

  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    I will never understand why people worry so much about what OTHERS are doing.
  • peter236uk
    peter236uk Posts: 140 Member
    course i am
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    So, write out 100 times:

    You're not Your
    Separate not Seperate
    Lose not Loose
    Definite not Definate

    - then, and only then can you possibly hope to lose any weight, apparently

  • kerrylee54
    My diary - my choice.
  • Drop_it_Like_Its_Hawt
    Not everyone wants people to see their uncontrollable habits.


    LOL, this cracked me up FAR more than it should have!

    On a serious note, I do keep my diary open, but don't expect others to. The whole fear of being judged thing ran deep with me for awhile, and I can't honestly just expect people to automatically trust me NOT to judge them on their food choices, especially if, like me, they had a lifetime of people making constant judgements and "helpful" comments about what they should be doing differently all the time (and believe me, not even half of the advice I got in the past was good advice). For those friends who have open diaries, I've very, VERY seldom made any comment on it unless specifically asked, because I respect that they're doing what works for them, at this moment. So far the friends I've chosen have given me that same respect.
  • Crystaleyed
    Crystaleyed Posts: 229 Member
    I am not sure why people hide there food diary as advice can help and lets be honest if your fat and overweight like i was you need to be honest with yourself.

    This might seem harsh but come on people I found being honest with myself one of the biggest steps. I use to lie how fat I was to people and myself.

    I completely understand what your saying and for some people opening up the food diary and being honest is the best thing. I personally don't open mine up because I am prone to binge eating episodes and I would not like someone who doesn't understand my eating disorder to give me advice on what to eat, not because I think I'm better or anything, but simply because they don't understand how my body relates to food.
    I do like looking in other people's, to get ideas for myself for what to eat and I think it's all about how comfortable you feel with it. If you're comfortable and happy to open up your diary then that's amazing :D.
  • alijane9
    alijane9 Posts: 67 Member
    No sorry I am here read back you can see lots of replies and post another sad person who need to attack instead of joining a proper debate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am not sure why people hide there food diary as advice can help and lets be honest if your fat and overweight like i was you need to be honest with yourself.

    This might seem harsh but come on people I found being honest with myself one of the biggest steps. I use to lie how fat I was to people and myself.

    Surely you have your answer now? Where have you gone? Post and run? It's not the first time that this topic has been posted and for some obscure reason it's probably not going to be the last time I decide to read through the entire thread. In fact, got so engrossed I can't remember why my diary isn't open for every weird, over-opinionated pseudo-expert to have a browse through. Oh yeah. There it is...

    Oh, was it another debate? I wasn't attacking, just giving my reasons, sorry you feel that way. Must have missed your responses on page x. And yes, you might think I am sad, but that is your opinion, which you are entitled to. My diary is open to mfp 'friends' who are welcome to comment on it. I hope that satisfies.
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    I don't understand why people care if someone's diary is locked. If you want food ideas, go to the grocery store and stop whining about something that isn't your business.
  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    To each his own. That said, having mine open keeps me in check.
    "Do I REALLY want MFP seeing I had 12 Hershey kisses?"

    And I also hope I can give people some ideas on how to change things up if they want.
  • jiggy_gibby
    Because someone might come along and ask me why I logged something twice- do I not know how to change the amount of servings to 2 if it is really two? ;)

    Generic - Mug of Tea - Semi Skimmed Milk, 1 Sugar, 1 Mug 35 14 1 1 15 5
    Mcvitie's - Classic Rich Tea Biscuits, 1 biscuit 38 6 1 1 0 0
    Generic - Mug of Tea - Semi Skimmed Milk, 1 Sugar, 1 Mug 35 14 1 1 15 5
    Mcvitie's - Classic Rich Tea Biscuits, 2 biscuit 76 12 3 1 0 0
  • cole_ashleyy
    cole_ashleyy Posts: 104 Member
    Reasons I lock mine:

    I'm recovering from an eating disorder- if I eat a normal amount, I may sometimes feel embarrassed by it. If I don't eat enough, I need to know because I need to know when to up my intake, but I don't want to trigger anyone else on here with an eating disorder. My log is for me. I can still see it and know where I need to improve... it's not about being honest with yourself because I can still see it. And I don't think it's much of anyones business to know exactly what I'm eating specifically every second of everyday... if someone asks me about a specific meal or recipe, I have no problem sharing... but it's too scary for me to let people in that much and to be able to see my daily intake.
  • ericarae33
    ericarae33 Posts: 211 Member
    I have mine set to just friends can see. I don't mind sharing it, but I also don't want to show it to everyone in the world.

  • lisa9803
    I think with almost 200 replies it quite a surprise that people feel the need to be insulting. I guess ether some people have personnel issues or have been insulted.

    I might start another thread about the American diet of processed junk how about that little number that should set the hares off running !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    Agree - I have lost more weight than at any time in my adult life in three weeks just by knowing that my friends are watching and commenting and supporting me.
  • peter236uk
    peter236uk Posts: 140 Member
    That's excellent very well done and that is what I meant really its about supporting each other if we can. Of course what we eat is our choice and our choice alone.
    However I think some us like some help and support . I like my food and the odd tipple and do not want to eat like a rabbit. I want a healthy diet with plenty of exercise. Its worked for me.

    Agree - I have lost more weight than at any time in my adult life in three weeks just by knowing that my friends are watching and commenting and supporting me.
  • AnnasGrammie
    AnnasGrammie Posts: 13 Member
    i haven't made mine public because unless you know what diet plan I'm following, it wouldn't be understood. I am doing the Mayo Clinic diet and while you count calories, you do not count any fruits or vegetables in your calorie intake. So to look at my food diary would look like I'm not eating any fruits or veggies, which isn't the case.
  • swagner73
    swagner73 Posts: 43 Member
    one of my friend's has hers locked. she says she writes personal notes on the diary on some of the days. she doesn't want those publicly visible because they are only for her to see. so her profile stays locked... seems like a good enough reason to me.

    Same here. This is the reason mine is not public. I note EVERYTHING on my food diary -- moods, stress level, anything during the day that might have affected my food choices.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    I even noted the Domino's Pizza we had as part of a Team Building event before taking the staff 10-pin bowling. 10 pin bowling should be banned! It hurts my knees and bruises what is left of the tattered remnants of my ego. I let my nurse bet me, of course.
  • lilmiss_sunshine29
    lilmiss_sunshine29 Posts: 136 Member
    Mine is set so that only my friends can see it. With some of the arguements on here about nutrition what to eat, what not to eat, I don't need to invite that into my daily food journal. I have the support of my friends and I am not looking for it from strangers.

    i couldn't agree more.:smile:
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    you diary starts as private some people just dont change it