

  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Amazing results Barty! WTG!

    Karma, I feel great. My clothes are looser. Plus, when I think how difficult level 1 seemed 30 days ago to where I ended up, I am pleased. I even did level 1 cardio max today...I plan on doing level 1 shred on will be interesting to see how "easy" it will be...but I do plan on kicking it with Natalie though...Anyhow I am proud of my results and for being able to stick with it for the whole 30 days!

    Im so glad you saw this all the way through! I planned on starting last night but it got too late. I'm hoping for tonight...if I get home from my son's concert early enough!

    GREAT JOB!!! Let me know how Natalie treats you! LOL
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hey you guys...AMAZING results Karen and Barty...congratulations to you guys for being so strong and dedicated and for your well-earned shrinkage!

    I know I promised I'd start back yesterday, but I've been doing weights and cardio at the gym in the afternoons and when I get up at 4:30 all I can handle is some yoga and stretching. Now that I'm incorporating weight training at the gym, i'll just have to figure out a new schedule where I can fit in a shred or two every week.

    Again, CONGRATS to all of you..mmrose and everyone else..sticking with the guys are inspirational!

    Thanks, It sounds like you are working out really hard at the gym so i'm not surprised that the shred is taking a back seat !! Your doing really well .... up at 4.30 thats the middle of the night!!!
  • Wow you have both had such amazing results. That definitely motivates me to start the shred again. I am planning on starting it again next Monday. I will have the week off from classes and thats when I won't be working my 2nd job as often. Definitely can't wait to start back at it, although I don't think I'll do 10 days straight of level 1.... depends if it seems less difficult then before I guess.
  • crmldlyte
    crmldlyte Posts: 64
    Not even sure we are still using this to report Shred progress but.....
    3 DAYS LEFT TO SHRED! CAN'T WAIT TO TAKE MEASUREMENTS! Started shredding on Feb 22 and yes it's taken me over 30 days to finish but 42 days ain't bad! Next I want to start the C2K5 like MMrose...I need my hubby to sponsor me for some shoes though! :laugh:
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