Beautiful Blues 3/16/10



  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    Debnu- That's so awesome, I get another P90X buddy. I plan on starting P90X in 3 weeks after I'm done with Insanity. I've been reviewing the material and am going to really commit to it. There are P90X groups here in MFP and there are also forums in I'm going to get dumbells and am also planning on buying the chin bar. I've been reading alot and basically noticed that muscle burns fat and P90x helps people get muscle and the muscle helps you burn calories all day long.

    tthumper- Yeah, I have not lost either while doing Insanity for 30 days. I'm now doing the last 30 days, but I've got to tell you everyone is commenting on how good I look. My clothes are looser and I feel toned, I just feel great. As you know, you are probably gaining muscle. Yeah, we both want to lose weight, but if we keep at it, it will come off. Pictures will also let you know how much you have changed.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Debnu - You'll love P90x. What a great workout, and alot of variety.

    Almomay - I agree, the # on the scale is not going to scare me, I'll keep doing the workouts and the scale will come down. I have patience for that. In the meantime, I know I'm gaining muscle and/or building up the muscle. I've noticed in my arms and shoulders getting bigger/tighter, and the stomach slowly shrinking bits at a time.

    Smadag - What workout did you do yesterday? Which one are you going to do today? :smile:
    Yah if you get stressed out because of the # on the scale, don't get on the scale for a while. P90x will sculpt your body regardless of how much you weigh.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Did not get a workout in yesterday and not sure about today. Hubby lost his job yesterday and I am a little stressed about that.

    Debnu and almomay why dont we have our own little P9i0x support group right here I know there are several of us here that do it so we can help each other
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    smadag- I'm sorry to hear that about your husband. Hang in there and be strong for each other. Definitely network and have faith that God will give you something better. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    That's a great idea to be each other's P90X support group. I'm definitely in and I plan to commit to P90x once I start it because I want to look like the people in the infomercials. We can do this!

    thumper44- I was reviewing my calorie intake with a beachbody coach who's also here in MFP. I was starving my body because I was doing Insanity plus another workout. Basically Insanity says I need to eat around 2590 to maintain. Now, I want to lose 2lbs per week so I want to create a 1000 calorie deficit per day to leave me at a daily calorie intake of: 1590.

    Since I was doubling up on execises I was in starvation mode because if I eat 1590 and I do 2 workouts totaling of about 600 calorie burn, (1590-600) is about 900 and that is starvation mode because a female needs about 1200 atleast to be healthy. So, I was recommended to eat more, or exercise less. At this point, I'm going to exercise less and just stick to Insanity for now because I don't want to eat more. But, I feel that I'm starting to get the hang of this calorie counting thing. If I had a HRM I could even get a more accurate reading of what I'm burning, but I'm using MFP calculations which are sometimes a little more. So, I'm eating almost all my exercise calories and leaving like 100.

    So, having said all that, it is probably a good idea for you to evaluate the calorie amount of what you are eating, to make sure you are not starving your body.

    And yeah, programs like p90x will make you gain muscle as well which does initially make you gain weight. Everyone is telling me how good I look and how different, and mind you I have not loss weight in 1 month.. :( But I'm going to continue and hopefully the weight will start to come off...I'm almost there!!!!

    Today I plan on doing Insanity Max Interval Circuit which is 60 minutes long and pretty intense.

    Have a great day all!!!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Let me know when you are going to start and which one you are doing and I will restart the same time and we can do it together
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Let me know when you are going to start and which one you are doing and I will restart the same time and we can do it together
    Can I not join y our support group? LOL Hmmmmmmmm....
    Smadag - Why wait to restart?.. You've already started, you've had a couple bad days (Sorry to hear about hubby).
    Don't let 1 day go by, and then another, then another. It just puts off getting into the groove much harder.

    I did Kenpo last night. One of the workouts that I actually enjoy.
    Shoulders and triceps tonight.

    Almomay, with the workouts you are doing, you really should invest in a HRM. - I would bet that you are burning alot more calories than you think. You might have been in starvation mode for a while doing double workouts thinking they are only 600 cal burn. You might have been burning 1200 calories if you were really working it.

    No problem for some people to burn 500-600 calories in an hour doing P90x dvd. Ask your bb coach.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Of course you can join ttthumper.. You are right why restart, but I am going to start this week as week one instead of 3 like I am suppose to be. I did not do good the first 2 weeks so this is week one for me and I am going to do cardio today while hubby is sleeping. It is such a beautiful day here I might go wogging later too.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    smadag- I agree with Peter, don't wait for me to start. Use the momentum and motivation you have now and start ahead. It's 90 days so I will definitely catch up to you. :) Plus, you can tell me how you like the program and what you find out from doing it. Oh, by the way I'm on Insanity Month 2, week 2, and have 2 more weeks to go. Insanity is 60 days of pure crazy cardio, boot camp style.

    Peter- I do want a HRM but I want to get the Polar ones which are over $100. I'm trying to save money right now due to not working. I'm going to be buying dumbells and the chinup bar. Do you use the chin up bar? How is your calorie calculation coming along for P90X?

    Dig Deeper, everyone.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I will certainly be part of a support group once I get p90x...I officially ordered it today. I don't think it matters when we start it as long as we push eachother along...:flowerforyou:

    I am working on the chart right now as my ds takes a nap. We have the computer in the basement now and I don't get down to it very often, which is good and bad. :tongue:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    This is turning out to be a P90X/Insanity Group!!

    I am dying to go run again.
    Still elated from completing my first Half Marathon. Think I am going to focus on speeding up do a couple more 5k and halfs and a full next year.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Chrissy you are awesome!!

    I wish my treadmill was set up--I have really missed it!

    Here's our next board...
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