Need to help as what I'm doing is not really working



  • tisha_rae
    tisha_rae Posts: 216 Member
    How often are you eating?

    I had a hard time losing until I started eating many times a day - - - I try to eat six times usually eat 4 to 5.

    I eat breakfast (the hardest thing for me) anywhere between 7:30 and 9:00

    a few hours later I eat a small snack - I do mean small a handful of nuts or piece of fruit or boiled egg. So say 10:30

    I eat lunch at noon.

    I eat another small snack around 2:30

    I eat dinner around 7.

    I would like to fit in at least one more snack but I seldom do. This has helped me lose more weight than anything else. It was hard to do because I felt like I was eating constantly and couldn't imagine the scale would go DOWN, but it did. Each time I've gained weight or stalled I realized it was because I was back to eating only a few times a day.

    I hope this helps!

    Good Luck! :)
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I think your food diary is too complicated with too many different ingredients to really be truly accurate. Good example 25g chips one day. Thats not much - were you trying to account for snacking at someone elses' chips? If so you could have eaten twice that, you really don't know how much you ate? or did you weight it and you ate exactly 25g chips. Just one example but of the many different foods in there are you weighing them or are you guessing. You may be eating twice the calories you think you are.

    You're doing Jillian Michaels which is a great programme and incidentally good for building muscle, its not just cardio so good stuff. Everyone gets great results with her as you will see from this website so keep at it! But 6 days a week, not only 3 which isn't nearly enough. Especially since the rest of the time you are so inactive.

    Why don't you devise a really simple menu for yourself eat the same thing every day and see what happens, you can build some consistency into your eating. eg 2 eggs on two slices of toast for breakfast, 1/2 cup rice with salad and a can of tuna for lunch , grilled white fish and greens for dinner with may a apple as a snack in betwee. keep it simple, keep it clean and keep it up with Jillian and you'll see results. And yes - CUT OUT ALCOHOL COMPLETELY.
  • jillsjourney
    jillsjourney Posts: 167 Member
    1. Sometimes we put weight on when exercising as muscle weighs more than fat, but if that is happening, you should see inch loss. So measuring is probably more important than weighing. It's hard to get your head around switching to inches as the main measure as the whole calorie/weight relationship is so logical, but I'd take an inch loss over the scales any day!

    Muscle does not weight more than fat! One pound of muscle weighs the same as one pound of fat. Just like one pound of a brick weighs the same as one pound of feathers.
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Thanks Fionarama

    I am doing Jillian Michaels 6 days a week, I was I'll on Wednesday so I had to take my rest day then but I will continue with it all weekend.

    About my food diary, it is pretty accurate as I weigh and measure most things so even when I'm out I have a good idea about the calorie content in relation to portion size etc. The day I had 25g of chips I had 3 of my partner's off his plate.

    Generally I try and eat something every 3 hours until my last meal. I am going to try staying gluten free for a while and I'll do Jillian Michaels. I am scared of gaining weight if I increase my calories and can't afford a new wardrobe if I do anyway so I'll see what happens when I cut out gluten and have had a month of weight training and if all is going well and I'm losing some weight I'll increase my calories.

    There is no point me seeing a doctor, I had a medical a few months ago and everything was normal. All the y will tell me is to eat a balanced diet and cut out processed foods, plenty of fruit and veg plus lean protein and not to eat less than 1200 cals per day.

    Hopefully after a few weeks it will kick start my metabolism again so I can eat more and I know I'll have to be a bit patient but it's hard.