Why girls shouldn't lift weights like men - disgusting hey?



  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member

    i wouldn't want to look like that

    Not for me either.
  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    honestly, lets just DROP IT. everyone has their own opinion, no one cares anymore
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member

    We eat like we do due to blood glucose and insulin levels. This is controlled by our diets.

    That and millions years worth of evolution telling us to choose food with the highest calorific reward for the least calories expended.

    A calorie surplus is something that has only become available in the first world in the latter half of the 20th century - this is why we have to replace nature limiting our available nutrients and work it out for ourselves.

    Take a look at some of these articles. This tribe has an abundance of food but they do not count calories, nor have the means to do so. None of their population suffers from obesity, heart disease, diabetes, etc. http://wholehealthsource.blogspot.com/search/label/Kitava

    Doesn't say what the mortality rate is, they may die for the most part before they exhibit signs of these diseases. As far as I can see, the foods that they have an abundance of are all lean protiens, nuts and fruits. Pork is eaten rarely. It would make it hard to overeat even if they wanted to.

    I suspect they are mostly active a lot of the time and as such burn a lot of calories. Doesn't say what daylength is at certain times of year - I know sometimes in winter I have to work my *kitten* off to get all the jobs done before it goes dark...
  • ag_3
    ag_3 Posts: 1
    I love this post!!! i think she looks great!!! I dont feel like she looks too masculine at all! she looks healthy, not starved like most women aspire to look like.. jusss sayin :P
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Natashaa1991 - each to their own. I don't understand why you have to come and post this on the thread which is promoting healthy living and lifting, however?

    Does no cardio = "heatlhy living". The cardiovascular system is arguably as important as what you see in the mirror.

    Read the rest of the thread please. Don't just come on to argue - thanks.

    Oh, I didn't realize a question was arguing. My apology.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I find her to look too masculine. I don't personally think she looks amazing but she is definately in great shape. Just not what I would want to aspire to. I also don't believe in plastic surgery unless there is a medical need. I would rather see a healthy natural woman not one that has been surgically created.
    PLEASE find a picture of a man that you think she resembles. Because what I am seeing is large breasts (regardless of origin), shapely feminine legs, and a toned stomach. Her shoulders and hips are well proportioned and both are larger than her waist, a classical female trait.

    A man at a similar body fat percent looks like this man on the left:

    Notice the larger pec muscles and broader shoulders. The hips are also narrower than the waist. He also has a penis and an adams apple.

    Besides exposed abs (which all humans have under various degrees of fat), I see no similarities.
  • Bumbeen
    Bumbeen Posts: 263 Member

    We eat like we do due to blood glucose and insulin levels. This is controlled by our diets.

    That and millions years worth of evolution telling us to choose food with the highest calorific reward for the least calories expended.

    A calorie surplus is something that has only become available in the first world in the latter half of the 20th century - this is why we have to replace nature limiting our available nutrients and work it out for ourselves.

    Take a look at some of these articles. This tribe has an abundance of food but they do not count calories, nor have the means to do so. None of their population suffers from obesity, heart disease, diabetes, etc. http://wholehealthsource.blogspot.com/search/label/Kitava

    Doesn't say what the mortality rate is, they may die for the most part before they exhibit signs of these diseases. As far as I can see, the foods that they have an abundance of are all lean protiens, nuts and fruits. Pork is eaten rarely. It would make it hard to overeat even if they wanted to.

    I suspect they are mostly active a lot of the time and as such burn a lot of calories. Doesn't say what daylength is at certain times of year - I know sometimes in winter I have to work my *kitten* off to get all the jobs done before it goes dark...

    Here you go! It's very interesting stuff:
    Kitavans are moderately active. They have an activity level comparable to a moderately active Swede, the population to which Dr. Lindeberg draws frequent comparisons.
    They have abundant food, and shortage is uncommon.
    Their good health is probably not related to genetics, since genetically similar groups in the same region are exquisitely sensitive to the ravages of industrial food. Furthermore, the only Kitavan who moved away from the island to live a modern life is also the only fat Kitavan.
    Their life expectancy at birth is estimated at 45 years (includes infant mortality), and life expectancy at age 50 is an additional 25 years. This is remarkable for a culture with limited access to modern medicine.
    Over 75% of Kitavans smoke cigarettes, although in small amounts. Even the most isolated societies have their modern vices.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Natashaa1991 - each to their own. I don't understand why you have to come and post this on the thread which is promoting healthy living and lifting, however?

    Does no cardio = "heatlhy living". The cardiovascular system is arguably as important as what you see in the mirror.

    Read the rest of the thread please. Don't just come on to argue - thanks.

    Oh, I didn't realize a question was arguing. My apology.

    I say this because I have already answer that :smile:
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    I have work to do now.

    I guess my whole point has been that she looks fab and has clearly worked hard to get where she is. So what if she'd had a boob job beforehand?

    Nowhere did the op say that this is what women should look like, just that lifting doesn't make women look bulky - and she doesn't.

    He is (rightly) proud of his mussus.

    There are so many other 'look at how well I have done' threads on MFP and none of them seem to attract negative, snidey comments, and yet it seems that people think it is okay to do that on this thread. If I were the OP, I would see that as proof of how well she has done.

    I think if men had posted some of the negative comments that some women have on this thread, they would have been rightly accused of mysogyny.

    I find it kind of depressing.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    The OP touted her physique as "this is what lifting does to a woman's body." But it's not. It's what lifting *and* plastic surgery do. Body building decreases body fat and most women see a reduction in breast size. The supposed "success" this woman had included having surgical implants. Just like Lance Armstrong, it wasn't just natural ability enhanced through training and dedication. It was also the steroids and the blood transfusions. Again, something he put into his body that he did not naturally have. That's why his "successes" were nullified.

    And before anyone asks, the reason I keep commenting is because I find it hypocritical that bodybuilders are always claiming that lifting enhances the female figure when, in reality, there is a loss of womanly curves (which this OP very clearly illustrates).

    well said.

    The implants came first before she lost the weight. May I ask, what curves did she lose?

    you know what, all i said when i came in here was that she had implants, to which people jumped all over me, so i needed to explain myself. i'm not a fan of implants that look so obviously fake. she didn't "lose" curves, but someone with that low body fat percent will not have natural breasts like that. it looks very fake to me.
  • imelo505
    imelo505 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank-you for posting this! This is just the inspiration I needed. She looks amazing!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    She looks amazing and I think most women should strive for a figure like this...As for the no cardio, it's still an important part of fitness, especially for women.
    I really don't think most women should feel obligated to devote the time and energy it takes to look that way to transform their bodies. It really is a transformation, that's not a natural look for the average woman and to say that "most women should strive for a figure like this" is just as ridiculous as saying most women should strive for a size 0. Theres nothing wrong with doing either if you're doing it in a healthy way and for yourself, but most women shouldn't have to put that much effort into changing their bodies, she even has breast implants (not trying to say there's something wrong with that). There is absolutely nothing wrong with that or looking the way that she does, but your comment in particular bothers me. I'm tired of always seeing opinions on how women are "supposed" to look. We should all strive for the bodies that allow us to feel happiest and healthiest.

    I have to agree with you about cardio though, it's important too!
  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member
    I find her to look too masculine. I don't personally think she looks amazing but she is definately in great shape. Just not what I would want to aspire to. I also don't believe in plastic surgery unless there is a medical need. I would rather see a healthy natural woman not one that has been surgically created.

    She has fake boobs. That's the only surgically created feature on her. The rest was gained through dedication, sweat and tears.

    I gotta walk away from this thread...the body hating on others is just too much.

    So having an opinion about a certain body style that is anything less that she looks amazing is hate. Lol. The fact she had a boob job means her physique in those pictures was surgically created. Without the boobs she would not have the same physique.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    someone with that low body fat percent will not have natural breasts like that. it looks very fake to me.

    Not necessarily true. I would. In fact, I did years ago.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Looks great ON HER, but definitely not the look I'm going for at all.

    ETA: There's nothing wrong with not wanting this look for yourself. That doesn't mean the people who feel that way are rude or out to offend the OP or the woman in the picture. It just means that that's not a look we want for ourselves. If you post something on the internet, you're inviting commentary and opinion, and not all the opinions will be positive. I'm not obligated to praise this picture or what it represents just because it's been posted here.

    correct. you are not obligated to post praise for her look if it is something you don't aspire to. you are also not obligated to post something negative about how she looks either. If you don't like this look, if you don't want it for yourself, or if you don't get it then just back out of the thread and post somewhere else that you do like. I never understand why people post things like, "In my honest opinion, I wouldn't want to look that way." fine...then close the thread and go do something else.
    no obligation to post positively but also no obligation, or need, to post negatively. internet or not. it is just common every day decency people.

    Couldn't agree more!! Did some of you guy's mothers never tell you "if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing"?

    Very unrealistic to expect that on a forum. Also I didn't say anything mean, I'm not the only one here who said this body type isn't something I'm going for in my fitness goals. I don't see how that's offensive.

    I don't really understand this banter. While the OP's fiance's body (including the perky surgery) is my aspiration, I don't see how saying that it's not someone else's is insulting or rude. Using non-flatering diescriptions of another person's body is offensive and attacking behavior, simply saying that "she looks great but that isn't my ideal" is not offensive or insulting just a broader statement of fact. She did not opine on what characteristics were not consistent with her ideal. Most of the time the difference between a one person's ideal and another is only a percentage of body fat anyway. We all have an ideal and I think that the way this person expressed theirs was really the best possible and most non-offensive way. We've seen so many of these posts turn into figure bashing, and that's not going on here, so why can't we lay off the semantics and be respectful where respect was shown?
  • 00sarah
    00sarah Posts: 621 Member
    I'm working up to heavy lifting.... I think she looks great. I'd prefer the look without the implants, though. Obviously. Lol
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    honestly, lets just DROP IT. everyone has their own opinion, no one cares anymore

    Actually, a lot people care, people like me and other women that like to lift heavy and that are sickend by and absolutely despise the negativity caused by the body shaming that goes on from other women when they see pictues like this. It is discouraging to us and it discourages other women that might have thought about starting a heavy lifting program from exploring that avenue for themselves because of the hate they read from others. Because they wouldn't want to hear some of the things that have been posted here said about them. Be honest, would you want to hear/read someone saying negative things about your body that you worked hard for?
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member

    I have to agree with you about cardio though, it's important too!

    I haven't watched the vids of her working out, but if her heart rate was not elevated during them - I will eat my proverbial hat.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    What I want to know is why women are so obsessed with each others boobs....
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    honestly, lets just DROP IT. everyone has their own opinion, no one cares anymore

    Actually, a lot people care, people like me and other women that like to lift heavy and that are sickend by and absolutely despise the negativity caused by the body shaming that goes on from other women when they see pictues like this. It is discouraging to us and it discourages other women that might have thought about starting a heavy lifting program from exploring that avenue for themselves because of the hate they read from others. Because they wouldn't want to hear some of the things that have been posted here said about them. Be honest, would you want to hear/read someone saying negative things about your body that you worked hard for?

    This!!! It isn't ok for people to tell a woman who is obese that she is too big, so why is it ok to tell a woman who actually cares enough about her body to make herself look good in her eyes and feel good about herself, that she doesn't look good? It just isn't ok!!! No wonder why so many women have body image problems.