Dear Ex



  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Honey, think about this. Earlier you said:
    whenever I see him he still tells me I'm his property...He can be a real loose cannon.....he started threatening everyone I talked to and even went as far as telling me he was going to crush my head with a baseball bat one night.....(granted a few months ago) but still stuff like that makes me tread on thin ice when im around him and I try and watch what i say or do very carefully
    And then later you said:
    If i were to get a restraining order he wouldn't be able to see his kids and he is a great father, I can't take that away from the guy....horrible boyfriend....but unless he really does something extreme ,,,
    Listen up cupcake,,, I'm a pretty good father and I have the happy-well adjusted adult children to prove it, so I know what I'm talking about. A 'man' who calls other people property and talks about crushing mommy's head with a bat is not a good father.

    He's a stupid, cowardly, frightened little *kitten*. By his words and deeds he will teach his children that other people are 'property' to be used and abused. Nothing good about that. Get your children away from him ASAP before he infects them with his flawed thinking and general disrespect for other people.

    DITTO!!!.....well said hunni!

    A restraining order does not mean he won't get to see his kids. You can always have him pick them up from school, daycare, or a family member's home. For example, his mother can pick up the kids from you and drop them with him. However, I agree with Casper that you don't want that kind of man around your boys. :frown:

    I'm truly sorry you are having to deal with this.
  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member
    Honey, think about this. Earlier you said:
    whenever I see him he still tells me I'm his property...He can be a real loose cannon.....he started threatening everyone I talked to and even went as far as telling me he was going to crush my head with a baseball bat one night.....(granted a few months ago) but still stuff like that makes me tread on thin ice when im around him and I try and watch what i say or do very carefully
    And then later you said:
    If i were to get a restraining order he wouldn't be able to see his kids and he is a great father, I can't take that away from the guy....horrible boyfriend....but unless he really does something extreme ,,,
    Listen up cupcake,,, I'm a pretty good father and I have the happy-well adjusted adult children to prove it, so I know what I'm talking about. A 'man' who calls other people property and talks about crushing mommy's head with a bat is not a good father.

    He's a stupid, cowardly, frightened little *kitten*. By his words and deeds he will teach his children that other people are 'property' to be used and abused. Nothing good about that. Get your children away from him ASAP before he infects them with his flawed thinking and general disrespect for other people.
    Well Said CasperO Spoken like a real man ((((((APPLAUSE))))))))