Fat and happy?...or... skinny and starving?



  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    It doesn't have to be one extreme or the other. Whether intended or not, your post gives off the idea that there is only those 2 options you listed.


    I will be at my best weight, happy, and still enjoying food.

    These these things are not mutually exclusive :noway:
  • brian90
    brian90 Posts: 285 Member
    neither. just be my healthy weight.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    able to enjoy yourself on holidays, vacations, birthday parties, occasional cheat days, etc, while keeping track the rest of the time.

    i am at my ideal weight and still do all of the above....
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    So... looks like a lot of people didn't actually read the post and just went off of the title.

    While I personally will never be at my ideal weight... had a body fat analysis done a few years ago... even if I lost EVERY ounce of fat on my body I'd still be 10-15lbs over my ideal weight...

    Point being, I would rather be able to enjoy myself and not be constantly punishing myself if I eat one piece of cake at a wedding that I will go to 3 times a year, I'd rather still be at a healthy weight and be able to enjoy food and life than it my IDEAL weight and NEVER allowing myself a holiday.

    While I feel for you, I think you are kind of missing the point of the replies. A lot of us will reach our "ideal" weight in a healthy way and never starve ourselves or punish ourselves for a piece of cake. Maybe you should have included in your OP "This is my situation".

    And the other point that people are bringing up - while your perception might be that you are fat at 10-15lbs above your ideal weight, it is unlikely others see you that way. Even if you can't drop that last handful of pounds, you will probably still look great.

    ^^^ I don't need to reply because this one answered it all.
  • moonshadows72
    moonshadows72 Posts: 180 Member
    10 lbs over ideal weight is not that much really, but what is usualy ignored, is that the person has been eating and been "happy" for a little while. this likely is what caused them to go from ideal weight to 10 over ideal weight. but if one choses to just be "fat and happy" then the weight WILL NOT STOP at 10lbs over. they may find themselves 30, 50, or even 100llbs over ideal weight where they once were.

    Its not that complicated, one just has to understand that if they eat what they want when they want, and its more than the calories used in a day, then they will almost always gain weight.

    theres nothing i wont let myself have, but i DO understand that it needs to be in moderation, or less often, or that i need to make sure that i work out extra to compensate.

    it dosent have to be such a horrible or difficult experience! treat yourself occasionaly, but Discipline and control are key!

    Plus as good as fat (eating what u want whenever) feels, theres absolutely NO comparason to how good you feel mentaly and physicaly after losing as little as 10 lbs!
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    Such ignorance. ..why not fit and happy? This is lazy azz mentality...this is exactly what fat ppl tell themselves so they have an excuse to stay the same...good luck with that


    i used to think I was eating whatever i wanted and not gaining any weight until one day i was 65lbs overweight!
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Such ignorance. ..why not fit and happy? This is lazy azz mentality...this is exactly what fat ppl tell themselves so they have an excuse to stay the same...good luck with that
    I choose neither. I USED to be the latter. Now, I choose health.
    Neither. I refuse to settle and I refuse to starve.
    Option C ... be at MY ideal weight for MY own body while allowing myself to eat what I want, when I want, while lifting three days a week and pole dancing one day a week.

    You guys have obviously never played "would you rather." The point is to pick one, I'm sure the OP realizes there are other options and gradients in between. We are in fun and games people! Lol :P

    THANK YOU!!!!!
  • PinkyKiwii
    PinkyKiwii Posts: 512 Member
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Yeah, this. I've really been torturing myself with this question. I can drink wine every night, not log my food, just eat reasonably, but still have cheeseburgers and fries for lunch, and be about 15 lbs over where I am now, but that's still healthy from a BMI perspective and really other than exercising and paying minimal attention to food, I can do that.

    Or, I struggle and fight everyday, counting and exercising and working hard, eating very good high quality food, and keep those 15 lbs off, and work to fight harder for a few more body fat percentages, and push, push, push; where everything matter, everything counts, and even looking at a cookie defeats everything I've it in for that day.

    I don't know. Sometimes I feel like its just not worth it. Life is to be lived.

    A happy medium could be an extra 5 or 10 lbs, a little cutting back, but still enjoy a little wine, and a few small indulgences. I haven't yet resolved it in my mind. Right now, I want to cut hard and see my abs over this coming summer and get my body fat down to around 15%, ideally 12%, but I don't know if I can do 12. So, that's my goal...a promise I made to myself that I'll do. But, once I do it and hold it through the summer, I'm not sure where I'll go from there. I do miss out on a lot of things because of what I consider overall, an extremely restrictive lifestyle. I don't know if it's worth it.

    Healthy is important. But, being completely obsessed by it is not. But, I take the lead from my mom. And, for some reason, something just drives me. I don't know what it is. I wish I could relax a little. My mom at 62 looked better than most 20-year-olds. She was a hot mom and worked out like a fiend and ate like a champ, when she went down, she went down swinging, and I guess I feel like I owe that to myself too. It was such a beautiful thing to watch. She died strong and willful. I learned a good lesson from her. And I feel a bit of shame when I see people with real health problems, and I'm perfectly capable, and I'm being lazy.

    I dunno, there are a lot of things that drive me. But, I do think a lot about relaxing my standards a little bit and enjoying my life more. There's probably a happy place somewhere in there that I need to strive for.

    Sorry, I j should have just done a witty one-liner, but this hit me at the right time where I've been thinking about this a lot.
  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member
    I am at my ideal weight, fit, healthy and happy - I don't deny myself anything, although I might control the portion size sometimes. It really isn't an 'either or' deal - but if it was????

    Probably 10lbs over.....but given that I lift alot now and plan to continue lifting heavier, that will probably end up being the case anyway :happy:
  • Windy_
    Windy_ Posts: 1,012 Member
    I'm going to be *fit* and happy.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Such ignorance. ..why not fit and happy? This is lazy azz mentality...this is exactly what fat ppl tell themselves so they have an excuse to stay the same...good luck with that
    I choose neither. I USED to be the latter. Now, I choose health.
    Neither. I refuse to settle and I refuse to starve.
    Option C ... be at MY ideal weight for MY own body while allowing myself to eat what I want, when I want, while lifting three days a week and pole dancing one day a week.

    You guys have obviously never played "would you rather." The point is to pick one, I'm sure the OP realizes there are other options and gradients in between. We are in fun and games people! Lol :P

    THANK YOU!!!!!

    You're on a goddamn fitness site. Try "Would you rather do cardio for the rest of your life?" or "Would you rather only lift weights?" Or maybe, "Would you rather only maintain your weight by diet, or only by exercise?"

    Your "would your rather" just totally misses the mark on this audience, particularly when your "would you rather" is viewed very much as a "real" choice for people unaware of health, fitness, and nutrition.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    I'm going to be *fit* and happy.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I'm I the only one who has ever heard the expression "fat and happy"? As specified in the original post... I'm talking about still being at a healthy weight, just not QUITE as cut as you would like to be...

    But I guess people will find reasons to be offended no matter what...?

    Great job for all of you who have managed to be at your ideal weight and still enjoy yourself

    And here's a flower for all the people that choose to enjoy life!:flowerforyou:
  • PinkyKiwii
    PinkyKiwii Posts: 512 Member

    @ People freaking out over a "would you rather..."
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I often wonder if there's some truth to "natural body weight". As I said above, I can exercise like I do, and eat almost anything, but pay some attention so I don't completely lose it, and only be about 15 lbs above where I am now, and just stay there with minimal effort or focus on weight.

    A guy I work with has told me several times that everyone has a natural body weight that they naturally gravitate towards with a little effort. Trying to go beyond that takes monumental effort and is impossible to maintain.

    That's is his theory. But, it's stuck in my head and there might be something to it. That's why the "last 5 lbs" is so hard. It's beyond that natural body weight. I don't know the answer, just saying more about the balance aspect of all this.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member

    @ People freaking out over a "would you rather..."

    It's the internet! You can expect people to give their opinions on a topic :)
  • PinkyKiwii
    PinkyKiwii Posts: 512 Member

    @ People freaking out over a "would you rather..."

    It's the internet! You can expect people to give their opinions on a topic :)

    I know, thats exactly what im saying on another topic.

    I just needed an excuse to post this pic :wink:
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Would you rather...

    always be 10lbs over your ideal weight. (still healthy, still look good, just a little more than you would like to be) And still be able to enjoy yourself on holidays, vacations, birthday parties, occasional cheat days, etc, while keeping track the rest of the time.

    or...be at your ideal weight but NEVER allow yourself to go over on your calories, and working out for hours a day to make up for any high calorie/fat/ and sugar foods you allow yourself?

    To each his own... but for me: FAT AND HAPPY ALL THE WAY! I feel like as long as I'm being healthy 80-90% of the time... I Love food! I want to enjoy it when I eat it, and not feel horrible about myself for eating things I really enjoy.


    I like how 10 lbs over your ideal is fat, or that to reach your ideal you can never have another fun day again for the rest of your life.

    If I had to choose, I'd go with the 10 lbs over though, as that'd be less than I weigh right now.
  • BeccaLevine
    BeccaLevine Posts: 315 Member
    I choose to be my ideal weight AND enjoy foods I love. It's possible! Been doing it for 6 months!