Come clean



  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Every time someone buys a honey bun or coke from my store, I just look at them and say, "do you even know how many calories is in that??" Then I suggest they eat eggs for breakfast and salad for lunch.

    Remind me to never go to your store. Your suggestions are unwarranted (and very easily mean) unless they ask your opinion. Join the second poster club.

    Someone point this lady in the right direction.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Every time someone buys a honey bun or coke from my store, I just look at them and say, "do you even know how many calories is in that??" Then I suggest they eat eggs for breakfast and salad for lunch.

    Remind me to never go to your store. Your suggestions are unwarranted (and very easily mean) unless they ask your opinion. Join the second poster club.

    I think she was joking.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Who else gets to the checkout at the grocery store with a cart full of fresh veges, fish and meat with little or no processed foods and secretly hopes that the cashier will comment?

    I don't. I'm pretty much oblivious to what others eat, buy or think of me. Why would I care what the cashier thinks or says?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Who else gets to the checkout at the grocery store with a cart full of fresh veges, fish and meat with little or no processed foods and secretly hopes that the cashier will comment?

    LOL....yeah....that's me, though I can't say I have no processed foods...but way more produce than I used to have. I actually have had a checker tell me, "thanks for brushing me up on my produce codes"...which I thought was pretty cool.
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    I don't really pay it too much mind if I have a large variety of things. However, I do wonder what the cashier is thinking when my items consist of, say, 2 dozen condoms, wood glue, popsicles, and peanut butter.

    Or... duct tape, vodka, nylon rope, and a cheap pink stuffed animal. And pretzel M&M's

    lmao to funny
  • pumpkinspice84
    pumpkinspice84 Posts: 160 Member
    I don't really put much thought in what the cashier thinks and I don't really look at what other people are buying either. I am usually trying to get my kids to be have, so I can hurry and get the heck out.
  • zoukeira
    zoukeira Posts: 313 Member
    I don't take too much notice of other people's trolleys, but if mine is full of junk I get a bit self conscious and have been known to put junk back :o) either that or I just pretend I'm stocking up for a party by adding a few party hats!! (anyone need any party hats I have about 1000....)
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Honestly may favorite is when I go to the grocery store right after the gym wearing a tank top and all I buy are fatty pork products, ice cream and beer. I'm like, what? I LIVE off this stuff!
  • herdthinner
    herdthinner Posts: 21 Member
    I'm so head-bent-down, avoid-eye-contact when I go out where humans are, I don't react to much of anything other than being told how much my bill is. That includes seeing what other people buy.

    I get all my produce at a produce-only store (Growers Direct), so it'd be weird to have anything BUT "healthy stuff" in the cart. Well, yeah, they have snack food there, too, but I skip it 95% of the time.

    So when I'm at the regular market, I have NO produce and a mish-mash of Stuff. If anyone notices that I never buy fruits, veggies, meat or booze, I haven't heard it. Nor would I want to!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I don't take too much notice of other people's trolleys, but if mine is full of junk I get a bit self conscious and have been known to put junk back :o) either that or I just pretend I'm stocking up for a party by adding a few party hats!! (anyone need any party hats I have about 1000....)

    :laugh: That's kinda awesome.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Honestly may favorite is when I go to the grocery store right after the gym wearing a tank top and all I buy are fatty pork products, ice cream and beer. I'm like, what? I LIVE off this stuff!

    Only in Florida.... put on a shirt!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I enjoy minding my own business and not giving a dry **** what anyone thinks about my food choices. It makes me happy. :flowerforyou:
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Who else gets to the checkout at the grocery store with a cart full of fresh veges, fish and meat with little or no processed foods and secretly hopes that the cashier will comment?

  • GO_NadZ_xO
    GO_NadZ_xO Posts: 445 Member
    I dont think you should be worried about what the cashier says.. just be worried about me coming and stealing your cart! haha!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Not the cashier- but I like to see the shame on the face of the person checking out behind me when they have a bunch sugary cereals, frozen pizzas and icecreams. Does this make me evil?

    Not evil..another word.

    <---regularly has ice-cream in her basket, feels absolutely no shame.

    Yesterday I bought Lucky Charms and Frosted Flakes.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Not the cashier- but I like to see the shame on the face of the person checking out behind me when they have a bunch sugary cereals, frozen pizzas and icecreams. Does this make me evil?

    Not evil..another word.

    <---regularly has ice-cream in her basket, feels absolutely no shame.

    Yesterday I bought Lucky Charms and Frosted Flakes.

    Do you eat all the oat bits out of your Luck Charms first and then eat a pure marshmallow delight, or is that just me?
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Not the cashier- but I like to see the shame on the face of the person checking out behind me when they have a bunch sugary cereals, frozen pizzas and icecreams. Does this make me evil?

    Enjoy your rabbit food. Meanwhile I'll enjoy my full calorie soda, ice cream, cheesecake, pizza etc and continue to get stronger and shredded.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Honestly may favorite is when I go to the grocery store right after the gym wearing a tank top and all I buy are fatty pork products, ice cream and beer. I'm like, what? I LIVE off this stuff!

    Only in Florida.... put on a shirt!

    Its even better when its a true wife beater and I'm in cut offs, flip flops and wearing my Skoal Chew cap . . .
  • Countryboy_
    Not the cashier- but I like to see the shame on the face of the person checking out behind me when they have a bunch sugary cereals, frozen pizzas and icecreams. Does this make me evil?

    Like the people behind you notice, or give a crap if they do!
  • SatchGallamax
    SatchGallamax Posts: 549 Member
    I usually hope the cashier doesn't assume I'm an alcoholic from the amount of beer I buy.

    This. I frequent the same small grocery store (where I recognize all of the employees) and it's usually on my way home from the gym... just me, sweaty, picking up bananas and beer at least once a week.