothing but push go on the microwave and are expecting me to congratulate there loss.

    Once they reach goal the go back to square one.. they know nothing about how their body works, what to eat and how to be healthy.

    One girl i work with has had a big loss using one of these programs and i snubbed it. She knows nothing about cooking , hates the gym and is all a bit clueless.

    It feels like a smack in the face sometimes.

    It does. Or things like "You've been working out and stuff right? For the NY? How much have you lost so far?" "Six pounds [which I am really happy about because I'm about to hit what will probably be a plateau point for a little while]" "...oh." "..oh?" "I thought it would be more. I couldn't count calories like that."

    Damnit! Even if a "quick fix" does "work" in that you lose weight, what have you learned? You don't know about portion control, you don't get that intuition about whether or not you should eat something or how much of it you should have. Binging (for me) really destroyed that and now I'm having to work to gain back what some people still have naturally.

    I'm just happy to be developing a sustainable work-out system. Plus. Counting calories. Yeah, sometimes it sucks that I want that second helping or a brownie or something when I'm at my limit at night, but it's not like I'll be restricting calories forever. When I hit the weight that I should be at, I'll be eating at my BMR. Which at that weight (with anticipated exercises) is 800 more than I eat now. So that's something I look forward to haha.

    But I'd rather 6 months of work than a month of suffering through something that will wreak havoc on my body and won't give me the tools I need to still have it off in 12 months or more.

    /endrant. :)
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    I have been on the journey to lose weight. But i decided to do it the right way. count calories and exercise. And people seem to find it hard to believe this is all im doing. And yes im going to brag that its all about getting off your butt and moving! But its crazy the things im reading and seeing on tv. Juice diets? Eat special K and lose weight in 2 weeks! Take this supplement but yet its not evaluated by the FDA. Do this workout. Buy this membership or this piece of exercise equipment. And another that gets me is these food programs. How does that teach you how to live? It may work for some people. But do you want to be 60 and still converting your meals into points? Why is it that some people cant face reality that weight loss takes work, And why is it so hard to believe that you don't have to diet so to say. That you cant learn to eat normal everyday foods in a healthier way. And its so funny going through the weigh tloss sections of stores and seeing these drinks and bars that pack more calories then if you were to prepare the meals to begin with. it took time to learn habits and its going to take time to fix them. okkk. venting over!

    Meh, people have to do what works for them and most people are going to fail no matter what they try. If counting calories and exercising was all it took, I wouldn't be here today. I've been using this "lifestyle" for almost 15 years to lose weight and gain it back and lose it and gain more and lose it and gain...and on and on. In the years I've been counting calories, I've seen people lose weight by counting calories and exercising and are maintaining, I've seen people who've done low carb and are maintaining, I've seen people who started with OTC weight loss pills and are maintaining, and I've seen even more people do weight watchers and maintain their losses.

    Why do we feel the need to put down the people who choose to lose in a way different from us? In the end, pretty much any diet will work, it's what the person does/is willing to do to maintain that matters. Each person has to find what works for them and figure out the path to weight loss on their own. Making comments about how people who do it differently from us are just going to gain it all back sounds petty and jealous. Most people on here "doing it the right way" are going to gain their weight back at least once, if not 10 times before it sticks. As for being 60 and converting meals to points--how do you plan to maintain your loss? Do you want to be 60 and still counting your calories? If you want to maintain, then you probably will have to be doing something like that.

    ETA: I actually think Weight Watchers is probably a better program for many people who have no clue about nutrition. MFP does nothing to teach us about nutrition and how much fruits and veggies we should eat or how much lean protein, etc. Weight Watchers at least promotes eating X servings of fruits and veggies, eating X servings of dairy, X servings of healthy oils and choosing whole grains and lean proteins when possible. How mahy people on MFP have posted that they are struggling and then when their diaries are brought to light it's obvious they have no clue about eating healthily? Just because you can eat at a calorie deficit doesn't mean you know how to be healthy.
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    Good on you.

    The funny part is after you lose the weight people will still refuse to believe you did it that way.

    "So what did you do? What's your secret?"

    "Diet and exercise. Counted my calories and started working out."

    "Yeah yeah, but really, what was it? What pills did you take? Did you cleanse? I bet you cleansed. And no way I could lose weight, I'd hate to give up bread. I've been watching Dr. Oz and ordered a bunch of stuff, so I should be in a bikini come summer!"


    Pretty much!

    While I wouldn't say folks wanting the quick fix "get on my nerves," I do kind of pity them because I feel like I have this amazing truth that I'm so open about and willing to share, and they just aren't interested. They will stick to replacing their meals with Slim Fast and doing nothing but cardio that is clearly NOT working for them. I adamantly disagree with the opinion that we shouldn't worry about what others are doing and just do our own thing. If you care about someone, how is that being a good friend? I want my friend to be successful. I want him/her to be healthy. I want him/her to figure out something that they will be able to maintain for the rest of their lives. While I'm not going to shove my opinion down their throat, I absolutely will not support their quick-fix choices.
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    I have been on the journey to lose weight. But i decided to do it the right way. count calories and exercise. And people seem to find it hard to believe this is all im doing. And yes im going to brag that its all about getting off your butt and moving! But its crazy the things im reading and seeing on tv. Juice diets? Eat special K and lose weight in 2 weeks! Take this supplement but yet its not evaluated by the FDA. Do this workout. Buy this membership or this piece of exercise equipment. And another that gets me is these food programs. How does that teach you how to live? It may work for some people. But do you want to be 60 and still converting your meals into points? Why is it that some people cant face reality that weight loss takes work, And why is it so hard to believe that you don't have to diet so to say. That you cant learn to eat normal everyday foods in a healthier way. And its so funny going through the weigh tloss sections of stores and seeing these drinks and bars that pack more calories then if you were to prepare the meals to begin with. it took time to learn habits and its going to take time to fix them. okkk. venting over!

    This is exactly what I try to teach people all the time. Weight loss doesn't happen overnight, it doesn't come from a pill and it sure as hell takes work. All I ever hear is one excuse after another. I don't have time, I can't afford to eat healthy or clean, I don't like to cook....the list goes on and on. If you're not willing to throw those excuses out the window and put in some effort, it will never work. Calories in, calories out...FACT!!!!!

    Great post! :-)
  • plzlbsbegone
    OP, I hear ya. The part that makes me mad, is that people are being douped. Its in the media, quick fixes are all around us. Sure, it may work for a short amount of time, then you have to go back to it, and keep plugging money into it. Even Ms. Jillian Micheals, someone who knows you needs to get off your *kitten* and work to earn it, is selling diet pills and other crap to make money. I think we have all hoped that some magic pill would be our cure all, but have come to learn that if you don't change your ways, you'll end up back where you started. For some it takes time to learn this, I can admit I am one of them. I still struggle with this everyday. It took me 28 years to get like this, and I need to re-teach myself to live a healthy life. It won't be easy, I just know it will be worth it. Thanks OP, this has been a great read! :smile:
  • DaveHuby
    DaveHuby Posts: 175 Member
    I always tell people I lost weight from Stress, Men and Tequila...for some reason people accept that answer better than Exercise and Watching What I Eat.


    I just have to use that line.

    It'll be gin rather than tequila though!
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    OP - this is what i was after today!

    Peoples ideas of quick fixes really bug me, i makes me feel cheated that i am doing it the long and slow way.

    I am learning what to put in my mouth and how to move about and how to play.

    Others get to go nothing but push go on the microwave and are expecting me to congratulate there loss.

    Once they reach goal the go back to square one.. they know nothing about how their body works, what to eat and how to be healthy.

    One girl i work with has had a big loss using one of these programs and i snubbed it. She knows nothing about cooking , hates the gym and is all a bit clueless.

    It feels like a smack in the face sometimes.

    So how is your way working for you? Have you been successful in losing weight and keeping it off long term? If so, then be happy in your success. If not, then perhaps you need to try a different way for yourself.

    No need to be dissing others in how they lose weight. It comes across as jealousy and bitterness, and isn't pretty.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I get really frustrated because now every time I see someone I have not seen in a while, they obviously notice my weight loss, and they ask me how I did it. They all seem disappointed when I tell them it was through healthy eating and exercise. They are obviously wanting it to be some kind of magic pill or powder that does not take any effort. Like they want to lose weight or be healthy, but it is just not worth working at. I feel like if I can do it, anyone can, and it makes me sad that they don't try because it seems to hard. But I also know that I used to be that same person, and I had to get to a different place where I was willing to make changes, so maybe they will too, in their own time!
  • RhodRhod
    RhodRhod Posts: 109
    Too many people looking for a quick fix. And maybe when you're younger you can get away with some of these but eventually it will catch up with you. Everyday when I look at my body now instead of just ignoring what I don't like I tell myself that I didn't get into this shape over night and I'm not going to lose it overnight. So what if I stumble a little bit every now and then. The main thing is I want to feel better and I have the determination to do something about it. Good luck to all of you over 45ers that have finally decided to do something for yourselves. Remember Rome wasn't built in a day!
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    I get really frustrated because now every time I see someone I have not seen in a while, they obviously notice my weight loss, and they ask me how I did it. They all seem disappointed when I tell them it was through healthy eating and exercise. They are obviously wanting it to be some kind of magic pill or powder that does not take any effort. Like they want to lose weight or be healthy, but it is just not worth working at. I feel like if I can do it, anyone can, and it makes me sad that they don't try because it seems to hard. But I also know that I used to be that same person, and I had to get to a different place where I was willing to make changes, so maybe they will too, in their own time!

    I think this sums it up. It saddens us that people who ask seem disappointed because we didn't give them the magic secret they were hoping for, as if it's just too hard. But, like you said, we all have to get to that place. Not everybody's ready, so it's important not to be judgmental while still sticking to your guns and being there for them when they are ready to do it "the hard way."