Calling all formerly/currently obese runners!



  • che376
    che376 Posts: 2
    Safe---yes, easy----no. I was 290lbs when I started. I had to walk after lunch for 15-20 minutes, then get on the treadmill and walk at night as well. After about two weeks my legs stopped hurting as much and the fun of jogging started to show through. I would recommend walking for several minutes then running for a minute or so. This way your body gets used to the exercise.
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    start slow and steady and you will be fine, listen to your body and don't over exert before you're ready, build slowly and gradually! I finished my first marathon at 230 lbs, certainly don't recommend that but it is definitely possible to be highly overweight/obese and a runner!
  • Snapper1985
    Snapper1985 Posts: 124 Member
    I started running when I was about 350. It definitely sucks and I'm definitely slow, but I'm already seeing improvement (dropped almost ten minutes off my 5k time since summer). As far as how safe it is, it sort of would depend on your current activity level. I'm a teacher, so I'm already on my feet A LOT. My legs have built up the ability to haul my fat but around, so the only real change was hauling my fat butt around FASTER. Just take it easy at first and listen carefully to your body. If your joints start to become painful, slow down or stop. You can burn the calories a different way if you have to, but a busted knee is going to set you back quite a bit.
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    I started running C25K 5 years ago and was 270. Dropped weight fast (60lbs in 5 months), but perhaps pushed myself to increase distance and speed too quickly as I suffered a issue called piriformis syndrome. While it shouldn't have been serious enough to completely stop me from running, I let it stop me and all that weight creeped back on over the last 5 years. so, I'm beginning again. This time I'm using a ipad app called Learn to Run and it's starting me out slowly - learning to run just 1 mile in 8 weeks time. Then I can graduate on to 5K and even 10K, if I want. I'm on week 3 so far and it's going well - no butt/leg pain. I also found a post run yoga app that I'm hoping will help keep the pain away. So far, so good. I loved running and so want to be able to do it without pain.

    Good shoes are a must and be prepared to spend $$ Listen to your body. Don't go too fast, if it gets difficult, slow down. Repeat weeks if you need to. Run for time, not distance. I know I wasn't running 5K at the end of the program, but I was running 30 minutes without stopping. That was good enough for me.
  • jillybean_75
    jillybean_75 Posts: 70 Member
    I am doing the C25K to supplement weight training and get in some cardio. I have found that I don't have any pain, necessarily, but the hardest part for me to get down is the breathing. Maybe it is all mental (I have never liked running), but it is very hard for me to get the breathing down pat in order to push past 4 or 6 minutes straight. Am I running too fast? I walk about 3.2 and "run" at 5.0, on the treadmill. I haven't tried it outside yet, because I have a little guy that won't keep up, so it's easier to use the treadmill and hit the gym where they have child care.

    Yeah, getting the breathing right is hard for me, too. I say try running slower. Yesterday I did 13 minutes at a steady 4.8 and had no problems. Yeah, it's really slow, but it's a start. Today I tried starting at 5.0 and within about 3 minutes was feeling much more winded. I noticed that my breathing wasn't as steady as it was yesterday. I stayed with the 5.0 for 6 minutes then dropped it to 4.8, then did some intervals and kicked it up to 5.0 and 5.1 for a minute at a time.

    You were soooo right. I dropped it down just a little bit and I ran over 12 minutes straight. I could have gone longer, but I had to get home to my little guy. I'm going to see how long I can go today before Zumba!! Thanks for the tip!!!
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