Asset Capsules



  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Sorry, I thought that I stated in the topic "HAS ANYONE HEARD OF ASSET?" And also, "Please don't give me **** about not needing a "quick fix."

    Also, if you read my ticker, you will see that I do in fact know how to lose weight, I'm simply asking for information and reviews on this product because it intrigues me. Trust me lady, I probably know more about eating healthy than you do. Thanks

    Wow, someone's hungry lol.

    Tickers do not show a persons knowledge in weight loss, sorry, "lady".

    Oh, you're right. I probably needed to specify that I lost most of my weight by exercising and eating less for 2 years.................What a difficult concept to grasp, I mean is that really how a person loses weight???? Or maybe it just fell off by itself. Who knows.

    .... "While taking Alli" ... did you not say you were taking Alli during at least one period during this time?

    You are acting like a child who didn't get their way. Take your damned pills, wreck your liver and get fat again. Nobody here cares.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    Also, if you read my ticker, you will see that I do in fact know how to lose weight, I'm simply asking for information and reviews on this product because it intrigues me. Trust me lady, I probably know more about eating healthy than you do. Thanks

    Took alli, now thinking about it just me, or is this statement ironic?

    YES, people need to learn to read. I took alli for 2 months, lost some weight, then quit taking it and lost an additional 50lbs over the course of 9 months MYSELF (without pills). I have since been off track and was looking for something to give me the head start that alli once gave me.

    I am pretty sure people posting on this thread are perfectly capable of reading.

    They may be capable of reading, but their capability of processing the information, I'm not so sure of.

    You may be surprised...(but shouldn't be after almost a year here and 425+ posts) learn that not everyone follows all of the dictates of an OP in the MFP forums. Funny thing, these open internet forums.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    Dear Posters,

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