Are you EATING?!



  • Maggie_Pie1
    Maggie_Pie1 Posts: 322 Member
    Yes, they do. If you don't want others to see what you eat you should keep it private.

    I believe I said it is. But I had no idea that if I didn't, people would be snooping around it and criticizing it :huh: I use the diary for my own accountability. If I want food ideas, I usually go to sparkrecipes or a healthy food blog, not some random strangers food diary. no offense.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Yes, they do. If you don't want others to see what you eat you should keep it private.

    I believe I said it is. But I had no idea that if I didn't, people would be snooping around it and criticizing it :huh: I use the diary for my own accountability. If I want food ideas, I usually go to sparkrecipes or a healthy food blog, not some random strangers food diary. no offense.

    None taken. But those of us that keep it open don't care if people snoop. I don't even care if they criticize, though most people will only comment if asked. Or maybe if someone posts something like "you need to eat clean" but their diary is full of McD and Taco Bell..
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    why would I eat anything? I'm trying to lose weight, duh!
  • Kabijots
    Kabijots Posts: 218 Member
    Absolutely! I eat tonnes!

    I always try to make sure I have 4 or 5 portions of fruit and vegetables every day, plus salad. I aim for oily fish as often as possible and a variety of grains, starches, dairy and protein - all homecooked.

    Its not always a perfect diet but I try for a varied and interesting food. If I want my children to grow up with good eating habits I have to set a good example.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Okay, from viewing some people's diaries. I feel like no one is really eating anything nutritional or are barely eating at all. I've read so many skimpy diaries that I'm starting to believe some on you guys are on the verge of starving yourselves. Most people are eating, or in this case, drinking supplement or meal replacement drinks for breakfast, lunch or dinner, (sometimes all 3). I mean those are alright but you don't receive any real nutrients from them like you would from a REAL meal, with real vegies, meats, whole grains, etc. And I think that's crazy! Are you afraid to eat those things because it will put you over your calorie limit? Am I the only one who feels this way?

    I guess I don't eat.. lol.. I'm pretty full all the time for not eating. lol.

    You don't have to eat a lot to get what you need. my protein smoothie is full of healthy natural food and a scoop of protein powder. yea.. i don't like it, but i need the protein.

    I eat a lot of raw whole foods. The lasagna is homemade with all kinds of healthy foods in it. It's low in calories because I fill it with veggies.. there is still meat in it. It's a fallacy that you have ot have a high calorie count in order to eat healthy.

    You just have to choose wisely.. which calories are worth it.
  • syrklc
    syrklc Posts: 172 Member
    All my friends are eating ;) I am eating very healthy and don't feel like I am starving. Try viewing some other diaries.. Good luck :)
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I ate a pound of ground beef with some onions and feta cheese for breakfast. I'll eat again tonight if I get hungry. Happy?

    As for veggies, meh. I never liked them. Even though I was a vegetarian for years I really just lived off processed frozen patties and junk food.
  • Shmo84
    Shmo84 Posts: 2 Member
    I don't think anybody should have a calorie regimen until they calculate their BMR and TDEE. I would advise to see how many calories your body burns in a day with no physical training first. Yes they are generalizations, but will help tailor to you more accurately than I believe MFP can.
  • hoosierlad
    hoosierlad Posts: 69 Member
    I'm eating and not being a Spartan about it...things I like. Just trying to keep under my calorie count...taking into consideration what I gain through exercise. Not deprived at all .
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I eat, yes.
  • moniquedeanne
    moniquedeanne Posts: 249 Member
    I drink a veggie shake almost everyday. It's loaded with vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and on some days protein. I stick Whole vegetables in my super power blender blend them up with coconut oil, chia seeds, tofu, and whatever. It's real food I just drink it. Some of us are just busy and some of us just eat crap. I eat clean, most days, period.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    I eat all the Calories..
  • I do! When I first joined, I was doing 1200 like MFP said to... but then I read. I've adjusted my calories up and eat what I exercise (or as much of it as I can).

    This morning I had a muscle milk shake with ff milk for breakfast... on my way out the door with a screaming toddler. I figured it was better than nothing. I AM being more aware of what I'm putting in my body and trying to eat good carbs and leaner protein. (And I'm more full now than I've ever been!)
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member

    - Your liver can only break down so much protein daily. Taking in too much can lead to liver failure in the long term.
    And how much would that be for a healthy LIVER?

    - Starvation mode is when your body isn't getting enough calories and thinks its dying, so it actually lowers its metabolism so you burn less calories. It does this because it's trying to hold onto the little calories it does have. Then when you do eat food, your body tries to get the most out of it and stores more fat.
    Not really. I suggest reading about adaptive thermogenesis and actual starvation. You seem to have a muddled concept of the two.
    - Eating ONE big meal a day is hard on your organs, especially your stomach. It also tampers with your blood sugar levels to not eat for long periods of time. My aunt was a skinny fit woman her whole life, but her diet consisted of things like "Starve all day & eat an entire chocolate cake for dinner" or "Eat a big pizza, then not eat the rest of the day." Well she stayed slim, and under her calorie level but guess what - At 55 years old her stomach & colon are ruined. She's had 2 surgeries so far (That we know of).
    Not really. Certain conditions make it a less than ideal choice, but for the most part, if you have a nutritionally equivalent diet of 1 meal or 10 meals, it doesn't really matter unless you have certain metabolic diseases.
    Eat the way you were meant to eat. Your health & future depends on it. Look up symptoms of vitamin deficiencies, you may have one without knowing it.
    This I agree with.
  • Aoife_Eile
    Aoife_Eile Posts: 43 Member
    Honestly I just go by the adage of if you're hungry; eat, if not, don't. I average around 1100-1200 calories (around 900-100 considering exercise) my limit is 1490. I've gotten the starvation mode warning a few times but the way I see it, I'd rather enjoy the food I am eating, and not force on the extra 100-200 calories for the sake of it.

    But then it changes around from time to time. Some days I'm over, some days I'm under, some days I break even. No biggy.
  • SunKissed1989
    SunKissed1989 Posts: 1,314 Member
    Am I eating...not right now, but just had toast and a cuppa tea for supper mmmmm:tongue:

    I hear what you're saying though...
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    I eat about 1300-1600 depending on how many cals I burn with exercise. I have been trying to eat more fruits/veg/protein so my diary has been looking pretty good lately. Not today or yesterday but the past few weeks.
  • Poecile
    Poecile Posts: 46 Member
    I'm stuck in my parent's house, so I eat what's available in the house. If I were getting more money, I would be able to buy my own food and groceries. But I'm getting 35$ a week (if I'm lucky--next week I'm getting 0 hours), and most of that needs to be saved (student loans, passport, etc.)
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    I am short and the thinnest I've ever been (thank you MFP!) and if I eat my planned dinner I will have eaten over 1800 calories today. However, I am not finished exercising yet, so it will probably be more like 2000-ish. My ticker is going to go up another pound lost after this weekend. I'm on the brink of it.

    I can't imagine people eating 1200 or less. If that's what they want to do though, they'll just have to live and learn.
  • QuietRain
    QuietRain Posts: 157
    I eat. Some days better than others, always under [or just under] my goal and yeah, I drink protein supplements twice a day. Never in place of a meal [but depending on the time I wake up it might be listed under lunch / what I have before my workout or as what I have post workout, which I'd prefer but, some days I suck at getting out of bed] and then I have the second one as a 'snack' some hours after dinner.
    I don't want to feel like I have to eat all day to hit my protein macro. And I think they're yummy. All of my other meals are nice and filling and I believe they're well-balanced.

    So.. right. I eat and I feel good [omg energy] and I'm losing weight. Most important, I'm happy with these changes.