SAHM 3/15 - 3/21



  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    glad for the update nicole! i forget--are you a nurse (b4 sahm life?)? just remember that a, d, e, k at fat soluble vitamins and can build up in your system (becoming toxic)--so talk to your dr abt that--what to look out for, etc.
    really glad that you have some more data to work with. enjoy your run!
  • dolphin7
    dolphin7 Posts: 192 Member
    Yes, good morning, I'm still around, just been busy, I think its because of Spring! Lots to do, kids, work at home, etc, etc, etc. Today hubby and kids have the day off, were taking a lazy morning, the when g'ma gets off work she's picking up the little one's so the rest of us can go skiing/snowboarding YAH! Can't wait. Then rest of the weekend is yardwork, it is supposed to be beautiful weather here.

    I've been maintaining as well this week, even with AF here. I've been really trying to keep my calorie intake as close to my daily allotted as possible and I think it is working, hopefully next week after AF is gone, I will show a 1 or 2 lost, that would be great, we leave for vacation in little over a week, and I need to fit into some summer clothes.

    Today I've already done the Elliptical for 30 min, snowboarding tonight, active weekend!!!

    Goals, drink lots of water and enjoy the weekend with the family.

    Hope everyone is doing well, have a great weekend!!!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Don't take this the wrong way, Nicole, but I'm so glad they found something wrong! Thyroid can definitely affect weight loss. So now that you know what the issue is, you can work on moving forward.

    Grace woke up with snot rockets again. Ugh! Didn't we JUST do this? Must teach crazy banana not to lick shopping cart handle. On the plus side, she's super cuddly, and not yet uber whiney. Unfortunately this also means she can't go to child care, and I can't get a workout this morning. Friend Jazz is unavailable today, and I was hoping she'd watch the mighty Fu while she napped so I could get a run in. Not happening until hubs gets home, which leads me into me picking Andy up from work tonight. Will go early so I can shop since his work place is in one of the business towers of the mall in salt lake. That will get a bit of a walk in, and we will grab some food. I can carbo load on salad bar and get lots of nutrients, and put in a great run after Grace goes to bed.

    It will work out.

    I already went through the restaurant's entire menu and wrote down everything I'm having. They even have all the items on their salad bar listed. I'm having half a reuben sandwich, and 3/4 of the salad bar, LOL.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Stacey- No, I wasn't a nurse and thanks for the info on the vitamins! I am really lacking vit. D....then A is next for thos vits. E and K am good on! I will talk to her about the side effects though.

    Trish- No offense is a relief to know that it's my body that is going wacky, not just my mind and how I am doing my overall eating and fitness!:tongue::laugh: Oh no! Snot rockets again? I hope this is just a minor one for Gracie!

    My run went awesome today! I did 8 miles and I felt great! I ended up doing my run in under 10 min miles, which I even walked for a minute up one of the hills out of habit ! I am actually looking forward to my 15k race next weekend! I will be running on the redwoods!:happy: :happy:
  • curliegirl
    curliegirl Posts: 191
    I am still HERE! Just insanely busy. I am off to bed after a date with hubby & a rescue of kids. DS put the suburban in the ditch. No one hurt just stuck. Luckily his uncle had a vehicle big enough to pull him out. They are on their way home now. Relieved here.

    I missed my workout to day but I took the kids to the park & walked for quite a while. It just wasn't intervals. Tomorrow--early before the day takes off I am going to get a walk in. Went to Chilis for our date & it was yummy--didn't go crazy although hubby was pulling for splitting a dessert. We just would have had to leave it cause shortly after that DS called. :)

    Tomorrow we are busy all day. Kids have a b-day part at Bonkers(think huge play place) w/ pizza for lunch(yuck). Then I have a homschool ladies tea in the afternoon(treats everywhere!) So be thinking positive thoughts for me tomorrow. I gained 1.5 lbs w/ AF this week and then lost it all by this morning. YEAH! We shall see what the next week brings--hopefully some more loosing. I had gained back 3 or 4 lbs in Dec & I am just now getting back to down.

    Goals tomorrow

    WATER WATER WATER--didn't get enough today.
    Walk early tomorrow
    Pick up & put away all the stuff laying around here

    Have a great weekend!

  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    kim and dolphin and niki--glad to hear from you all! what full lives you lead!

    i was at 1600 cals today--but i'm okay with that. much better than some of my other days in recent weeks. also, taught oldest to clean her bathroom. i told her i will supervise her again the next time, etc. she thought it was hard work (ahhh, appreciation for all that mom does :)
    also did good on my water and getting other chores done. didn't exercise :( b/c i didn't schedule for it.
    like kim, i'm going to do my walk dvd early b4 everything else gets in the way.

    we also did more crafts tonight plus a silly pre-reading game. kids decorated easter'y cookies (from target) too. i feel so good abt myself when i have these meaningful moments with them.

    kim--glad to hear the kiddos are ok. and you're sounding so calm...amazing
    good luck tomorrow--just keep that water glass nearby and some mint gum too.

    g'night ladies--:heart:
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Sorry I don't have time to comment on everyone today, but I love you all! :D

    Ended up going out to eat yesterday because my aunt is in town visiting and we all went out. Did pretty well there actually, but caved on my homemade cookies and had 3 (2 more than I wanted) :P The second one was right before bed, so while I was under my calories til then that put my over :( Hoping my weigh in today goes okay. What with the Melting Pot and then my snacking yesterday! :P

    AF has come to visit a little early, and allergies has made me a cranky mommy today! :P Poor kiddos and hubby! They seem to be surviving well though! :P

    Tonight is baked chicken, a little pasta on the side and a salad. Going to try to get some good workouts in today! :D

    Have a great weekend!

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Wow, we must be getting close as a group since we all seem to be getting AF at the same time, LOL. You know that's when you're close friends with another gal, y'all start ovulating at the same time. One of nature's more bizarre phenomena.

    Epic fail on workout yesterday. Went to pick up hubs, and broke down & took a shower there. I feel much better (and so does Grace). She & I both got a good scrub. Afterwards we got some food. I carbo loaded on healthy stuff (had half a reuben sandwich and a bunch of healthy stuff on salad bar) as I was planning on going to gym as soon as we got home. Yeah, we didn't get on free way till 9, and the gym closes at 10, and it's a 45 mine drive just to get home.

    I made up for it this morning though. Went with one of my buddies and put in a really good workout. On one of my intervals I decided that 4.0 was too slow, so I started to crank that puppy up. I think I got to 5.5 when I thought "Yeeeeehaw! THAT'S MORE LIKE IT!" Ran at that speed for a minute or two, flying along (hey, it's flying for me), then turned it down slowly. It was fun. Afterwards we hit the stationary bikes, and I sprinted the last minute of the workout at 140 rpm. I've never gone that fast before. I think I will start doing more speed work more often. I really liked it... then again I tend to be a speed demon, even just driving the car. I won't push myself to sustain the speed on the TM, I will just let it happen naturally, just like running for longer and longer intervals is happening by itself.

    Andy had to go into work today, and he has the car. So I'm bored and stuck in the house. Friend Jazz is bringing me food. I forgot to buy buns, tomatoes, and lettuce for dinner, so she's running to get that for me, which I really appreciate. I've been trolling MFP all day, but not really talkative. I tend to get kinda moody when I get bored.

    Great news on the potty training front. Andy put some pull ups on Grace at about 10 this morning, and she kept them dry till 4 when I decided to take them off & put her in some big girl undies. She's kept those dry too! I hope she can make it dry till bed time. That would be so awesome. She'd be such a potty training rock star!
    Then again, the mom part of me is concerned that she's not getting enough to drink with her cold. I've got at least 3 sippies laying around for her with milk, juice, and water, so it's not like she doesn't have the opportunity, and I keep offering them to her. Usually she is running to the potty every 5 mins, so I'm concerned, but I'm happy too. Let's hope that it's just PT'ing "clicking" and not lack of fluid.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Nicole ~ I agree with Trish, I find this to be good news! Hopefully the natural way works!

    Trish ~ Wohoo on 5.5!! Way to go!! And yay on PTg :happy: I don't even want to think about that right now...I just know Carter is going to give me issues LOL

    I didn't get a run in yesterday, but I'm hoping I will today. We had an snow storm come through, but it's supposed to get to 50 and melt it all away...just hope the wind isn't bad! But, we did get almost all of our tile down yesterday!!! One step closer to getting my bathroom back. We should be able to grout...and hopefully get the toilet back on today...I hate going across the house to pee in the middle of the's such a PITA!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi girls! the neighborhood coffee (sans coffee) was a hit! we had most people show up and they were all so glad i took the initiative to put it together. yay!

    got my 3mi walk in the am with leslie dvd.
    will exercise later today--am + afternoon busy with sunday school and bd party far from home.
    and trish--awesome on crankin' up the speed!

    hope everyone has a great sunday!
  • sassydot
    sassydot Posts: 141
    Hi everyone!

    I don't get on the computer much on the weekends ;)

    Hope you're all progressing well!

    It's always good to have an answer, having an under active thyroid isn't ideal, but at least knowing about it you can manage it and move forward. Onwards and up(down? LOL)wards from here!

    How long does it take for the water thing to have an effect? I drank lots over the weekend but all it did was make me gain 800g (900g is 2lb). Although I do wonder if my scales are rooted. i did an experiment the other day because I seem to fluctuate by a large amount sometimes, and wighed myself, went to the bathroom (and I was absolutely BUSTING), and then weighed in 200g higher?! WTF? Then I tried with shoes/without shoes and again came in higher with shoes than without. Maybe I should put a new battery in.

    Anyway Saturday morning, before the water drinking, I weighed at 75.1kg so I've put that down as my weight this week rather than today's 75.9 as I can't possibly have actually put on 800g of fat in 2 days. And we'll see what happens next week! Getting under 75 will have to wait. Finished AF about 5 days ago so it can't be that!

    BUT I don't have overhangs on hips any more! Still have one on the front LOL (2 kids in 12 months, I'll probably always have one now) but not on the sides. Woot. And my bra feels looser.

    Trish - my son was like that when he toilet trained. I had noticed just a few weeks before that he was 'saving' it up and doing huge pees all at once a few times a day rather than that little and often thing boys seem to do... I was having to double up the inserts in his diapers so much to cope with the sudden flood when it came that he was walking around with this huge bubble butt cloth bum thing going on and I could barely get his pants over them... And then I was like, hey, you can hold it! And we started putting him on the toilet and took his diapers away.
    He ended up being really easy to train (despite being a boy and developmentally delayed), unlike his sister who took a year to get to the same point because we were doing the whole send her to the toilet every half an hour thing that everyone told us to do... so it took ages for her to be able to control it herself. Despite taking Oliver's diapers away nearly a year later than we did Caitlyn's, they were both reliably day trained (i.e independant toileters) at the same age and Oliver never once wet the bed because he learned how to hold it.

    I should shut up and go do some work now...

    Oh, one more thing - what's everyone's loss/week goals? I'm on 1lb per week and @ 1530 cals/day.
    A while ago I tried 2lb, and it put me on 1200, and I could never stick to 1200 so when I went over I always decided it was a lost cause and went waaaay over (before I realised what maintenance level was and that anything below that 2000-odd was still gonna be a defecit) so it never worked.
    I wonder if MFP needs to make that more clear - like say you need to eat under x cals per day to lose weight, to lose xlb per week to need to eat x cals - so like make it clear what the 'range' is. It might help a lot of people not get disheartened I think.

    OK REALLY going to go do some work now...
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Sassy, I would definitely have your scale checked out. Typically a person weighs the least first thing in the morning after their first really good bowel movement. I always do mine after BM and weigh in my underwear. By the end of the day I am quite a bit heavier, but first thing in the morning I'm a relative featherweight, so it's the best time. Wear the least amount of clothing you can on an empty digestive system

    My MFP goal is set at 2 lbs a week, but I have been losing 3-3.5 lbs since mid January, but I think that's because I found my "sweet spot". You know, that perfect spot where everything clicks and goes beautifully nuts. That sweet spot. I'm gonna ride on it for as long as my body allows.

    Andy is at work again today, trying to finish the project. I don't think I'll see him until tomorrow night. 48 hours alone with a sick kid and no car. This should be entertaining.

    Doing good on water today. Mixed up 128 oz of crystal light, stuck it in the fridge. So far I've tucked away 32 oz of water through my chocolate protein supplement, 30 oz thanks to crystal light, and aiming for at least another 30 oz, if not 60.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    my new goal is going to be to lose the remaining weight by my bday--sept 4.
    i need this kind of clear vanity goal to keep me focused.

    sassy--i only get 1260 cals per day--never feels like enuf. so without exercise i try to aim at 1400 and with exercise more. make sense?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I can't believe I'm polishing off 150 oz today! Without trying! I made up almost 130 oz of crystal light this morning, gave a little to Grace at dinner, and the whole thing is nearly GONE. I've had four of my 30 oz mugs in addition to two 16 oz protein shakes (made with water).
    Excuse the expression, but I'm peeing like Secretariat here, ROFL. Usually 150 is a stretch, but I feel like I could tuck away another 30.
    Sorry, just kinda excited about it. Should be interesting to see how much it flushes out in the morning.

    Stacey, repeat after me:
    Fab, not flab, by Sept 4! YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Trish - Yay on potty training! Our kiddo finally asks to go before peeing and has been in regular panties for about 2 weeks. The big breakthrough was last week when she asks to go poo and doesn't in her diapers anymore. Yay! She just turned two a month or two ago, so I'm pretty stoked to have her out of diapers already. (Especially since I gave my mom grief and didn't PT till I was 3!) :P

    Sassy - I have mine set for 1 lb a week. That seems to work well for me and I usually meet my calorie goal, even without exercise. (I get an extra goodie if I do exercise) To me the whole idea is that we should be setting goals that we can maintain for a lifetime. So I'm not going all salads and no goodies cause that would last all of a month for me. :P So instead of losing weight quickly I'm going for steadily instead. :D

    Well, no workout today, but ate well and stayed under my goal. I lost a pound and since AF just came yesterday I'm ecstatic that I lost anything at all with going out to eat twice this week (One being the melting pot to boot) and having AF. Hoping that when AF is done I'll lose a ton of weight!

    Even better: I FIT INTO MY SEMI-SKINNY JEANS! These are the jeans I got just after DD1 and haven't been able to fit into after my second pregnancy. Next skinny jeans from before my first pregnancy. here we go!

    Have a great week everyone!

    Goals: Chug the water! Glug...glug...glug

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    New topic here:

    way to go on the skinny jeans, val! That's a big milestone!