Eating 1200 calories a day/burning 600 not losing weight



  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    I was doing this (but burning even more!) and initially lost 3kg, then STALLED. So now I'm doing weights, little cardio, and EATING MORE!

    Go to the link the first responder posted.. 'Helloitsdan' will help you like he has helped many others including myself!

    Also have a look at the 'eat more to lose weight' group ...

    Best of luck!
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    I work out everyday at least 500 to 600 calories a day and I take in 1200 calories a day minus the ones I am burining. I even join kickboxing classes. I am eating fish, brown rice, wheat bread etc and I am not losing any weight! I am a 46 year old women and I cannot understand why the weight is not coming off. can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? I weight 130 and I am trying to get down to 120. Thanks!

    Why would you do that????
  • aakokopelli7
    aakokopelli7 Posts: 196 Member

    Please start here. This will explain it all.
    You're under eating and over exercising.

    for emphasis.

    ^ this guy.... yes.... he knows what he's talking about. Seriously one of the best advice givers on here.
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 578 Member
    You are definitely not eating enough....your calorie deficit is too large.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
  • flydc989
    flydc989 Posts: 4 Member
    I have been trying for 2 months and I am 5' 3".
  • flydc989
    flydc989 Posts: 4 Member
    My BMR was like 1292 and the TDEE was 2234 something like that.
  • flydc989
    flydc989 Posts: 4 Member
    Great! Thank you so much for your help. I will change my calorie intake and let you all know!
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I will change my calorie intake and let you all know!

    Don't be discouraged if you go UP a couple pounds the first week and then stall out for another. IT'S OK. You're working out and building muscle. Your body will use some of the new calories to build some muscles (and water weight) while still not letting go of the fat. DON'T WORRY. I would think if you ate 1400-1500 every day on average, and then ate back some of your workout calories when you're hungry, you'll lose weight very healthily. In my opinion, just make sure to stay above that 1300 NET calories every day, on average, no matter what.
  • stofteland
    stofteland Posts: 19 Member
    You are probably burning muscle when you go too low in calories not to mention other things that may happen. I did an 800 calorie diet and lost weight, yes. I gained it all back and then some and it took awhile to build that muscle back! This is important when you get into your 40's and beyond. I am 5'3" as well. The number on the scale does not tell the whole story. You should shoot for a pound a week. You will build muscle with your workout but it takes awhile for the numbers to change on the scale. It's just a number. Go by how your clothes fit and your energy level. I have experienced the same thing, too.
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    You have to think of your body as a car, and a car needs fuel to run. If you have no gas.....(get it) I'm 38 years old I have no problem eating 1600 plus calories and burning 500. Sometimes I over eat to 1700 to 1800 calories and I don't cry about it. Plus I strength train ( lift weights) so I will build muscle while burning fat, so the scale might not move, but the inches do! A good example: 3 years ago I weighed 140 pounds(im 5"-not good) and a size 8-after losing weight and training I was 133 in a size 3. 5 pounds of fat looks like a pillow, fat is fluffy. Muscle is solid. So with that said.....(I went off corse a bit) but when you eat 1200 and burn 1/2 -your body goes into starvation mode. It will hold on to every bit of food and drink you consume. Your body will pull its nutrients from your muscle first( definitely not good) basically your body is eating your muscles. What's known as fat-skinny and you will remain flabby, tired, frustrated and hungry. You have to eat. But eat clean. Not a bunch of processed food canned or fast food period. Including fast food salads. And 100 calorie packs and diet sodas.. Clean fuel. You will feel the energy ASAP when you do. I promise you. Don't go the starving route.
  • keesh1123
    keesh1123 Posts: 229 Member
    It is so nice to see comments that aren't snappy or sarcastic for a change.

    OP, I agree with everyone else that says you are not eating enough.

    congrats to you for taking the advice and trying it out.

    Please do let us know how it goes!
  • Kimgrannis
    I looked at these responses because I am a 49 yr old woman eating 1200 calories per day, more to make up for exercise and I lost 10 pounds the first 2 weeks and the last 3 weeks have not lost anything. It was recommended I switch up types of foods and exercises. That has not made any difference this past week. Why can't I lose even a pound??????
  • Mrs_Bones
    Mrs_Bones Posts: 195 Member

    Please start here. This will explain it all.

    You aren't eating enough for your activity level. Please read this link!
  • Xhell_on_heelsX
    How long have you been doing this? Working out and burning that many calories, but only taking in 1200 is not very good for your body. Once it becomes used to this routine of you not eating enough you will get stuck in a rut and your body will refuse to let go of any more weight. It simply see's this routine as you "starving your body". I would definitely suggest upping your cals :flowerforyou:
  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    My BMR was like 1292 and the TDEE was 2234 something like that.

    Try TDEE - 20%, so around 1800cals should be good for you
  • hpilon27
    hpilon27 Posts: 43
    The smaller you get, the harder it is... I'm 5'2 and once I got to 119, I stopped losing weight. I was happy with my weight so I changed my settings to maintenance which was 1570 net calories. Wouldn't you know it, but after I made that change, 3 more pounds shed away... Amazing!

    Edited to say: If you're exercising that much, feed your muscles!
  • snowmanluv
    snowmanluv Posts: 200 Member
    Try THE PLAN by Lyn Genet diet. Lots of reviews on Amazon, online, and Dr. Oz.