5'7 tall, what is your ultimate goal?

So I was wondering, for the ladies that are 5'7 tall, age is not that important, what is your weight goal? What is your frame?
I am 38 years old, small bones ( small frame), pear/hourglass shape, bottom heavy.... 1 daughter, 8 years old....
I started at 151 lbs and my goal is 125lbs.
What is yours?
P.S> feel free to friend me!


  • kellyh2
    kellyh2 Posts: 64
    Hi, im also 5'7 and started at 147. My weight doesnt seem to let me below 135 but looking to get to 132 for my sisters wedding in June. Just sent you a friend request :-)
  • lelaspeaks
    lelaspeaks Posts: 163 Member
    Given the ratios on Fat to Fit radio (base don current body fat percentage, etc.). I've been told that my ideal weight is 143-147, but the thinnest I've ever been was 132. I liked that weight level, but others have told me that I was too skinny. So for now, I'm shooting for 140. I'm currently 163.
  • wizbeth1218
    wizbeth1218 Posts: 358 Member
    I'm a smidge over 5'7", and my goal (right now) is 150. My initial goal weight was 165, and I am considering a goal of 140. I have no idea what is realistic for my body; I have never been a healthy weight. I may get to 175 and decide that I'm hot enough. ;)

    I'm currently 252 (officially; I weigh officially and post to MFP once a month) or 244 (on my home scale where I weigh daily). My starting weight was 315. Yikes... that's still hard to "say" out loud.

    I'm interested in seeing the other responses.
  • cindiva65
    cindiva65 Posts: 335 Member
    Im 5'7.5" and I feel good at 150-160. So that is my tentative goal for now. I will know better once I get closer and I want to build some muscle which I didnt have last time I got down to that weight.
  • Dyann_Alvarez
    Dyann_Alvarez Posts: 61 Member
    I'm 5'7' and have a medium to large frame - broad shoulders, large hands (bigger than most men!). Anyway, I'd like to weigh 160 to 165. 14lbs till there.
  • aejbx4x7s
    aejbx4x7s Posts: 111
    I'm closer to 5'9, but also have a very small frame (for the gloves I'm knitting, I had to make the 5-year-old wrist size for it to fit!). I'm at 143 now and hope to be around 130 ultimately. For some people that is low, but your frame really affects your ultimate goal.
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    5'7'', started here around 210 pounds (now 183 lbs) and my goal weight is 130 lbs.

    I choose that number because I was 163 lbs during highschool and I was pretty big then also... so around 130 lbs seems a pretty good goal. Most calculators tell me my ideal weight is around 135 lbs... but I must get there to see if it is a good goal.

    I'm 24 years old.
  • dawle77
    dawle77 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello I'm new to MFP but have been using WW for a few months. I'm 5'6" and I think my ultimate goal is 155 pounds. I can't picture myself at that weight yet. I started at 283 and I'm now at 268. I've got a long way to go but I'm all in!
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    5'7-1/2" goal= 129 lbs...
  • ajsquale
    ajsquale Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks for posting this. I'm 5'7" with a medium to large frame I'd say. My goal is to stay under 160 but preferably be between 140-150.
  • kerr319
    kerr319 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 5'7- was 155# for the longest time. Now down to 138# with a goal of 128-130 :)
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I wanted to get to 125, but I don't think it's happening. I can't seem to get any lower than 133-134. I just want to once see the scale say one twenty something, but I guess that's a dumb goal if I look and feel great in the low 130's.
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    I'm 5'7" and I'm shooting for 132-135. But I'm more interested in reducing body fat and increasing LBM.
  • stephcampbell77
    I'm 5'7 and I started at 153. I have always weighed right at 150, have always been comfortable with that weight and the way I look, clothing size, etc. However, when I signed up on here to get into better shape I set a goal of 135. I am not sure I will ever get below 150, but I don't care. All I am worried about right now is body fat percentage. Good luck to you :)
  • samnco
    samnco Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 5'7 and want to weigh 135. I got up to 168, which was a scary number for me. I'm 23 and I was letting my weight slip and I did not feel comfortable. I havent weighed in since October. Took a break for vacation this month and am now starting to get back to it!
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    59 years old. 5'7" with a small frame by the fingers-around-the-wrist test. My hands are on the small side and my thumb easily overlaps all 4 of my other fingers. I have a long legged, short waisted, ruler/banana type build and any excess fat tends to target my midsection. Starting weight: ~180. Current weight: 123, which is an OK weight for me now. 130 was a better weight for me a quarter century ago when I had more muscle.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I'm 5'8" and my goal is 145 with 17-19% body fat. I'm going more for lean than skinny.

    I have an average frame size.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    My ultimate goal is 5'10" or 5'11". So far the measuring tape hasn't budged. Any tips??
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    My ultimate goal is 5'10" or 5'11". So far the measuring tape hasn't budged. Any tips??

  • DesireeLovesOrganic
    DesireeLovesOrganic Posts: 456 Member
    I'm 5'7 too, my happy place is 130. I've maintained between 130-132 since last July. I don't seem to go lower than that but I like to eat, I'm not doing a 1200 cal diet so this will have to be good enough. LOL