Fat-Shaming May Curb Obesity?



  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    My husband, when faced with people who make rude comments, always tells people:
    1. When the famine hits you'll be first to go
    2. You should really eat more than 2 crackers for breakfast.
    3. You're just nasty because you're hungry
    I can go on and on. So no, I don't think fat shaming would help. In fact, I think it might get your car key'd.

    Skinny-bashing isn't nice either, and keying a car is illegal. So, really, you guys aren't much better in this situation.
  • lornaloo3
    lornaloo3 Posts: 102
    The world is way too sensitive these days.

    Translation: It's not my fault when I say something that's out of line, offensive, or hurtful! It's the OTHER person's fault for being so darn sensitive. Why, oh WHY can't I just say whatever I want without experiencing any negative consequences?

    Wish I could like a comment.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Positive reinforcement is better than

    Positive punishment which is better than

    Negative reinforcement which is better than

    Negative punishment.

    Positive and negative, inconsistently applied, yields the best results for behavior modification.
  • ladyinredflush
    ladyinredflush Posts: 72 Member
    The only reason why I chose to be proactive before I actually became overweight or obese was the fact that boyfriend told me that I need to lose weight and run. So I did. I think it's pretty ****ing ridiculous for girls to get offended when their S.O tells them they are chunky and need to lose some.

    Get the **** off the couch, stop being lazy and browsing the internet for eight hours a day and go outside and run. That's what I did and I lost nine pounds already. Light, tough love constructive criticism is FINE, but bullying and calling others a fat piece of **** or disgusting is just cruel and inhumane. There is a line where it's love, and where its just bullying.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    If someone tried to shame me in to losing weight, I'd tell them to take that pedestal they're standing on and shove it up their *kitten*.

    Nutrition education and a positive support system may curb obesity. And help people feel good about their existence on this planet too.
  • rustyguy
    rustyguy Posts: 51 Member
    This is his great idea? How about teaching nutrition and healthy eating? How about teaching exercise programs to kids and encouraging good sportsmanship. I didn't understand how nutrition and exercise affect your health until just a few years ago.

    It's amazing how dumb some smart people can be.
  • leah3443
    personally I do not think bullying of any kind is a good idea. making someone feel worse about themselves then they already do is not the answer!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    People I love and care about are considered obese and never in a million years would I call them fat. Especially since they are very active and eat very healthy. So there is also an assumption that the person is a lazy unehalthy slob, which is not the case either.

    How can one "eat very heatlhy" and be obese? Certianly you could eat too much foods that are generally considered "healthy" and become obese from doing so, but that would not be "healthy eating". A heatlhy diet is one that would be expected to improve or maintain health. Obesity would not be expected to do either.

    Saying someone eats too much and/or moves too little is not the same as calling them a lazy unhealthy slob.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    but a 99% tax on all those over 12% BF... two things will occur, the will lose weight themselves, or they will be so heavily taxed they will not be able to eat those loose weight that way...no excuse to be fat its a personal choice a poor one that that. being fat is like being a drug addict you choose the lift style if you dont like the way your treated change yourself not others.

    Being under 12% fat is not ideal for many women.
  • gonzo2802
    Did anyone else actually read the paper?

    He didn't actually suggest we arm school kids with sticks and send them out to taunt the "fatties"...

    Shhh! You'll get in the way of the embittered bickering. Which is kind of ironic since people in this thread are shaming each other for their opinions on both sides of the coin. :(
  • MirinSerratus
    MirinSerratus Posts: 30 Member
    but a 99% tax on all those over 12% BF... two things will occur, the will lose weight themselves, or they will be so heavily taxed they will not be able to eat those loose weight that way...no excuse to be fat its a personal choice a poor one that that. being fat is like being a drug addict you choose the lift style if you dont like the way your treated change yourself not others.

    Being under 12% fat is not ideal for many women.

    lol notsureifserious.jpeg inform me oh wise one what BF should everyone be?
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    The only reason why I chose to be proactive before I actually became overweight or obese was the fact that boyfriend told me that I need to lose weight and run. So I did. I think it's pretty ****ing ridiculous for girls to get offended when their S.O tells them they are chunky and need to lose some.

    Get the **** off the couch, stop being lazy and browsing the internet for eight hours a day and go outside and run. That's what I did and I lost nine pounds already. Light, tough love constructive criticism is FINE, but bullying and calling others a fat piece of **** or disgusting is just cruel and inhumane. There is a line where it's love, and where its just bullying.

    THIS!!!!! What I really want to tell people is not that their fat, but to stop being a delicate flower, and get off the couch!!!!
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    Yaaaayyyyy, another "obese people are lazy slobs" thread. Because the one yesterday wasn't enough.

    We slow, panting, sweaty obese people are on this site, losing weight, and trying our best. How about some respect instead of name-calling?

    You see that ticker underneath my post? I'd say I'm doing quite well, and anyone who wants to refer to me as a land beast should 1) take a biology course and 2) apologize straightaway.

    I figured out what my issue was (insulin resistance + too many carbs), cut my calories, lowered my carbs, started taking medication to regulate my insulin, and started exercising.

    So, basically, bite me.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    but a 99% tax on all those over 12% BF... two things will occur, the will lose weight themselves, or they will be so heavily taxed they will not be able to eat those loose weight that way...no excuse to be fat its a personal choice a poor one that that. being fat is like being a drug addict you choose the lift style if you dont like the way your treated change yourself not others.

    Being under 12% fat is not ideal for many women.

    lol notsureifserious.jpeg inform me oh wise one what BF should everyone be?

    There's no reason everyone should have the same BF%. For women a BF% in the 20's is healthy so it would be ridiculous to tax them for being in the heatlhy range.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I don't think we need to shame people but I do think we need to quit making excuses for obesity being accepted as the norm. Stop adjusting sizes so the overweight can feel good about themselves, making allowances on public transport, ***** footing around the word fat by using chubby, fluffy, etc, making adjustments to the work place to accommodate the obese.

    There's the odd special snowflake out there who has some genuine medical problem that causes a weight issue but for the 99% it's a matter of getting your head in the game. Pretending it's alright is not helping.

    Edit: Seriously? Another word for cat is deserving of censorship? SMH
    I'm fine with not vanity sizing. A number is a number. But stop making allowances on public transport? You mean seats big enough to accomodate people who need a place to sit. Sorry, that's straight up sizism. You're not human enough to deserve a seat if your *kitten* is a certain size? **** that ****. People are people. We need to treat each other with a basic level of respect and dignity regardless of physical appearance.

    People are people but when your *kitten* is too big to fit in a normal size seat then you have the problem. It's not the responsibility of the rest of the world to go out of their way to accommodate your oversized rear. Try sitting on a plane for 7 hours with a morbidly obese person beside you who needs a seatbelt extension and is overflowing into your seat. Why does my comfort have to be compromised because you can't get a grip on your eating? I don't want your fat laying on me!
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Yaaaayyyyy, another "obese people are lazy slobs" thread. Because the one yesterday wasn't enough.

    We slow, panting, sweaty obese people are on this site, losing weight, and trying our best. How about some respect instead of name-calling?

    You see that ticker underneath my post? I'd say I'm doing quite well, and anyone who wants to refer to me as a land beast should 1) take a biology course and 2) apologize straightaway.

    I figured out what my issue was (insulin resistance + too many carbs), cut my calories, lowered my carbs, started taking medication to regulate my insulin, and started exercising.

    So, basically, bite me.

    How about a high five instead and a congrats on your success? :)

    Seriously, that's awesome.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    Yaaaayyyyy, another "obese people are lazy slobs" thread. Because the one yesterday wasn't enough.

    We slow, panting, sweaty obese people are on this site, losing weight, and trying our best. How about some respect instead of name-calling?

    You see that ticker underneath my post? I'd say I'm doing quite well, and anyone who wants to refer to me as a land beast should 1) take a biology course and 2) apologize straightaway.

    I figured out what my issue was (insulin resistance + too many carbs), cut my calories, lowered my carbs, started taking medication to regulate my insulin, and started exercising.

    So, basically, bite me.

    How about a high five instead and a congrats on your success? :)

    Seriously, that's awesome.

    Sure, a high-five is fine. I meant the rude people can bite me. ;)
  • Kellyeee2013
    People I love and care about are considered obese and never in a million years would I call them fat. Especially since they are very active and eat very healthy. So there is also an assumption that the person is a lazy unehalthy slob, which is not the case either.

    How can one "eat very heatlhy" and be obese? Certianly you could eat too much foods that are generally considered "healthy" and become obese from doing so, but that would not be "healthy eating". A heatlhy diet is one that would be expected to improve or maintain health. Obesity would not be expected to do either.

    Saying someone eats too much and/or moves too little is not the same as calling them a lazy unhealthy slob.

    I don't know. They have always been big and their kids were big from even an early age. They eat well because they cook homemade dinners for a family of 7 everyday and there are 4 kids in the home which keeps everyone busy. The father works fulltime and does a lot of outside work (gardening, wood working). The mother had been on weight watchers for YEARS and has lost a lot of weight. I just know they have been eating healthy and exercising and are active for years and year (in their 50s now) and I just picture someone "shaming" them, when really... what else would they be doing differently?

    And aren't you being a bit contradictory? If we don't consider obese people to be lazy and unhealthy then why would shaming be involved?
  • JenRun1
    JenRun1 Posts: 212
    If that happened to me, you'd find me in the closet with a couple king size snickers bars. I call BS.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Two things surprised me. The first that this is just a plan, not a study. I might have been interested in a study.

    Secondly, this guy doesn't already believe that this is happening? When we all watch movies where the "fat" girl is still within a healthy weight range? When people are afraid to call fat people fat because of all the negative associations?

    We need to get over the culture of silence. Obesity is plastered all over our media, but it is practically taboo in everyday conversation.