My coworkers are making fun of my healthy eating habits

...but I'm not too bent out of shape about it.
I've taken to eating whole raw tomatoes and green peppers for snacks. Because they're healthy, delicious, and I'm too lazy to cut them up in the morning.
So, what's so weird about that?
My co-worker eats dried orange peels, so she has no room to talk.


  • fishsticks913
    fishsticks913 Posts: 123 Member
    I don't think anything is wrong with it LOL.... Good for you for eating healthy foods!
  • melnia89
    melnia89 Posts: 34 Member
    ...but I'm not too bent out of shape about it.
    I've taken to eating whole raw tomatoes and green peppers for snacks. Because they're healthy, delicious, and I'm too lazy to cut them up in the morning.
    So, what's so weird about that?
    My co-worker eats dried orange peels, so she has no room to talk.

    Similar. Some think i'm weird for eating cottage cheese and hard boiled egg lol and others are super impressed with the commitment i've made to eating healthy!
  • Miss_Aurora
    I'm glad I'm going somewhere new to work in 2 weeks ... I'll take my new eating habits with me and people will probably be more like "Oh my .. you're eating a biscuit?" when i do break out!! haa

    Worst "healthy eating" I've known in the office was the woman who snacked on a whole iceburg lettuce all day (for months) ... oh the crunch started to send me batty.

    My favourite though was the woman who was on the grapefruit diet. She believed she could have a grapefruit and half an hour later she could eat what she wanted. That was usually a spud with cream cheese, cheese, bacon & pineapple. She wasn't sure why she was putting weight on .. so she upped her intake of grapefruits *LOL*

    Well done for snacking on such healthy veggies .. I love them in salads but just can't see myself eating them alone.
  • ellenxmariex3
    ellenxmariex3 Posts: 165 Member
    ...but I'm not too bent out of shape about it.
    I've taken to eating whole raw tomatoes and green peppers for snacks. Because they're healthy, delicious, and I'm too lazy to cut them up in the morning.
    So, what's so weird about that?
    My co-worker eats dried orange peels, so she has no room to talk.

    Not weird at all. In fact, it sounds delicious

    I used to work at a fruit stand and we would eat whole tomatoes like they were apples when there were breaks in between customers. I miss that job.
  • Markus_7
    Markus_7 Posts: 165 Member
    they make fun of you because they're actually jealous/probably to weak to commit to eating healthy...good job!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I get the peppers. I like them, too. But wouldn't the tomatoes be....squishy? Like, how do you bite into that without getting tomato all over your chin?
  • chelseybennett1
    chelseybennett1 Posts: 275 Member
    Wait till your pounds start melting away then they will wish they had the strength to do the same.
  • larainew
    Very carefully. I suck out all the juice first.
  • LoseYouself
    LoseYouself Posts: 249 Member
    Yeah, I get the same thing at my work. haha. I'm definitely the "weird" one. I'm vegan and I eat extremely healthy like 80% of the time and people even think my stir-fry with tofu is weird, or meals with a large variety of veggies in it. Little do they know, I eat WAY weirder at home... like green smoothies with swiss chard, spinach, spirulina, flax, and fruit blended together. Dates, raw seeds, nutritional yeast, maca powder, hemp protein powder, etc. Now that's the kind of stuff I keep within my home so people don't make fun of me. I really shouldn't care, since everyone knows I eat healthy and have lost a large amount of weight.. but I still feel embarrassed when people talk about it as if I'm crazy.

    Just keep doing your thing! You're better off with your healthy habits! :)
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Very carefully. I suck out all the juice first.

    That would work, now that I think about it.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    I get the peppers. I like them, too. But wouldn't the tomatoes be....squishy? Like, how do you bite into that without getting tomato all over your chin?

    I buy cherry tomatoes - gorgeous and sweet - and one bite at a time ;-)
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 449 Member
    My work is the opposite. Everyone is on a crash diet of some sort - mainly the Ideal Protein Diet. If they aren't talking about what they can't eat they are watching what everyone else/each other eats. It drives me crazy. God forbid you have a "treat" or something they think isn't healthy. Ugh. Over Christmas the chocolates etc. that clients would bring in would be set in the main office. You know that every time you took a biscuit or a chocolate that they were watching and would comment. I helped myself anyway and I guess it kept me on track but I refuse to feel guilty for eating anything (I spent too many years depriving myself).
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    Good for you! People where I work make fun of me (all in good humor) because I cut up everything into bite size chunks and eat it with a fork… bananas, apples, whatever! I do that because it's less messy. Oh, and it's easier to get a bit of yogurt in every bite if I want to drop a spoonful or two on it. They also make fun of me when I take one of the "bite" size pieces of chocolate and make two or three bites out of it. Hey, I like to savor it. :bigsmile:
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    Very carefully. I suck out all the juice first.

    Vampire! (That reminds me of the Bunnicula books when I was a kid.)
  • stacy_rihel
    My husband and I both get picked on at work for our healthy eating habits. People will curl their nose and say "how do you eat that stuff". I just laugh and look at their oil soaked fries and say, "really?". I think people do it because picking on you makes them feel better because they just don't have the will power to break from the unhealthy habits that is societies norm.. It's ok for them not to eat healthy, but it is not ok for people to pick on your for caring about yourself.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    ...but I'm not too bent out of shape about it.
    I've taken to eating whole raw tomatoes and green peppers for snacks. Because they're healthy, delicious, and I'm too lazy to cut them up in the morning.
    So, what's so weird about that?
    My co-worker eats dried orange peels, so she has no room to talk.

    Mine tease me too.. they shut up when they realized how much thinner I am.. and how much more awake and happy I am than them. LOL

    don't worry about it.. just smile and tell them to enjoy their twizzlers and m&ms. (that's what mine eat LOL)

    lol i bring shelled nuts and a nutcracker to my desk.. I also eat grape tomatoes and berries straight out of the container at my desk. LOL I get that spring mix and add feta and tomatoes to it and eat it too sans dressing. Talk about looks. LOL
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Kick them in the taco.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    ...but I'm not too bent out of shape about it.
    I've taken to eating whole raw tomatoes and green peppers for snacks. Because they're healthy, delicious, and I'm too lazy to cut them up in the morning.
    So, what's so weird about that?
    My co-worker eats dried orange peels, so she has no room to talk.

    lool dried orange peels, thats pretty bizarre, its like the rubbish part of a fruit.

    I'd have to say if I saw someone bite into a tomato/green pepper like its an apple I would probably be like lol wtf.

    maybe take a knife, so you can cut up your tomato, or its there when you finally snap and need something to decapitate people with.

    stay strong. :P
  • Mrsmartin61
    Keep it up -- they are just jealous! I pass up the burgers at the burger cafe that my sis-in-law owns -- opt instead for salad and grilled chicken!

    BTW -- adorable snowshoe kitty -- how much does he/she weigh? I have a seal point snowshoe girl -- some times I catch her sitting on the scales -- she tops at 11 pounds!!

  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    ...but I'm not too bent out of shape about it.
    I've taken to eating whole raw tomatoes and green peppers for snacks. Because they're healthy, delicious, and I'm too lazy to cut them up in the morning.
    So, what's so weird about that?
    My co-worker eats dried orange peels, so she has no room to talk.

    lool dried orange peels, thats pretty bizarre, its like the rubbish part of a fruit.

    I'd have to say if I saw someone bite into a tomato/green pepper like its an apple I would probably be like lol wtf.

    maybe take a knife, so you can cut up your tomato, or its there when you finally snap and need something to decapitate people with.

    stay strong. :P

    haha.. I eat peppers and tomatoes like they are apples. LOL too funny. lol
    Vampire! (That reminds me of the Bunnicula books when I was a kid.)
    I LOVED those books!!! I probably still have them at moms! I think it was a cartoon too.. and what was that vegetarian vampire duck cartoon?? oh gosh.. that cartoon was soo funny too! Count Duckula right?? LOLOL


    .You should put a sign up on your door at work proclaiming your name to be Bunnicula!! LOL or Count Duckula! Laugh at yourself right along with them! LOLOL I would totally do that.. LOL