RANT: Careless Weightloss Goals!



  • well Im SICK of folks saying you MUST count BMR & TDEE ( the newest & latest macros for self-imposed gurus to insist everyone follow or else fail)

    Im sick of people like the OP overcomplicating weightloss... eat a well balanced diet, take in less than you put out & exercise that includes stregnth training...you will lose weight and/or inches... SIMPLE... to hell with TDEE, BMR, counting points, calories, etc... I dont need to know or to count my body fat percentages...

    if keeping a ledger and making a grad school project out of your daily meals works for you, so be it, but dont act like its the ONLY way for folks to shed pounds....

    Bravo! Totally agreed.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    well Im SICK of folks saying you MUST count BMR & TDEE ( the newest & latest macros for self-imposed gurus to insist everyone follow or else fail)

    Im sick of people like the OP overcomplicating weightloss... eat a well balanced diet, take in less than you put out & exercise that includes stregnth training...you will lose weight and/or inches... SIMPLE... to hell with TDEE, BMR, counting points, calories, etc... I dont need to know or to count my body fat percentages...

    if keeping a ledger and making a grad school project out of your daily meals works for you, so be it, but dont act like its the ONLY way for folks to shed pounds....

    BMR and TDEE aren't macros...

    "taking in less than you put out" is really easy to say, but how can you do that without counting anything?

    As one of those nerdy, grad school types, I get tired of people whining about not getting results but not having a decent record of anything, so they have no idea what changes they need to make. If you can manage to lose weight or maintain without tracking things, that's great, but why be on a food logging website if you aren't going to count?
  • ilovescarymovies
    ilovescarymovies Posts: 202 Member
    Skinny Fat-

    To look slim, even with revealing clothes, but when touched, the touching hand sinks into fat before reaching muscle. Older people will 'show' "Skinny fat" visually, but young people have firm skin that hides it until they're touched.

    A person who is not overweight and have skinny look but still have a high fat percentage and low muscular mass. Usually those people have a low caloric diet, that's why they are skinny, but are not involved in any sports activities or trainings and that's why they don’t have any muscle. Since between the bone and the skin those people only have fat, the skin can be deformed easily because the skin layer is located on an unstable matter (fat).

    Skinny fat woman look sexy from a certain distance but they have soft jelly skin and still have some cellulite even if they are in there early 20s.
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    I absolutely agree with your post.

    I was once the person looking for the 'quick fix' and wanting to lose weight quickly. I now understand (through years of yo-yo dieting and exercise) that it is going to take a long time to get the body I want. Sometimes, it can be frustrating to see people losing weight faster than me but I am so happy with the amount of muscles and strength I have gained through weight lifting (5x5). Even though the scale hasn't moved, I am down a pant size! I have seen a huge improvement in my overall strength and energy which is the biggest boost to me. Body fat and inches is now how I measure my success.

    Thanks for this great thread! :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    well Im SICK of folks saying you MUST count BMR & TDEE ( the newest & latest macros for self-imposed gurus to insist everyone follow or else fail)

    Im sick of people like the OP overcomplicating weightloss... eat a well balanced diet, take in less than you put out & exercise that includes stregnth training...you will lose weight and/or inches... SIMPLE... to hell with TDEE, BMR, counting points, calories, etc... I dont need to know or to count my body fat percentages...

    if keeping a ledger and making a grad school project out of your daily meals works for you, so be it, but dont act like its the ONLY way for folks to shed pounds....

    Query: How does one know they are taking in less than they are putting out without calculating calories and TDEE/BMR?

    I was going to point this out, but you got to it first.

    Also, how do you know if maybe you're eating too little? I'd be a b!tch if I were hangry all the time.
  • "Query: How does one know they are taking in less than they are putting out without calculating calories and TDEE/BMR? "

    It's really easy: you lose weight.

    Oh, and you are not starving all of the time if you are eating lots of vegetables, protein, fruit and other such healthy whole foods.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Skinny Fat-

    To look slim, even with revealing clothes, but when touched, the touching hand sinks into fat before reaching muscle. Older people will 'show' "Skinny fat" visually, but young people have firm skin that hides it until they're touched.

    A person who is not overweight and have skinny look but still have a high fat percentage and low muscular mass. Usually those people have a low caloric diet, that's why they are skinny, but are not involved in any sports activities or trainings and that's why they don’t have any muscle. Since between the bone and the skin those people only have fat, the skin can be deformed easily because the skin layer is located on an unstable matter (fat).

    Skinny fat woman look sexy from a certain distance but they have soft jelly skin and still have some cellulite even if they are in there early 20s.

    Sorry, I'll take "skinny anything" over being fat.
  • SquidgySquidge
    SquidgySquidge Posts: 239 Member
    I'm going to take a few minutes and rant a little. It's that time of year again where people are looking to better themselves and set goals for weight loss. I've seen the posts all over the place with challenges folks have set for themselves or competitions with others. While all these are great, the focus doesn't need to be just on weight. If you are doing these types of things and the only marker for success is what the scale reads, you're doing it wrong! If you are eating below BMR on daily basis, you're doing it wrong! If you don't know what BMR means, you're doing it wrong! If you don't know what your BMR or TDEE is, you're doing it wrong! If you haven't taken measurements, you're doing it wrong! If you haven't calculated your body fat percentage, YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG!!!

    Posts like this just make newbies (like me) feel further deflated, like we've no clue what we're doing and people like you are somehow better than us or above us.
    You're doing it wrong, you're doing it wrong...yeah well, we're trying and joining a site like this is a big step. We're learning. We'll get there. We can't know all the 'right' things to do automatically, if we came here with all the knowledge we probably wouldn't be overweight in the first place. I understand you want to offer advice to others but posts like this are just annoying.
    I hadn't even heard of things like TDEE before I joined this site and I'm slowly working it all out, whilst trying to make some major changes in my life which isn't easy. I'm asking others on here for advice when it's needed.
    I'm very sorry that us newbies are p*ssing you off because we're not as awesome as you are just yet but please just give us some time and the ones who are truely motivated and in it for the long haul will learn all the 'proper' things to do with time, we don't need your patronising posts screaming how crap we all are.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I normally get all mad when I see someone post in a forum that people are "doing it wrong", but I actually enjoyed your rant. There is so much truth in it.

    Thanks for sharing.
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    "Query: How does one know they are taking in less than they are putting out without calculating calories and TDEE/BMR? "

    It's really easy: you lose weight.

    Oh, and you are not starving all of the time if you are eating lots of vegetables, protein, fruit and other such healthy whole foods.

    Just because you have been eating so low that you don't get hungry anymore, doesn't mean that you aren't starving your body.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    "Query: How does one know they are taking in less than they are putting out without calculating calories and TDEE/BMR? "

    It's really easy: you lose weight.

    Oh, and you are not starving all of the time if you are eating lots of vegetables, protein, fruit and other such healthy whole foods.

    What happens if I feel like a cheeseburger?
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    "Query: How does one know they are taking in less than they are putting out without calculating calories and TDEE/BMR? "

    It's really easy: you lose weight.

    Oh, and you are not starving all of the time if you are eating lots of vegetables, protein, fruit and other such healthy whole foods.

    So, if I eat all the veggies I can find as well as fruit and chicken breasts until I am no longer hungry, I will lose weight? Why didn't I think of that?

    So, a further query, Why are you using a calorie counting website if you do not believe in the counting of said calories?
  • magdalen13
    magdalen13 Posts: 62 Member
    So you mean if I do 2 hours of cardio a day, eat 1000 calories, and aim for 4 lb weight loss a week, even when I only have 20lbs to lose, I am doing it wrong??? Then after 2 weeks of no results, I will post on the forum complaining about not losing weight..

    Or even better, I will lose all my weight, and complain that I still have a stomach that doesn't look ripped and toned, and can't see my abs even though I did a ton of cardio and ate 1200 calories a day.. I am at my goal weight but I have flap everywhere...

    Seriously people.. calculate your numbers and be patient and work hard, you will get there.

    I think what some other posters are saying is that it's not everyone's goal to look ripped and toned. Some of us just want to be able to take a 10-mile hike without risking a heart attack. Maybe once we can do that, strength training will start to feel like something we can add in. But for me, right now, I need to learn about how to eat right, and get some exercise in, because previously I was not exercising at all, and eating everything in sight. It's been quite challenging enough to change my life to that point.

    Being judged because I haven't lifted a weight yet seems as short-sighted as anything. But I am still glad to hear from you all who are devoted to it, because at least now it's on my radar, where before I wouldn't have considered body fat or lean muscle mass, and certainly not things involving lifting weights or going to a gym.
  • KristyHumphrey
    KristyHumphrey Posts: 248 Member
    I'm going to take a few minutes and rant a little. It's that time of year again where people are looking to better themselves and set goals for weight loss. I've seen the posts all over the place with challenges folks have set for themselves or competitions with others. While all these are great, the focus doesn't need to be just on weight. If you are doing these types of things and the only marker for success is what the scale reads, you're doing it wrong! If you are eating below BMR on daily basis, you're doing it wrong! If you don't know what BMR means, you're doing it wrong! If you don't know what your BMR or TDEE is, you're doing it wrong! If you haven't taken measurements, you're doing it wrong! If you haven't calculated your body fat percentage, YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG!!!

    This is what people tend to miss when trying to lose weight. If you are eating a very low calorie diet, you will lose weight, not only from fat, but from lean body mass, as well. The scale doesn't tell you which one the weight loss is coming from. This is why gauging your success by body fat percentage is a better way to go.

    Calculate your BMR! Calculate your TDEE! Take 20% from TDEE and eat at that level! Lift weights and eat sufficient protein. Recommended at least .8 grams/lb of body weight. This will help preserve LBM. If you like cardio better, fine, but still find time to get in a couple strength training sessions per week.

    Lastly, don't be in such a hurry to hit some goal. You want this transformation to last. Take is slow and learn how to eat, what workouts you enjoy and what eating pattern fits your schedule.

    Word! Say it loud and say it proud! I agree w/ you :) I've been trying to convince some peeps they are just not eating enough and I try and lead them to the calculator's for BMR and TDEE.

    Well said my man :):tongue:
  • willow_rb
    willow_rb Posts: 69 Member
    While I agree with the OP's post :flowerforyou: , others may not...And my thought is : who am I to judge them? If asked for help/info, I will point them in the right direction.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    well Im SICK of folks saying you MUST count BMR & TDEE ( the newest & latest macros for self-imposed gurus to insist everyone follow or else fail)

    Im sick of people like the OP overcomplicating weightloss... eat a well balanced diet, take in less than you put out & exercise that includes stregnth training...you will lose weight and/or inches... SIMPLE... to hell with TDEE, BMR, counting points, calories, etc... I dont need to know or to count my body fat percentages...

    if keeping a ledger and making a grad school project out of your daily meals works for you, so be it, but dont act like its the ONLY way for folks to shed pounds....

    Takes about 5 minutes a month to calculate TDEE. Google it. Simple. Pouring food item into Container A with measurement, then into container B for consuming. Simple. Go to gym, estimate calorie burn (not as simple, but hey, that's what TDEE is for). BF%, don't care all that much because I'm not competing for anything other than "hey, how are you?" from my morning look in the mirror.

    It isn't complicated. It can be personally difficult, but it isn't complicated.
  • kirstyfairhead
    kirstyfairhead Posts: 220 Member
    Do all of this, if you are this guy. If you are your own person, do what works for you.

    I regularly eat below my BMR but always over 1200. I exercise fairly regularly, mostly cardio and have never done any strength training in my life. I've lost 28lbs over the last 7 - 8 months and am still losing slow and steady. Another 10-12lbs and I'll be very happy but I'm pretty comfortable with my exercise and food plan so don't see the need to make any huge changes once I hit that 'goal'.

    This is about changing my life and being happy with it not about making weight loss and fitness the be all and end all.

    I'm really pleased that your plan works for you and you are absolutely right that understanding how your body works and what your stats are is a huge help. Just don't assume its the only way!!!

    I think you will find that this will work for just about everyone barring any type of medical condition.

    You seem to miss the part of LBM.

    I'm not saying that this won't work. I have absolutely no doubt that this would work. I'm just saying its not the only thing a person can do.

    If your LBM is massively important to you then great, but different people want different things.

    some people want to be super healthy or build muscle mass or look after their heart or dump weight really quick to get into their wedding dress. I wanna look good in a size 10, be able to run down to the shops without gasping for breath and not pile my weight back on cos I just did a fad diet.

    If a persons goal is to have a BMI of 18 or look ripped then my plan is not gonna work for them but my plan (which does not fall in line with your expectations) is working really well for me and I don't think you should be coming on and whitewashing anything that is not the way YOU do it as being 'WRONG'!! This is supposed to be about motivation here!!
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    Lastly, don't be in such a hurry to hit some goal. You want this transformation to last. Take is slow and learn how to eat, what workouts you enjoy and what eating pattern fits your schedule.

    People don't realize that getting the body you want can take years.

    This! It took me about 2.5 years to look the way I do today. It is not magic, just consistency, flexibility and work.
  • Crap. I think I'm doing it wrong. What's TDEE/BMR?