Am I bloated, lack of muscle or have a health problem?



  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    My tummy was very similar to that. It looks like a mixture of bloating and some excess body fat. Take up heavy lifting and eat a small deficit to bring your bf down and flatten your tummy. Be patient.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    Ask the doctor about celiac disease. Those are all symptoms, especially the bloated belly.
  • Pru1943
    When I was a teenager mine stuck out like that. My dad said to pull in my stomach by tightening my muscles, and then keep them tight. That was a conscious effort. Every time my dad walked by me he would give my tummy one pat if it was pooching out. It took weeks, but finally I learned to keep my abdominal muscles tight without thinking about it. Presto - no more pooch!..
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    The doctor will be able to touch if this bulge contains fat, organs or water. If these are your organs that is a hernia and they can fix that. If this water that would be ascites and that would be very alarming. If that is just fat then you have tummy fat and then you should take people's advice here about weight lifting*. But please go to the doctor first...

    *my 2 cents: sit up straight in that damn chair. all the time.
  • amberrro
    Yeah i am going to see a doctor i think, and yes i am classed as underweight even though when you look at my stomach i don't look it :/ I want to do strength training but i don't have any weights and can't get any..
    these are my arms:
  • skinnyclare
    skinnyclare Posts: 27 Member
    My stomach goes like that, I have IBS and certain foods make me bloat like anything. Try cutting out wheat its helped me no end took about 3 -4 weeks of having no wheat at all, then you can add it back in. I can can have a little bit now but no more than say a slice of bread 1-2 times a week. I only have pasta say 1-2 times a month. I get a pain in my right side when ive eaten something that doesnt agree with me and i bloat as well. Also red/green/yellow peppers make my stomach go really hard and bloated then im sick so i dont eat them anymore. I would suggest having a food intolerance test to see what you are sensitive too.
  • greyoutside
    I would work on posture, which can minimize that kind of shape in your stomach. It's a pretty normal place to store fat, though. If you feel gassy or are having problems when you go to the bathroom, you might have a mild intolerance to dairy or gluten or something. I probably have IBS (haven't gotten an official diagnoses) but a number of foods make me really bloated and my stomach makes all kinds of strange noises and I feel awful for a day or two. I cut out dairy and most gluten and am doing much better. If not, it's probably just normal fat retention and posture.
  • wmoomoo
    wmoomoo Posts: 159 Member
    If you are truly concerned call your doctor ASAP. Stomach cancer is not joke. But other than that, I think walking and a good full body workout plan can help you. I hear you cannot spot reduce. Try lifting, I feel my core when I do squats.

    Before you suggest stomach cancer, please note where the stomach is.

    To OP, if you think you have a health issue, call your doctor. They will be able to find out if there's anything wrong.
  • laurabini
    laurabini Posts: 257 Member
    I have a similar problem: my stomach bloats when I eat pasta, pizza and bread so I've cut them out of my diet (I've been prescrived a special diet due to some health problems) and I see good results.
    Maybe you should see a doctor/nutritionist and get some advice.
    Be sure to drink plenty of water!
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    I am definitely NOT pregnant, I don't drink and i'm already underweight so i don't understand how it's fat and i'm not going to start running again as it makes me

    I'm also under weight but i dont look it. Weight is so much more than fat.
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    You have virtually no muscle, get lifting some weights you are doing more damage to your body than you realise.
  • punkin_p
    Join a gym.

    If you're a student, your school should have one you can use for free.

    Use the free weights, do large compound movements: squats, presses, deadlifts.

    This is the program I follow:

    I've been lifting for less than 5 weeks, have added 70 lbs to my squat in that time, and am already starting to see a difference in my body, especially my arms.

    There are other good programs out there as well, but this is the one I'm familiar with and therefore recommend.

    Do this, eat more food, the number on the scale will go up but you will not only look and feel better, you will be healthier too. It can be dangerous to have such little muscle mass on your body and to be so weak.
  • GonnaBFit2510
    GonnaBFit2510 Posts: 87 Member
    Hiya ive got a similar problem except mine is more prominent I found this artical about stomachs being over streched if you regularly eat large meals which is my problem I end to just snack a little during the day and then eat a huge meal at dinner time which has made my stomach muscles strech so I constantly look bloated, I am now following the tips in the artical to help reduce it and tighten up my stomach muscles, ive just started a new exercise routine where I swim mondays, core fitness tue's, horse riding wed's,rest thurs, gym fri, and then what ever I can fit in around the family on a weekend. Hope this helps
  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    I thought you said it was always like that, but then you posted pics where it's clearly not bloated. So, is this something that comes and goes? Or did it start and stay like that at a certain point? I would say, if it comes and goes, keep a detailed journal of what you're eating and record the bloating. Also record your activity and bowel movements. It could be triggered by something you're eating or doing. If you can identify the trigger, you can eliminate it. My completely uneducated guess is that it's something you're eating that you're sensitive to which causes the bloating.