Organic foods debunked



  • Sunka1
    Sunka1 Posts: 217 Member
    is soy lechitin always GMO? not eating green and blacks these days but I LOVE their chocloate. Boo hoo.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    yes they are more expensive and yes they many not be any better than non-organic products. I still feel better buying them.

    The only honest reason people buy organic foods. They feel all warm and fuzzy doing it. You can post all the logic that you want that they are no healthier, aren't even pesiticide free, and in fact in many ways can be more likely to cause sickness or disease than their non-organically labelled counterparts.

    Doesn't matter. To some people organic will always be better. Because.. chemicals.

    That last part is laughable. You don't hear about all the food recalls for listeria and salmonella coming from the organic farms......

    They are coming from the conventional, factory farmed methods.

    I will continue to enjoy my CSA membership, happily work on the farm getting Vitamin D from the sun and eat my organic produce when it is delivered to my door every Wednesday during the growing season.

    Again, this. Organic is now conventional. That is what big business will do.

    I purchase very little from big business, so it doesn't apply to me or my household. The few things produce wise I buy from the grocery store is conventional (bananas, citrus fruits, thick skinned produce).

    My CSA is not big business at all. They only allow about 300 memberships per year and everyone has to spend at least 5 hours a month working on the farm. It is part of the agreement.
  • rsacerich
    rsacerich Posts: 3 Member
    People go after organics because the organic industry has launched a massive misinformation and fear mongering campaign against conventional agriculture which is hurting farmers and consumer both, while being completely dishonest at its core.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    If you want to debug organics all you have to do is spray them with chemicals. Easy peasy, no more bugs.