1200, and why it won't work



  • Hannaaah1990
    Thanks for this interesting read. I've lost all my weight on 1200 and I'm not hungry or miserable although my weight loss has slowed down almost to the point of stopping in recent weeks. I will raise my calories and see where that gets me as I do have my suspicions I'm hitting starvation mode. 1200 can and does work as a quick fix, but not great long term as I'm experiencing.
  • jessica_1205_
    jessica_1205_ Posts: 21 Member
    Great post.

    I was eating 1350 a day and it was absolutely awful so I raised to 1550/1600 and I'm so much happier. My losses are more consistent and I no longer have headaches or moodswings. Yes, it might take longer but I know that I'll stick to it if I'm not miserable.
  • juliesmithdiet
    As they do not know me or inhabit my body how can they say it's bad ? How can anyone say what is right for anyone else ? by all means tell your own stories but don't assume that it will or won't work for everyone. Future problems I'll face when I get there, what I trying to through at the moment is past problems. Eating more is what got me where I am now.

    Because human bodies have more similarities than differences.

    Lol so a woman who is disabled to the point she cannot move some days has more similarities than differences with a marathon runner ? No I think not. Unless you know/ see / really understand a member no one should tell them what they should be doing. By all means share your own stories but telling everyone to do the same thing is just crazy, as crazy as me telling people to eat less than 1200 just because it works for me.
  • DreamSM85
    DreamSM85 Posts: 38 Member
    Nice post, thanks! Bump
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member

    Lol so a woman who is disabled to the point she cannot move some days has more similarities than differences with a marathon runner ? No I think not. Unless you know/ see / really understand a member no one should tell them what they should be doing. By all means share your own stories but telling everyone to do the same thing is just crazy, as crazy as me telling people to eat less than 1200 just because it works for me.

    I have never advocated that "everyone do the same thing" in regards to exact number of calories to eat. Everyone should however eat more than BMR and less than TDEE. I doubt your BMR is less than 1200 though. But whatever you want to do. I just don't see why everyone gets such a bad attitude when someone tries to point out potential health consequences. Would you rather not know?
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    As they do not know me or inhabit my body how can they say it's bad ? How can anyone say what is right for anyone else ? by all means tell your own stories but don't assume that it will or won't work for everyone. Future problems I'll face when I get there, what I trying to through at the moment is past problems. Eating more is what got me where I am now.

    Because human bodies have more similarities than differences.

    Lol so a woman who is disabled to the point she cannot move some days has more similarities than differences with a marathon runner ? No I think not. Unless you know/ see / really understand a member no one should tell them what they should be doing. By all means share your own stories but telling everyone to do the same thing is just crazy, as crazy as me telling people to eat less than 1200 just because it works for me.

    Both people should still eat what their bodies need. A marathon runner might need 10000 calorie a day. A disabled woman might only need 1200, but maybe she needs more. If she figures out her BMR and TDEE then she'll have an idea of where to go with her food intake and be able to lose weight at a reasonable rate that won't give future problems caused by slowing the metabolism down to the point where the body is barely getting by and storing every calorie it can.

    I can see 1200 working longer term for a very small sect of the population, mainly, small people who don't exercise a whole lot. It will work for an obese person for a while. Maybe 3 months, maybe a year, but at some point, your metabolism will slow down, you'll hit a plateau, and then what. Reduce calories more?

    You can't think about only the past and what got you here. You have to think long term. You don't put 100lbs on in 6-12 months, why would you try to remove it that fast?
  • juliesmithdiet
    I'm not losing fast at between 1lb and 2lb per week that is not fast. And I need to lose it as soon as possible when you are waiting for an operation you can't hang around for years.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    I'm not losing fast at between 1lb and 2lb per week that is not fast. And I need to lose it as soon as possible when you are waiting for an operation you can't hang around for years.

    What will you do when you are still a good ways away from your goal and you stall? Not just for a week, but for 3 months? That's what happened to me. Exercising 6 days a week, lifting 2-3 days a week, eating 1700 calories @ 230lbs bodyweight. My progress just stopped to where I was going between 227 and 230, for 2 months straight. Frustrating as hell.

    Hey, if it works for you, awesome. But don't be dissapointed if at some point your progress stops, especially if you have a lot of weight to lose.
  • wanttolose40lbs
    wanttolose40lbs Posts: 239 Member
    I wasn't losing anything on 1200 calories and exercising 6 days a week. I upped my calories to 1400 and exercise just 4-5 days a week, added weight lifting and the weight and inches have been coming off.
  • juliesmithdiet
    I'm not losing fast at between 1lb and 2lb per week that is not fast. And I need to lose it as soon as possible when you are waiting for an operation you can't hang around for years.

    What will you do when you are still a good ways away from your goal and you stall? Not just for a week, but for 3 months? That's what happened to me. Exercising 6 days a week, lifting 2-3 days a week, eating 1700 calories @ 230lbs bodyweight. My progress just stopped to where I was going between 227 and 230, for 2 months straight. Frustrating as hell.

    Hey, if it works for you, awesome. But don't be dissapointed if at some point your progress stops, especially if you have a lot of weight to lose.

    Only goal I have is to feel better how I look has never worried me. I feel better already nearly 40lb down has been a big help. If you can eat more great, I initially tried what was being suggested and started putting weight back on. It didn't work for me. All I am really trying to say is we have to do what works for us and support each other in that - not tell each other what we are doing is wrong. I get that from other places so will quit this place now as it is not supportive unless you are willing to do what a few people tell you to, or exercise and lift weights. It is not supportive of everyone.
  • popo0509
    popo0509 Posts: 48 Member
    good post
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    Kick *kitten* post, man.
  • laurelobrien
    laurelobrien Posts: 156 Member
    Interesting post. However, it assumes the reader is either very overweight, a male, or someone looking to build/maintain muscle mass. 1200 is a fine number for small females, depending on their goals (exercise or not, muscle building or not). You're right, as a blanket number, 1200 won't work - but not only because of the reasons specified.
  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member
    Great post! After reading through the comments I have realized that a lot of people don't have a good understanding about "hunger" and the hormones that directly affect it. I guess some people just like to live in the dark.
  • rodow
    rodow Posts: 26
  • back2happy2005
    back2happy2005 Posts: 108 Member
  • mathews58
    mathews58 Posts: 16 Member
    What a great post! I love what you’re saying .
  • JudyB21
    JudyB21 Posts: 20 Member
  • shumbri
    shumbri Posts: 15 Member
  • janerfitnesspal145
    Bump for future ref.