i love my cheese



  • citizencrp
    citizencrp Posts: 228 Member
    EAT THE CHEESE! ENJOY. this is life, not prison.
    I eat cheese every day. It's a filling and satisfying food that I enjoy, therefore I incorporate it into my menus.
    I eat 1/2 - 1 oz of good Parmesan in my oatmeal every morning and often have a second serving later in the day of cheddar, string cheese, buffalo mozzarella, or Feta. It's one of my main protein sources.

    Make sure your calorie setting isn't too low, and you shouldn't have a problem finding room for daily cheese.
  • Tardis2013
    All of my friends live in the dairy department. I am just going to try to avoid it for a while.
  • trollsb
    trollsb Posts: 35 Member
    I dislike cottage cheese with a vengance, and the "light" singles/plastic cheese just aren't fun. I have found however per 100g that bocconcini is less calories than those plastic cheese slices and it behaves like cheese should so works well on the pizzas i make on ultra thin flat bread.

    Cherry Bocconcini - 193kcal for 100g 15%fat
    which I would never eat that much at a time it'd be more than half the tub! I find a tub is more than enough enough to make 2 wrap sized pizzas.

    The other cheese I found for putting on wraps and the biscotte toasts and in salads is

    Lebanne (Yoghurts cheese) - 91kcal for 100g 5.7%fat
    it comes in various flavours and you drain the oil it sits in. , it has a slightly yoghurty taste but is much better than cream cheese
    and it is also almost half the calories compared to light sour cream, and a little less than greek style yogurts
    it doesn't melt on pizza, but spread out and then less of the bocconcini it makes for very tasty but quite low calorie option.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Mmmm....cheese...wait, what were you saying?
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    I understand your dilemma! Just use like you normally do, but cut back on the portions. I use about 1/4 what I used to on burritos, for example. I used to use a lot. Put cheese down first and last! A lot of it too! I love cheese and french bread as a meal. I do not allow myself to eat nearly as much as I used to. Tht is all I can say. I will never give cheese up unless it is a sacrificial prayer for a time.
  • Running_Mascara
    Im with alot of other people
    If you love it, still include it in your diet
    Just be smart about it
  • marsviolet
    marsviolet Posts: 79 Member
    one trick I use is shredding my own with a small grater. It makes 1 ounce go so much further than a chunk or even pre-shredded. So much more flavor and spreading for the same calories. I also use 2% when I can, and sometimes laughing cow light wedges.
    Just portion and stay to an ounce!

    I agree with this!! :):) Grating it makes it go A LOT further. And it just looks like more too lol. I will never give up my cheese!!!! :D
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    It's saturated fat.

    I've never seen a 70% saturated fat cheese, nor is cheese normally all saturated fat - cheddar is about 30-35% fat of which about two thirds is saturated and about a third is monounsaturated (like olive oil or avocados!).

    Nor have I. Even saturated fat can be healthy for you in moderation, as long as you're not scarfing a million grams of saturated and trans fats down your throat you'll be good.

    So eating fat that raises bad LDL cholesterol is beneficial for the body how? Thanks!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    one trick I use is shredding my own with a small grater. It makes 1 ounce go so much further than a chunk or even pre-shredded. So much more flavor and spreading for the same calories. I also use 2% when I can, and sometimes laughing cow light wedges.
    Just portion and stay to an ounce!

    Agreed. Its the only way!
  • pondmermaid
    pondmermaid Posts: 43 Member
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    I had 1 oz. of Jarlsberg swiss and 4 oz. of precious mozzerella stringers today, then washed that down with 16 oz, New York. For me, fat is good, carbs are bad.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    What's fattening about cheese in moderation?

    the fact that its basically mostly fat.

    But it is quite high in protein and it is extremely satisfying. There is also some evidence that it has a positive effect on many health parameters--including being an obesity fighter, believe it or not. I eat cheese almost every day and I never go over in my calories. But then, I eat a lower carb diet and I never eat sugar (which is metabolic poison).
  • veggiegirl113
    What's fattening about cheese in moderation?

    the fact that its basically mostly fat.

    But it is quite high in protein and it is extremely satisfying. There is also some evidence that it has a positive effect on many health parameters--including being an obesity fighter, believe it or not. I eat cheese almost every day and I never go over in my calories. But then, I eat a lower carb diet and I never eat sugar (which is metabolic poison).

    This!! ^^ Watch the move Fat Head - i just watched it and it made me rethink the way I look at food. Seriously.
  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    If you love it, you should have some. What has worked for me is portion control. I only buy cheese that is reduced in fat and pre-packaged in small amounts. My choices are babybel lights and laughing cow light. I get some dairy, which is good for me, and I don't feel like I've totally deprived myself of cheese altogether. Its easy 'grab and go' protein too!
    Also, have found fat free cottage cheese and quite enjoy it as well.. but I limit it due to the high salt content.
    All the best!
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    What's fattening about cheese in moderation?

    the fact that its basically mostly fat.

    What's wrong with that?

    It's saturated fat.
    Didn't you get the memo? Saturated fat isn't the devil anymore, that's trans fat now.

    In addition, grass-fed cows produce dairy that is rich in alpha linoleic acid---a potent spur to the metabolism.

    Eating fat in moderation is part of a healthy diet. We eat approximately the same amount of fat as our thin ancestors---but we eat a lot more carbohydrates (in the form of added sugar). The steep rise in obesity perfectly tracks the increased consumption of sugar. In 1900, the average person ate less than 5 pounds of sugar per year---now the average person eats 150 pounds of sugar per year! Sugar makes us fat and it makes us sick.
  • Amazonbella
    I love love love cheese!! I switched over to laughing cow cheese because you can get it in different flavors and it seems to curb my craving :)

    I also use the Sargento thin slice or reduced fat cheese is for sandwiches :)
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    What's fattening about cheese in moderation?

    the fact that its basically mostly fat.

    But it is quite high in protein and it is extremely satisfying. There is also some evidence that it has a positive effect on many health parameters--including being an obesity fighter, believe it or not. I eat cheese almost every day and I never go over in my calories. But then, I eat a lower carb diet and I never eat sugar (which is metabolic poison).

    If it's so good for you then why is only around 30% of the world population able to digest it correctly?
  • Allieko
    Allieko Posts: 8 Member
    Great idea !!
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    What's fattening about cheese in moderation?

    the fact that its basically mostly fat.

    But it is quite high in protein and it is extremely satisfying. There is also some evidence that it has a positive effect on many health parameters--including being an obesity fighter, believe it or not. I eat cheese almost every day and I never go over in my calories. But then, I eat a lower carb diet and I never eat sugar (which is metabolic poison).

    If it's so good for you then why is only around 30% of the world population able to digest it correctly?

    Anyone can be allergic (or otherwise intolerant) to a specific food that is quite beneficial to others. Eggs are a fantastic source of very high quality protein (probably the most digestible form of protein there is) but a TON of people are allergic to them.
  • Allieko
    Allieko Posts: 8 Member
    Great idea !!