Why do people care about their local sports teams?



  • LittleMissNerdy
    LittleMissNerdy Posts: 792 Member
    These players honestly most of the time don't even care and would very likely hate you if you try to talk to them.

    Not here in Houston. The professional athletes her get involved in our community. They do lots of community service and donate lots of money. We support them because they support our community, even if they're not from here.

    Yup. I'd say most of the players from both our teams are very involved in community outreach including food banks, animal shelters, anti-bully campaigns, special olympics and plenty more. And that's just the stuff we hear about.
  • dtreg35
    dtreg35 Posts: 93
    I am from Manchester. I feel my explanation will suffice. :P

    No, I wonder about all you English football nuts most of all.

    Haha. I suppose here football isn't just a sport, it's a culture. You go down the pub with your mates and watch the match at the weekend... It's just what you do. :)

    when you said you was from Manchester.....i figured you was backing city..not united!!!! lol

    And supporting your home team is like supporting your country. I'm proud to be from Manchester, just as much as I'm proud to be from England. :)

    United 'Til I Die!
  • serenapitala
    serenapitala Posts: 441 Member
    I grew up in Oklahoma where at the time there were NO professional sports - so we cheered for the colleges and that is a blast

    Then 15 years ago I moved to Minnesota and went to my first NFL, NBA, NHL and MLB games over time and I can tell you the atmosphere is contagious and just FUN - also the economic impact is HUGE creates jobs, brings in revenue - the owner of a bar in St Paul sent a letter to the NHL commissioner in regards to how much the lockout was hurting his business and the overall income of downtown st paul - It means a LOT to people not only for the fun but for other reasons also!

    I didnt live in MN in 89 or 91 BUT people still have so much pride in those Twins teams its cool to hear stories and it gets you excited!

    Im a die hard Vikes fan - :sad: BUT I care because in addition to fun its also fun to see some "local" Adrian Peterson (OU grad) have great success...

    We REALLY like our sports teams :happy: When they brought hockey back I could not have been happier, then they named the team the Wild :grumble: All of our teams seem to make stupid decisions on a regular basis (except the Lynx) but we're devoted people anyway.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    It satisfies our primal need to belong to a tribe.

    This. We get more invested when there is an "us" and a "them".

    I don't care for watching sports, but I get why others do.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    Why would I cheer on a team like Green Bay? I have no affiliation with Green Bay, Wisconsin, no family there, no friends there, and never even been there.

    You're absolutely right! Just the same as why would I root for the Patriots, or KC, or Arizona??? I wouldn't...unless they were playing against a GB Rival. Even then it doesn't break my heart of they lose!

    As for the players themselves, here in GB, we're such a small area that our's can't help but get involved. They live here. We see them at the grocery stores and in the mall and at the movie theaters. But we all have enough class not to mob them or ask for autographs because we respect their privacy and right have a life outside of being a famous athlete.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    Well, one factor is the economic impact of local sports teams. For example, major sports generally boost commerce and create jobs.

    Sales tax and amusement tax revenue is generated. Bars, restaurants, and hotels see a boost in business. Local apparel vendors also do well.

    The emotional connection to local teams is also a factor.

    I will admit it, I am a fan of local sports teams, although you make a valid point and I certainly can understand your point of view.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    Honestly I have no idea why anyone else does.

    Luckily I'm from Pittsburgh and we have the greatest football team in the world. So it makes sense that I'm a fan.
  • IsabellaC45
    IsabellaC45 Posts: 137 Member
    I am from Manchester. I feel my explanation will suffice. :P

    No, I wonder about all you English football nuts most of all.

    Haha. I suppose here football isn't just a sport, it's a culture. You go down the pub with your mates and watch the match at the weekend... It's just what you do. :)

    And supporting your home team is like supporting your country. I'm proud to be from Manchester, just as much as I'm proud to be from England. :)

    United 'Til I Die!

    when you said you was from Manchester.....i figured you was backing city..not united!!!! lol

    OH HELL NO!! Red through and through!!!
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    When it's baseball season, I bleed red, white and blue.

    When it's basketball season, I bleed green and blue

    And when it's football season.... I pretend I don't live in Dallas.
    Just moved to TX from a state with little to no professional teams. I'm excited to adopt the Rangers as my American League team. If you're curious, my NL team is the Diamondbacks. I will not, however, be rooting for the Cowboys. Ew...
    Don't ever root for the Cowboys. Ever.

    The Rangers are the underdogs and I love them for it. However, if they screw up a third trip to the World Series, I'll cut them. All of them. The Diamondbacks are another favorite of mine. Just don't say you like the Braves.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Honestly I have no idea why anyone else does.

    Luckily I'm from Pittsburgh and we have the greatest football team in the world. So it makes sense that I'm a fan.
    Your baseball team is teh sux0rz.
    BACONJOKESRSOFUNNY Posts: 666 Member
    When it's baseball season, I bleed red, white and blue.

    When it's basketball season, I bleed green and blue

    And when it's football season.... I pretend I don't live in Dallas.
    Just moved to TX from a state with little to no professional teams. I'm excited to adopt the Rangers as my American League team. If you're curious, my NL team is the Diamondbacks. I will not, however, be rooting for the Cowboys. Ew...
    Don't ever root for the Cowboys. Ever.

    The Rangers are the underdogs and I love them for it. However, if they screw up a third trip to the World Series, I'll cut them. All of them. The Diamondbacks are another favorite of mine. Just don't say you like the Braves.
    The Braves? Ew... hell no.

    I've always had a thing for the Twins and Rangers in the AL. Nothing serious -- more of a mild crush, if you will.
  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member
    I actually enjoy watching a really good baseball or basketball game, but I just don't understand why anybody cares which team wins.

    Did you not get the participation trophy you really wanted growing up? Points are tallied, a finish line drawn and stat's are logged for one reason- to Win! If no one ever kept score on anything where is the incentive to get better and be better? I could go on and on...but I don't wanna...
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    OK, NEW QUESTION: How can I start caring?

    I've never played a sport and I have only watched a handful of games in which I really didn't know what was going on.

    How do I get myself to care? Seriously, I feel left out!

    To be fair, I might be beyond hope. I don't really understand religion or patriotism either. Like, why should I go around thinking my country is so great? I mean, it's pretty good, but there are probably other good ones too! And how could I believe in a religion when there are so many?
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    OK, NEW QUESTION: How can I start caring?

    I've never played a sport and I have only watched a handful of games in which I really didn't know what was going on.

    How do I get myself to care? Seriously, I feel left out!

    Buy tickets to games for you and some friends. Drink a lot of beer. Talk to the fans nearby you if they're friendly and make some new friends. Enjoy yourself.
  • FGVC1188
    FGVC1188 Posts: 122 Member
    I have never understood why people get so into rooting for their local professional sports team. It would be one thing if all the players were from your home town or something, but they are just people from all over hired to play for a team that happens to be based in your metropolitan area. If you like a player on your team one year, he could be playing on another team the following season. It's not like the team even belongs to your community - the owner can move it to another city!

    I actually enjoy watching a really good baseball or basketball game, but I just don't understand why anybody cares which team wins.

    Anyway, I would like to get it. People really seem to enjoy it!

    What are you, a stinkin commie?
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    OK, NEW QUESTION: How can I start caring?
    I've never played a sport and I have only watched a handful of games in which I really didn't know what was going on.
    How do I get myself to care? Seriously, I feel left out!

    You can't.

    KIDDING! Learn about the games. See what sport interests you the most. Go to some professional games. They're really fun!
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    OK, NEW QUESTION: How can I start caring?

    I've never played a sport and I have only watched a handful of games in which I really didn't know what was going on.

    How do I get myself to care? Seriously, I feel left out!

    Go to some actual games. SO much different than watching on TV. Keep track of wins and losses, etc. Learn how the game is played so that you know what you're actually watching.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    When it's baseball season, I bleed red, white and blue.

    When it's basketball season, I bleed green and blue

    And when it's football season.... I pretend I don't live in Dallas.
    Just moved to TX from a state with little to no professional teams. I'm excited to adopt the Rangers as my American League team. If you're curious, my NL team is the Diamondbacks. I will not, however, be rooting for the Cowboys. Ew...
    Don't ever root for the Cowboys. Ever.

    The Rangers are the underdogs and I love them for it. However, if they screw up a third trip to the World Series, I'll cut them. All of them. The Diamondbacks are another favorite of mine. Just don't say you like the Braves.
    The Braves? Ew... hell no.

    I've always had a thing for the Twins and Rangers in the AL. Nothing serious -- more of a mild crush, if you will.
    It's the underdog thing.

    The Rangers have a wonderful fan base, too. There's a few "fair weather" fans, now that they've made it to the World Series twice, but the majority of us are die hards that have loved that team for a LONG time.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,252 Member
    For me its different. I don't route for the hometown team. I live in Miami and I'm a JETS fan... Why cause my mom is from NY amd brain washed in utero. Also I remember watching football every sunday with the whole family. Football season is family time in my house lol
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Why not cheer on the team for the area you live in or have some affiliation with? I'm a Cardinals fan because I've lived in Arizona most of my life and I cheer them on because they are our team. I'm also a Patriots fan because I lived in CT for a few years when I was young and just getting into football and they were the "local" team there. Grew up loving both teams. Why would I cheer on a team like Green Bay? I have no affiliation with Green Bay, Wisconsin, no family there, no friends there, and never even been there.

    I'm a Flyers fan and never lived in Philly. But growing up in WI we didn't have an NHL team and god forbid I like anything MN, MI or IL. :laugh: Flyers got me hooked on hockey. Now of course I live in AZ and am a die hard Coyotes fan. Flyers still hold a special place in my heart though. They are my #1B.