I want to loose weight..



  • gleechick609
    Lift. Lift heavy. Cardio is pointless.

    Wrong. Just plain wrong. Cardio is the best thing you can do for your heart, along with eating healthy.

    Have you seen what regular runners look like? They look so lean and healthy!

    Strength training should definitely be a part of your routine for maximum calorie burn. But you can also bulk up like crazy if over do it.

    Do you know why we look so lean and healthy? Most of us lift weights or do some kind of strength work :wink:

    Women do not produce enough testerone to bulk up unless they are hiding a nut sack (as someone previously mentioned).
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    Lift. Lift heavy. Cardio is pointless.

    Wrong. Just plain wrong. Cardio is the best thing you can do for your heart, along with eating healthy.

    Have you seen what regular runners look like? They look so lean and healthy!

    Strength training should definitely be a part of your routine for maximum calorie burn. But you can also bulk up like crazy if over do it.


    the "bulky" stuff... AGAIN.


    I focused on cardio for a decade and focused on lifting for a year. Nothing has made me bulky.

    It really depends on the body type. You can't say that you haven't seen women who bulk up from heavy weight lifting. I've seen it happen first-hand.

    ....I haven't seen anyone do it who wasn't busting her bum for it, eating protein for it, training hard for it, and TRYING to bulk up. No. Except maybe one person who has a hormonal imbalance in which she has too much testosterone. In which case, yeah it can happen. But you can also be born with six fingers, sooooo.....I think we should set the medical anomalies in a different category than just "women" in general.
  • mallen404
    mallen404 Posts: 266 Member
    -First, go to the website I listed before (a friend just gave it to me and its great) and calculate your TDEE. Once you have that number, subtract 20%. That should be the amount of calories you eat, however, if you skip the gym, make adjustments and eat less calories.

    -Next, go to the next website and calculate your BMR. Never eat below this number.

    -Lastly, start strength training. Lifting weights will help you lose the weight you want to. All the cardio is great, but you will have to continually increase the amount you do to get the same results. Try a bodypump class or a circuit training class if you do not feel comfortable going out in the "big boys" area at this time. But strength training is important for long term weight loss.

    ^This. I'm willing to bet a box of chickens (live, high quality) that you aren't eating enough.

    I went to that link and it told me to eat 1905 calories a day.. I would be overeating if I was eating that much!
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member

    Do you know why we look so lean and healthy? Most of us lift weights or do some kind of strength work :wink:

    Women do not produce enough testerone to bulk up unless they are hiding a nut sack (as someone previously mentioned).

    ^ thanks for this.

    I actually came to weight lifting from running- to protect my knees.

    And I'm glad I did!

    I still love running, tho. And i love how effective HIIT can be!
  • mallen404
    mallen404 Posts: 266 Member
    Lift. Lift heavy. Cardio is pointless.

    Wrong. Just plain wrong. Cardio is the best thing you can do for your heart, along with eating healthy.

    Have you seen what regular runners look like? They look so lean and healthy!

    Strength training should definitely be a part of your routine for maximum calorie burn. But you can also bulk up like crazy if over do it.


    the "bulky" stuff... AGAIN.


    I focused on cardio for a decade and focused on lifting for a year. Nothing has made me bulky.

    It really depends on the body type. You can't say that you haven't seen women who bulk up from heavy weight lifting. I've seen it happen first-hand.

    Strength training and Bulking up are completely different.. maybe you should read a book on it.

    YOU WON"T BULK UP!!!!!!!!!! I am getting SMALLER from doing strength training exercises.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I went to that link and it told me to eat 1905 calories a day.. I would be overeating if I was eating that much!

    ...according to?
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    So I have been dieting since Jan. 3rd, more of a lifestyle change and an eye opener, keeping my calories around 1200, drink 64 ounces a water typically, and going to the gym and running on the elliptical and the stationary bikes.. And going to Zumba 3x a week.. Please dnt make me feel bad with any rude comments.. Please use tact.. I have seen some weight loss.. But just I'm not patient.. Am i seriously going to have my body back before summer?...

    Things I have changed in my daily routines:
    I use to not go to the gym and now I'm in the gym all the time
    I use to drink 2-8 cokes a day.. and I haven't had a coke since Jan. 3rd
    All I drink is water
    I use to never count calories, or carbs.. Now I count them and count my sugar intake..

    Is there anything in the gym I could be doing that will help me get my results?

    1200 calories is too low for a lot of people. You don't have a massive amount of weight to lose, and you're exercising, so there's good chance that 1200 is too low for you. Large calorie deficits can be counter-productive. What kind of body are you hoping to have by the summer? If you want to see some muscle definition (ie "toned", not "bulky") then I'd definitely recommend strength training, as heavy as you can. You won't get huge, especially as you're eating at a calorie deficit. I'd also recommend eating more than you are doing now.

    As far as patience goes... seems to me if it's really a lifestyle change, and not just a diet, you wouldn't need to be patient, you'd just be living your life. :flowerforyou:
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    While it is a good idea to have overall goals, I don't recommend basing them on a time-frame. I wanted to lose 82lbs in a year, and when I got to a year and had "only" lost 50lbs, I was really disappointed in myself.
    I should have been really happy and proud, 50lbs is a lot of weight! But because I had set a time-based goal, I had set myself up for failure.

    Set yourself a goal size, like "I WILL be a size 8 again" or whatever size it is you're aiming for! Put away $30 for every 10lbs you lose and then go buy yourself a new dress/new bikini/new killer heels when you hit goal.

    Think of other ways to motivate yourself than time limits.

    Also, eat moar food! TDEE-20% will get you results and you will feel much healthier and happier.
  • asizesix
    asizesix Posts: 134
    I really didn't know that testosterone had so much to do with it. Thank for the info.

    I should also clarify, I did exaggerate when I said "bulk up like crazy"... didn't know you guys would get this defensive about it!

    There's a reason I still have 40 lbs to lose... geeeez people!
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    I really didn't know that testosterone had so much to do with it. Thank for the info.

    I should also clarify, I did exaggerate when I said "bulk up like crazy"... didn't know you guys would get this defensive about it!

    There's a reason I still have 40 lbs to lose... geeeez people!

    Thanks for this. I suppose we do tend to have knee jerk reactions because its a really common misconception about ladies lifting heavy that is perpetuated by the fitness industry and just drives us nuts.