the dangers of diet soda



  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    95% of the things we eat/do/drink/or even smell are dangerous, if we REALLY cared about it, we wouldnt have a life at all, or we would have a crappy one.
    MODERATION.... I rather have a diet soda once or twice a week, than being a complete ***** just cause im craving one and i cant have it.

    Amen and Amen! That's the way I feel about my snack cravings!

    me too - I still eat stuff that is supposed to be bad but try to cut back but if I'm miserable what's the point? I've been slowly changing my habits, doing my research the best I can, and changing the BIG things. The rest comes later.. baby steps.

    you dont need to cut stuff, you just need to LEARN how to eat and you are done. IMO Ppl that cut stuff completely out of their diet means its cause they dont have self control, they rather do that cause then cant eat/drink just a bit to get rid of the cravings.
  • aross001
    aross001 Posts: 237
    I can't believe and I am saddened by the number of people who did not understand what you were talking about...::facepalm::

    I thought for sure the first response was going to be someone calling me out and we could move on to a discussion about the chemicals we consume. Seems like this is still a lesson to be learned - don't accept the tone of an argument just because it sounds authoritative and has a bunch of unfamiliar words.

    it seems someone has looooots of free time on his hands, that he has to come and troll around. Good job mister, good job.

    Perhaps as much time as you have posting in what you've decided is a troll thread. I quite enjoy the forums, as you also seem to do based on the impressive number of posts you have. Why fault me for spending my free time here?
  • aross001
    aross001 Posts: 237
    95% of the things we eat/do/drink/or even smell are dangerous, if we REALLY cared about it, we wouldnt have a life at all, or we would have a crappy one.
    MODERATION.... I rather have a diet soda once or twice a week, than being a complete ***** just cause im craving one and i cant have it.

    Amen and Amen! That's the way I feel about my snack cravings!

    me too - I still eat stuff that is supposed to be bad but try to cut back but if I'm miserable what's the point? I've been slowly changing my habits, doing my research the best I can, and changing the BIG things. The rest comes later.. baby steps.

    you dont need to cut stuff, you just need to LEARN how to eat and you are done. IMO Ppl that cut stuff completely out of their diet means its cause they dont have self control, they rather do that cause then cant eat/drink just a bit to get rid of the cravings.

    in total agreement
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    Take it for what it is. The guy is just trying to help everyone. I personally cut all types of soda for the last 4 months. Don't need it at all, don't crave it.

    Look at it this way, can you hurt yourself by NOT cutting out soda from your diet? Yes, you can.

    Can you hurt yourself by CUTTING it out of your diet???, NOT AT ALL.

    We don't need soda of any kind, does it provide any known health benefits? CERTAINLY NOT. It's empty calories. A cocktail of **** our bodies can't use. Full of chemicals and the devil (HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP). It rots our teeth, elevates our sugars, creates acid in the body, weakens our bones, increases triglycerides, increases body fat, impairs brain functions....and I can go on and on. The **** is just plain bad, diet or regular. There's plenty of other things we could be using our calories for. And yes, people are gonna say "but there's no calories in DIET soda" but yes, technically you're right. But you're making a trade for worse things. There are so many people living off this crap. Diet soda has been a major player in the obesity epidemic.
  • aross001
    aross001 Posts: 237
    I can't believe and I am saddened by the number of people who did not understand what you were talking about...::facepalm::

    I thought for sure the first response was going to be someone calling me out and we could move on to a discussion about the chemicals we consume. Seems like this is still a lesson to be learned - don't accept the tone of an argument just because it sounds authoritative and has a bunch of unfamiliar words.

    Logical fallacies and scientific ignorance are the very fuel of the interwebz.

    indeed! Including my own beliefs! There was a time where I would have SWORN low carb dieting was the way to go but since then I've learned otherwise. It got me started on the path though...
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I've been drinking diet soda for years and plan to continue

  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    95% of the things we eat/do/drink/or even smell are dangerous, if we REALLY cared about it, we wouldnt have a life at all, or we would have a crappy one.
    MODERATION.... I rather have a diet soda once or twice a week, than being a complete ***** just cause im craving one and i cant have it.

    Amen and Amen! That's the way I feel about my snack cravings!

    me too - I still eat stuff that is supposed to be bad but try to cut back but if I'm miserable what's the point? I've been slowly changing my habits, doing my research the best I can, and changing the BIG things. The rest comes later.. baby steps.

    you dont need to cut stuff, you just need to LEARN how to eat and you are done. IMO Ppl that cut stuff completely out of their diet means its cause they dont have self control, they rather do that cause then cant eat/drink just a bit to get rid of the cravings.

    What kind of statement is this? Ummmm people who cut out **** they know is bad for them DO have self control. Or they wouldn't be able to even CUT IT OUT in the first place? That just makes no sense......Just because we know it's bad for us doesn't mean it's easy to go cold turkey. For me not having a diet soda twice a week didn't mean the difference between being *****y or not.
  • aross001
    aross001 Posts: 237
    You destroyed me. My goal in life has been to be completely original, never treading a beaten path and I have utterly failed. What lessons are there to be learned on a road weary from so many feet? *picks flower and stares*

    My hands shook so badly in typing this, I had to edit it three times to get it right.
    To some people, weight loss is apparently very serious business indeed. No room for humor.

    Funny thread, but it gave me a headache from rolling my eyes so many times.

    I apologize for the eye strain. A coupon for a free scalp massage will be distributed momentarily. ;)
  • Tebbspcad
    Tebbspcad Posts: 233
    There are worse things to worry about than diet soda. The thing is, nobody who drinks it actually thinks, "This diet soda is GOOD for me." We know. We get it. Diet soda is terrible, we should drink water, ok.

  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    There are worse things to worry about than diet soda. The thing is, nobody who drinks it actually thinks, "This diet soda is GOOD for me." We know. We get it. Diet soda is terrible, we should drink water, ok.


    water is even worse! everyone who has drank water has died! :laugh:
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    water is even worse! everyone who has drank water has died! :laugh:
    ^ Scientifically verified fact right there. The stuff is deadly, I tell ya.
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    If it takes a lab to make it, it takes a lab to digest it...... simply don't drink it......
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    95% of the things we eat/do/drink/or even smell are dangerous, if we REALLY cared about it, we wouldnt have a life at all, or we would have a crappy one.
    MODERATION.... I rather have a diet soda once or twice a week, than being a complete ***** just cause im craving one and i cant have it.

    Amen and Amen! That's the way I feel about my snack cravings!

    me too - I still eat stuff that is supposed to be bad but try to cut back but if I'm miserable what's the point? I've been slowly changing my habits, doing my research the best I can, and changing the BIG things. The rest comes later.. baby steps.

    you dont need to cut stuff, you just need to LEARN how to eat and you are done. IMO Ppl that cut stuff completely out of their diet means its cause they dont have self control, they rather do that cause then cant eat/drink just a bit to get rid of the cravings.

    lol I think this statement actually proved the opposite point. People that cut stuff out do it BECAUSE they have the self control to do so.....As opposed to someone who refuses to face the cravings and have to have "just a bit to get rid of the cravings"

    Thats like saying a crack head that just does crack once a week to get rid of his craving has more self control than a recovering crack head that no longer does crack.....:laugh:
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    Diet soda doesnt' count as dihydrogen monoxide. Only dihydrogen monoxide counts, that's why it's called dihydrogen monoxide.

    Put **** in a ham sandwich and it is a ham sandwich! dont worry about the ****! Only **** is ****!
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    If it takes a lab to make it, it takes a lab to digest it...... simply don't drink it......

    Hungry for Change :heart:

    A lot of people on this thread could learn something from that documentary! Simply incredible! :smile:
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    Great documentary!!! Everyone should watch it! And loved the comment about the lab!!!
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    95% of the things we eat/do/drink/or even smell are dangerous, if we REALLY cared about it, we wouldnt have a life at all, or we would have a crappy one.
    MODERATION.... I rather have a diet soda once or twice a week, than being a complete ***** just cause im craving one and i cant have it.

    Amen and Amen! That's the way I feel about my snack cravings!

    me too - I still eat stuff that is supposed to be bad but try to cut back but if I'm miserable what's the point? I've been slowly changing my habits, doing my research the best I can, and changing the BIG things. The rest comes later.. baby steps.

    you dont need to cut stuff, you just need to LEARN how to eat and you are done. IMO Ppl that cut stuff completely out of their diet means its cause they dont have self control, they rather do that cause then cant eat/drink just a bit to get rid of the cravings.

    lol I think this statement actually proved the opposite point. People that cut stuff out do it BECAUSE they have the self control to do so.....As opposed to someone who refuses to face the cravings and have to have "just a bit to get rid of the cravings"

    Thats like saying a crack head that just does crack once a week to get rid of his craving has more self control than a recovering crack head that no longer does crack.....:laugh:

    Lol, yup!!!
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    95% of the things we eat/do/drink/or even smell are dangerous, if we REALLY cared about it, we wouldnt have a life at all, or we would have a crappy one.
    MODERATION.... I rather have a diet soda once or twice a week, than being a complete ***** just cause im craving one and i cant have it.

    Amen and Amen! That's the way I feel about my snack cravings!

    me too - I still eat stuff that is supposed to be bad but try to cut back but if I'm miserable what's the point? I've been slowly changing my habits, doing my research the best I can, and changing the BIG things. The rest comes later.. baby steps.

    you dont need to cut stuff, you just need to LEARN how to eat and you are done. IMO Ppl that cut stuff completely out of their diet means its cause they dont have self control, they rather do that cause then cant eat/drink just a bit to get rid of the cravings.

    lol I think this statement actually proved the opposite point. People that cut stuff out do it BECAUSE they have the self control to do so.....As opposed to someone who refuses to face the cravings and have to have "just a bit to get rid of the cravings"

    Thats like saying a crack head that just does crack once a week to get rid of his craving has more self control than a recovering crack head that no longer does crack.....:laugh:

    Lol, yup!!!

    What they don't realize is that the cravings go away. Its not like we're just itching for the next hit every day of our lives. Eventually (Took me about a week) the cravings go away.

    But you better believe by day three I was crying like a baby!! LITERALLY addicted!! Seeing that response my body was having opened my eyes to the fact that I was addicted and that I'm NEVER having it ever again!!
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    If it takes a lab to make it, it takes a lab to digest it...... simply don't drink it......
    I think I'll keep my whey protein shakes, thanks. They're made in a lab also.
  • aross001
    aross001 Posts: 237
    95% of the things we eat/do/drink/or even smell are dangerous, if we REALLY cared about it, we wouldnt have a life at all, or we would have a crappy one.
    MODERATION.... I rather have a diet soda once or twice a week, than being a complete ***** just cause im craving one and i cant have it.

    Amen and Amen! That's the way I feel about my snack cravings!

    me too - I still eat stuff that is supposed to be bad but try to cut back but if I'm miserable what's the point? I've been slowly changing my habits, doing my research the best I can, and changing the BIG things. The rest comes later.. baby steps.

    you dont need to cut stuff, you just need to LEARN how to eat and you are done. IMO Ppl that cut stuff completely out of their diet means its cause they dont have self control, they rather do that cause then cant eat/drink just a bit to get rid of the cravings.

    lol I think this statement actually proved the opposite point. People that cut stuff out do it BECAUSE they have the self control to do so.....As opposed to someone who refuses to face the cravings and have to have "just a bit to get rid of the cravings"

    Thats like saying a crack head that just does crack once a week to get rid of his craving has more self control than a recovering crack head that no longer does crack.....:laugh:

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