Your BEST breakfast!



  • chopsim104
    currently laying in bed contemplating what to have for breakfast. Gonna go with cottage cheese,egg and spinach cooked together with some garlic and chilli sauce.
  • WineMaiden
    I have to have a protein based breakfast--my favorite is eggs (or eggbeaters with a bit of cheese) and cottage cheese (lowfat--1/2 cup). If I eat cereal I am literally starving within an hour. I can do toast and peanut butter and that seems to stick with me rather well also.
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    Ive been skipping breki lately. I try to get it in, but I'm not hungry until 10-10:30am normally.

    I always make a smoothie the night before tho. I either drink it on the way to work, or during Smoko.

    My all time favourite breki is Eggs on toast, with cooked Mushrooms, Capsicum and Tomato. OMG! Delish!
  • helenbeee
    helenbeee Posts: 130 Member
    why dont you try an oat based cereal like oatflakes they are delicious and crunchy.

    I tend to have my standard oats soaked with water overnight with blueberries, about 4 almonds chopped (they go further!), cinnamon, skim milk and a tablespoon of greek yogurt honestly is the most delicious breakfast and keeps me going for hours. If I dont have time to make it in the morning I make it the night before and pop it in the fridge to grab and go the next morning though you may have to add a little extra milk this way.

    I dont understand the cheerio thing its our equivalent to Vegemite I guess. :)
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Sometimes I make French toast with multigrain bread. On Sundays I usually make a scramble with eggs, spinach, mushrooms, and a tiny bit of cheese. And steel cut oats cooked overnight with pumpkin is Da Bomb.
  • cld111
    cld111 Posts: 300 Member
    I love breakfast! This is what I had this morning. Toast, cream cheese (the original recipe calls for ricotta, but I don't have any), sauteed kale and a fried egg. Very satisfying!


    My other favorites are a coconut curry scrambled egg with butternut squash and / or spinach and / or broccoli, cauliflower.

    And finally, I love shredding a sweet potato, pan frying it with some coconut oil and onions, adding a dash of cinnamon and salt, and adding a fried egg on top.
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    egg white sandwhich on a whole grain high fiber english muffin with a slice of canadian bacon one slice cheese. If I am in a hurry I eat a jimmy dean dlite brand brkfst sammy and add egg white to fill it out. I include a treat about 300 calories to help with guerlin production later and keeps my serotonin up and my hunger down. also include some chocolate
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    Porridge with a little pb can make it yummier!

    Umm for other breakfasts..

    - Toast with avocado and tomato with cracked salt/pepper (add fresh basil too if you like)

    - Smoked salmon, cream cheese, and avocado on toast

    - Poached eggs

    - Omelette

    - Toasted sandwiches

    - Healthy pancake recipes served with yoghurt and fruit
  • Sunka1
    Sunka1 Posts: 217 Member
    1/4 cup dry rolled oats mixed with two to three egg whites and cooked in a pan with a little coconut oil.
  • Laurenmp16
    Laurenmp16 Posts: 344 Member
    I have one whole english muffin but make two open faced egg sandwiches with them. I put a fried egg (made with coconut oil) , half a slice of cheese (wholefat), a tomato, bunches of raw spinach, and maybe some onion each, also a little avocado sometimes. Soo yummy. If I want to do it more than a couple times a week, I'll do just egg whites. Also, smoked salmon is great with this.
  • bbbbb33333
    bbbbb33333 Posts: 1,107 Member
    1/2 a blueberry begal, 1 Tbsp crean cheese, covered with real blueberries and a banana.....+ coffe & a little OJ
  • MrsFlotron
    MrsFlotron Posts: 39 Member
    protein shake or the yummiest best is soy chorizo potato hash poached egg and whole wheat tortilla!!
  • timeforme_2013
    timeforme_2013 Posts: 71 Member
    Whole grain PC Steele Steel cut oats, with granny smith apple, cinnamon, and 1 teaspoon brown sugar, coconut milk (occasionally)
  • dizzimamma
    Ham and spinach omelette.

    3 egg whites
    1 oz string cheese
    2 oz low sodium ham
    1 chopped green onion
    5 button mushrooms
    1/4 cup red bell pepper
    2 cups baby spinach
    Mrs. Dash to taste
    2 tlbs salsa.

    And a side of 1 cup strawberries

    I workout befor breakfast and always attempt to eat back at least 50% of my extra cals.
  • I either have oatmeal with fresh fruit thrown in (usually bananas/strawberries) or a a slice of whole grain toast with peanut butter and either a yogurt or cup of milk. Usually keeps me full for at least 3 hours!
  • Soyaknow
    Soyaknow Posts: 23 Member
    I go in phases, right now a couple three slices of Jennie O low fat turkey bacon (package says not good for microwave, but works fine for me), an apple and sometimes 1/3 cup oat bran just as a snack, no milk. I try to dip my apple in the oat bran cause it tastes gooooood!
  • miinas
    I could not function without breakfast. Here are some samples of my breakfasts:
    - 80g - 100g scrambled eggs w/ ground black pepper, 60g banana, 50g apple, 75g pear (not all fruit the same meal)
    - oatmeal (plain) w/ fresh fruit
    - Bob's Mill cereals: steel cut oats, cracked wheat, gf mighty tasty hot cereal, 10 grain hot cereal, apple, cinn. & grains cereal, organic creamy buckwheat - there are so many others I want to try!
    - grits
    - Trader Joe's multi grain
    I never add sugar, honey or syrup to my hot cereals. These are one of my favorite meals. It took me a while to get used to the cereals without sugar. Some people add cinnamon, raisins, nuts (walnuts, pecans, almonds) or other fresh or dried fruits to their cereals. I am quite satisfied with the flavor and texture of plain cereal.

    On weekends I splurge and have bacon or chicken sausage with my eggs.

    Other fresh fruits I enjoy: mango, pineapple, grapes, grapefruit, oranges, kiwi. I have at least 1-2 fruits with my breakfast daily. Example 1/2 banana and 1/4 apple sliced. I get my sugar fix from my fruit.

    I also always have 8 oz of skim milk every day with breakfast.
  • silvercanoe
    silvercanoe Posts: 95 Member
  • TarshCooper001
    TarshCooper001 Posts: 25 Member
    F/T working mum so I need quick and simple brekkies;

    1 fried egg, 1 portobello mushroom on a cracker biscuit 163 cals

    2x sanitarium weetbix, 125ml pura light start milk with natvia stevia stick (fake sugar) 161 cals
  • SweeDecadence92
    SweeDecadence92 Posts: 218 Member
    A smoothie!

    250ml Orange Juice
    2 tbsp Milled Flaxseed
    2 big handfuls of Spinich