I Really Need Help..



  • hopetoachieve
    hopetoachieve Posts: 19 Member
    All the time! Tonight my kids and grandkids were over and they all had Wendy's hamburgers, etc. Me...I stuck to a salad and water. Fair? No, not at all! I've had this all of my life. But, if we ate the cookies, sonic, etc. we would just gain a lot and then feel really down on ourselves later, so hang in there! You are definately not alone!:smile:
  • Just have those stupid limits set on the diary and I stay within them and barely get to 1200....I don't wanna go over plus I love exercising...just can't do both...
  • Yeah...you should consider opening up to someone. Food should never be viewed as evil or an enemy, it keep you alive. For me personally I love food. It can be sensual, it's something I love to do with those I care most about. You need to learn to re think your approach to food. It's not just a bunch of calories but something fabulous, just waiting to be explored 1000 different ways.

    I want you to read something. Go to my blog and see.
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    All the time! Tonight my kids and grandkids were over and they all had Wendy's hamburgers, etc. Me...I stuck to a salad and water. Fair? No, not at all! I've had this all of my life. But, if we ate the cookies, sonic, etc. we would just gain a lot and then feel really down on ourselves later, so hang in there! You are definately not alone!:smile:

    I disagree with this a lot! If you eat cookies or sonic you would not necessarily gain, once you understand and learn a better way of eating. Once you are comfortable with food, and your relationship with it, so you don't "binge" if you have something sugary or "bad", you can eat those foods, in moderation, and stay in shape and healthy. I eat In N Out 2 times a week, and I'm in the best shape of my life.
  • you want a cookie? can it fit in your calorie goal for today? if the answer is yes, eat one. if the answer is no, and you can resist it, great. food is not the enemy. but it can be tempting. if one cookie fits in your calorie goal, that doesn't mean two cookies do. keep it in moderation, and you'll be ok. but if you tell yourself, i can't have any cookies, i'm on a diet, then when you go off the "diet" then you'll tell yourself, i'm not on a diet, i can eat as many cookies as i want. its not a diet, its a lifestyle change. if you plan on never eating cookies again, then don't eat the cookie.
  • Yes. All of you please if you'd like, go read my blog about my story. If not, it's ok. I just want some things cleared up.
  • you want a cookie? can it fit in your calorie goal for today? if the answer is yes, eat one. if the answer is no, and you can resist it, great. food is not the enemy. but it can be tempting. if one cookie fits in your calorie goal, that doesn't mean two cookies do. keep it in moderation, and you'll be ok. but if you tell yourself, i can't have any cookies, i'm on a diet, then when you go off the "diet" then you'll tell yourself, i'm not on a diet, i can eat as many cookies as i want. its not a diet, its a lifestyle change. if you plan on never eating cookies again, then don't eat the cookie.

    It just truly is really hard..
  • JKayLaw
    JKayLaw Posts: 11 Member
    No, no, no... food is NOT evil! That makes me sad that you think that way. If you are eating the correct foods (whole and natural, not processed), food is amazing! Your body craves foods and nutrients... as well as goodies. If it is hard for you to eat a cookie, make your own from scratch with alternatives to butter and eggs and you'll feel much better mentally and physically. You must have something to look forward to or it just won't last... Promise!! I do about 80% of my meals during the week are whole, natural, and vegan. then I allow 20% to be "not as healthy." I don't gorge, but I allow myself... You have to love yourself to give yourself permission. It's ok to LOVE food.... Beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fruits, and vegaetables are your friends. :) Please take care of yourself...and don't punish yourself... :)
  • why can't you have a cookie? I have cookies...and cake. Find a way to fit it into your goals, or if you go over, it is only one day.

  • All the time! Tonight my kids and grandkids were over and they all had Wendy's hamburgers, etc. Me...I stuck to a salad and water. Fair? No, not at all! I've had this all of my life. But, if we ate the cookies, sonic, etc. we would just gain a lot and then feel really down on ourselves later, so hang in there! You are definately not alone!:smile:

    I disagree with this a lot! If you eat cookies or sonic you would not necessarily gain, once you understand and learn a better way of eating. Once you are comfortable with food, and your relationship with it, so you don't "binge" if you have something sugary or "bad", you can eat those foods, in moderation, and stay in shape and healthy. I eat In N Out 2 times a week, and I'm in the best shape of my life.

    How do you stay under limit though?!?!
  • No, no, no... food is NOT evil! That makes me sad that you think that way. If you are eating the correct foods (whole and natural, not processed), food is amazing! Your body craves foods and nutrients... as well as goodies. If it is hard for you to eat a cookie, make your own from scratch with alternatives to butter and eggs and you'll feel much better mentally and physically. You must have something to look forward to or it just won't last... Promise!! I do about 80% of my meals during the week are whole, natural, and vegan. then I allow 20% to be "not as healthy." I don't gorge, but I allow myself... You have to love yourself to give yourself permission. It's ok to LOVE food.... Beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fruits, and vegaetables are your friends. :) Please take care of yourself...and don't punish yourself... :)

    Check my diary and see. I try so hard. :(
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    It seems most people here say "Go ahead and have a cookie!". For me, this has not been a good answer. Over many years, I have learned that "cookies" (or similar food) are a trigger for me. If I eat a cookie, I can only think of how good the next one will taste. The next thing I know, all the cookies are gone. Then, I seem to have given myself permission to say "Well, I've blown my diet; may as well continue to overeat for the next week or two." When I avoid sweets, I gain a measure of control. I don't keep them at home, so I control my environment. If I'm out and someone offers me a piece of cake, I'll say "Maybe later". Inside my head, I say "I know what that cake tastes like, so I really don't need to eat it!" Good luck on your weight-loss journey!
  • It's not the food's fault. Food is never evil. People choose to eat in excess and that's where the weight gain happens. Moderation is the key. If you eat within your calorie limits, you will not gain weight. You can't resist a cookie every single day of your entire life so why be so strict now? Make food your friend, enjoy things in moderation, and live your life happily.

  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    All the time! Tonight my kids and grandkids were over and they all had Wendy's hamburgers, etc. Me...I stuck to a salad and water. Fair? No, not at all! I've had this all of my life. But, if we ate the cookies, sonic, etc. we would just gain a lot and then feel really down on ourselves later, so hang in there! You are definately not alone!:smile:

    I disagree with this a lot! If you eat cookies or sonic you would not necessarily gain, once you understand and learn a better way of eating. Once you are comfortable with food, and your relationship with it, so you don't "binge" if you have something sugary or "bad", you can eat those foods, in moderation, and stay in shape and healthy. I eat In N Out 2 times a week, and I'm in the best shape of my life.

    How do you stay under limit though?!?!

    Sometimes I don't stay under my limit, but I understand this is a marathon, not a sprint, so not being under every so often, isn't a big deal in the long run. I also understand how to space out my meals, days I know I want to eat something higher in calories, I have smaller lunches, or put it on a heavy work out day. I also know that eating more, going for small, steady weight loss, is smarter for my mental health than go for the big 2lbs losses that make the 1200 cal limits.
  • It seems most people here say "Go ahead and have a cookie!". For me, this has not been a good answer. Over many years, I have learned that "cookies" (or similar food) are a trigger for me. If I eat a cookie, I can only think of how good the next one will taste. The next thing I know, all the cookies are gone. Then, I seem to have given myself permission to say "Well, I've blown my diet; may as well continue to overeat for the next week or two." When I avoid sweets, I gain a measure of control. I don't keep them at home, so I control my environment. If I'm out and someone offers me a piece of cake, I'll say "Maybe later". Inside my head, I say "I know what that cake tastes like, so I really don't need to eat it!" Good luck on your weight-loss journey!

    check my blog and I live with two people who eat everything they want and I feel alone in eating healthy...buy my own food even and it's hard to support myself
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    why can't you have a cookie? I have cookies...and cake. Find a way to fit it into your goals, or if you go over, it is only one day.
    Just don't think I earned it. Never do.

    So, you want to reward yourself with food? Like a dog?

    Really though, imo the only way to take the weight off and KEEP it off forever is to find a way of eating you can live with....forever. If you 'diet' then when you stop 'dieting' you'll gain weight. There's no reason you can't fit a cookie or two into your day and move on.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    why can't you have a cookie? I have cookies...and cake. Find a way to fit it into your goals, or if you go over, it is only one day.
    Just don't think I earned it. Never do.

    You dont have to earn food you love - just fit it into your calories and keep to moderation...
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Your mindset is very much like a person with an eating disorder. I hope that you will talk with a therapist about this problem because it's a very important hurdle you MUST get over if you ever hope to maintain a healthy weight. Food is NOT evil and it's NOT the enemy. This applies to carrots and chocolate and french fries. . . you get the idea. Furthermore, you are worthy of all the good things in life, just as much as any other person. You deserve to enjoy food! The trick is learning how to balance the fun with healthy eating to take good care of yourself. When you are on a very restrictive eating plan, including a diet where you aren't eating enough calories, you are handicapping yourself and making it harder for yourself to learn the eating habits that will enable you to live happily and healthily after you reach your goal weight.

    I hope that you are able to find healing and end up on a happier, healthier path to your goal.
  • The limits on here are what's throwing me off...if I could eat anything, workout and still lose, I'd be ok..I look at things and check labels for everything...
  • Your mindset is very much like a person with an eating disorder. I hope that you will talk with a therapist about this problem because it's a very important hurdle you MUST get over if you ever hope to maintain a healthy weight. Food is NOT evil and it's NOT the enemy. This applies to carrots and chocolate and french fries. . . you get the idea. Furthermore, you are worthy of all the good things in life, just as much as any other person. You deserve to enjoy food! The trick is learning how to balance the fun with healthy eating to take good care of yourself. When you are on a very restrictive eating plan, including a diet where you aren't eating enough calories, you are handicapping yourself and making it harder for yourself to learn the eating habits that will enable you to live happily and healthily after you reach your goal weight.

    I hope that you are able to find healing and end up on a happier, healthier path to your goal.

    Thanks for that.