May Mini Challenge



  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    Way to go to all the ladies who lost this week!
  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member
    Well.. I didn't do it... instead of losing the .5 lbs, I gained the .5 lbs. Oh well. It's a new week!
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Last Weeks weight: 180.8

    Current weight: 181.8

    I think it's water weight we'll see at my weigh in on Wednesday.
  • CherryJellybean
    CherryJellybean Posts: 204 Member
    Morning ladies..
    Couldnt get on last night..
    Weigh in
    LW 231.5
    CW 230.6 Woohooo loss of .9 :wink:

    Congrats to all the losers
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    Don't worry Heidi, it coulda been WAY worse!

    Way to go Nia!
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    my weight today was 180.4.. I'd rather go with that because it's a loss! LOL
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    I maintained this week.

    Though today I had a quite active day - went running to my client's house to let their puppy out. Took their puppy for a sprint / fast run around the block. Ran home. Then went to the gym to do some heavy lifting - came home. Rested for a little while / did chores.. then went to the barn and rode my horse and worked with him some. Talk about a long day. I feel like I am going to pass out now at 8:20pm!

    So, I am going to take a hot shower and maybe I will pass out. :tongue:
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    I normally weigh in on Wednesdays but forgot yesterday, AND I forgot it was St. Patrick's Day (and I'm Irish!) :noway: My mother would be so ashamed if she knew. :cry: I think it's this time change thing, I've never been effected like this in the past by it but its really kicked my butt this year! I think because it's so much darker when I get up I just don't want to leave my bed. Oh well, hopefully I can catch up on some sleep this weekend and feel better next week!

    I did get on the scale this morning though and was up 2 lbs :frown: Oh well, I plan to work it off by next week and I know I will. I've been slacking a little this past week due to my tiredness and I haven't had the proper foods at work and at home. I went shopping last nite though so I'M ALL SET!

    Hope all is well with the rest of you!
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    March 5: 167
    March 12: New scale 167 old scale 165
    March 19: 166.4
    March 26:
    still working on losing my weight:happy:

    contgratulations to everyone on your loss :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    I finally broke into the 170's this morning! Hooray! I've been craving alot of sweet stuff lately, I've been trying to work it into my food diary. I've been trying to eat more vegetables, I know I don't get my however many servings it is a day, but I'm working on it. Instead of eating candy I should really be eating fruit, but that's not what I'm craving, I'm craving cakes and cookies. I don't know what's been up with me the past few months, getting these cravings. In January it was waffles , it was just about all I'd eat a day. It's so hard to walk past the 100 calorie snack packs at the store. I'm trying though.
  • CherryJellybean
    CherryJellybean Posts: 204 Member
    Morning ladies.. hope all is well

    Lw 230.6 CW 229.8 lost of .8 :D

    Welcome 220's love seeing you but ill love getting away from you better woohoooooo :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Happy Moday everyone. I hope you all had a great weekend.

    LW 175
    CW 172

    I lost 3.0 pounds this weeek. It was a good week. I am just afraid it willl all come to a crashing stand still any moment.
  • Sebastiansmommy
    Start~154.... 3/15~153.5 ... Today~150 ... May1st~145... 3.5lbs loss!
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    YAY for the losses! I maintained this week, but I've been sick since Thursday so thats why I haven't been getting in the gym. Went to the dr. this morning and once the antibiotics kick in I'll be back to my workout grind! Hope everyone has a good week!
  • ReneDavidson
    ReneDavidson Posts: 86 Member
    Maintained this week...ugh, but it's a new week...Here's to better eating and doing the exercise..
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    WTG on the losses!!! :smile:

    I am down .5 lbs. from last week!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Maintained this week. Continuing with heavy lifting this week. :smile: I am hoping my week vacation next week will assist in "reseting" my metabolism.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    I totally forgot to do my weigh-in today. Sorry!
  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member
    I weighed in last night, but didn't have a chance to post. Down 1.3 lbs this week. Hit two milestones :bigsmile: over 70 lost (70.7) and into the 130's (139.6) FINALLY!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I weighed in last night, but didn't have a chance to post. Down 1.3 lbs this week. Hit two milestones :bigsmile: over 70 lost (70.7) and into the 130's (139.6) FINALLY!

    woohoo way to go. Impressive.