What do you do for a living?



  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    I'm a preschool teacher. I'm on the move all the time. We aren't like most other day cares. My students transition classrooms every half an hour. I NEVER sit. The food situation is awful though. No outside food so I have to eat the food the kids do. I'm sorry but
    I cannot survive on smiley fries and mystery meat. :(
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I am a mortgage underwriter so I am also sitting at my computer about 10 hours a day. Every little holiday we will get a "care package" from one of the loan officers that is full of candy and cupcakes and it always gets placed by my cube since I have an empty cube behind me. I know that is going to be ending soon at least since we are realining and won't be servicing that office any more. The thing that annoys me at my office is that people think the fridges in the break room are their own personal one and will fill up one of the drawers with their yogurt or bring in whole bottles of dressing so people like me that only bring the food they are going to eat that day have a hard time finding a place to put my food. One time I saw a whole 12 pack of coke in there.
  • spomaney
    spomaney Posts: 28 Member
    I'm a recruiter/admissions counselor for a university. There really isn't a normal day for me. I can spend a day at my desk, on the road, or at a school...I guess when you think about it, I'm sitting down most of the day lol.
    I get attacked on the food front on both sides. During our heavy traveling season the schools that we visit usually provide food (which can range from catered, to home-ed dishes). We all tend to gain weight during tjose months. In the office we're always doing some kind of potluck or eating at the university club (calorie central).
    I've been really good the past few months by bringin my own low-cal lunch and a 100 cal snack during my office days, and either arriving a little late or leaving early from my school visits (just in time to "accidentally" miss the buffet line lol).
  • JJ8277
    JJ8277 Posts: 1
    Im a Nightclub manager. Calorie filled beverages always available with a club full of men that want to buy them for me.
  • Dburroughs
    I'm a Trainee Public Health Engineer and i work for a consulting Engineering Company in Suffolk. The guys in the Office are always buying treats, cakes, pizzas etc every other day. So i have a mean job of trying ever so hard not to binge on these bad foods!! beleive me its hard work, but some how i manage to do it. Every morning i prepare my lunch, either mackerel salads, tuna sandwhiches, chicken breasts and baked potatoes, soup when the weather is bad. I have a protein shake every morning with my breakfast if i have oats, on the other hand some days i eat 3 scrambeled eggs oon toast and therefore enough protein in that meal, then i will have my protein shake for my midmorning snack instead. i bring another protein shake (not mixed) with me to work so i can drink it for my mid afternoon snack, or straight after my lunch time gym session if i have time at work to do so.These shakes prevent me from binging on the snacks the other guys bring into the office. My draw at work is fall on mixed fruit and nut, apples and bananas so if i do get the urge of some snack i snack on these. Plenty of water is taken on board, i find this fills me up some ways, and of course it help with diggestion and flushes my system out through out the day. I keep coffe and tea to a minimum, but its hard when my colleagues are making tea every half an hour!!! lol
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    Certified and Texas registered Dental Assistant at a Veterans Administration hospital......Giving back to our vets and LOVE my job!!
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
    I am a teacher. I find it is easier to stay on track at school, simply because I am on such a strict schedule. I eat lunch the same time every day, and I have my snacks when the bell rings. (not every bell!) When I am home, I don't have a bell or intercom to tell me when do stuff, so it is definately harder.
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I work for the transplant program at my local hospital. My job title is tissue banking specialist. I screen donors, recover donor tissues and organs, and do other things like determine suitability for transplant. I love it, most of the people in my office are very health conscious, so it's really motivating me to do better.