Biggest argument you get in with friends about diet



  • AnabolicKyle
    AnabolicKyle Posts: 489 Member
    I often hear- "I don't eat that much. I only eat one meal a day, blah, blah, blah."
    I often hear the opposite from fairly skinny people "Well, I ate loads today..."
    Ask them what they ate and add it up and it turns out it's 1000 calories or something - usually less than I would eat when I'm trying to lose weight.


  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I don't talk to my friends about it any more if I can help it, because lots of them are always trying the newest diet or "fat club" or just plain not interested. That's why I have MFP friends and the MFP forums.
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    "You've lost weight!!! What are you doing that for?!? You looked fine the way you were!" I don't look fine the way I am now? I'm doing this the healthy proper way with diet and exercise! I'm losing weight because I want to be healthy-never a good enough answer, "You weren't healthy before?" "Did you have issues? Did a doctor tell you to lose weight?" Now I just smile when someone notices, and shrug and walk away when asked why. It's not worth the argument. I love getting the 'How did you do it?' from from friends who are trying to lose weight too quickly by under eating. They act like they desparately want advice and then just scoff and say their way is better, it's soo much faster. Yup, that's why I'm seeing results and you're not.

    YUP!! Exactly! Then they are ordering fries smothered in gravy and a burger the next day for lunch and having chips and chocolate bars for snacks...They just don't get it.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    1. Biggest argument from female friends is that "I don't need to lose weight" "I'm fine the way I am" bullS.... Especially since they're all UK size 4-8 (US size 0-4) and at the time I was 250lbs and wearing tents as clothes. I still get it now

    Yeah, when a friend tells me that, I'm likely to reply with "I can just about fit your jeans on my ARM. Shut up."
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    The biggest argument I get into is when my friends decide they want to 'eat healthy' and all they eat are special K bars, weight watchers crisps etc and think that's healthy. I always say it's full of empty carbs and little nutrition what's wrong with eating real food but they just say 'yeah but it's only got 99 calories in' they just don't understand.

    Or it is fat free!

    Oh, or it all natural, since it was sweetened with honey. But whenever someone tries to shove all natural at me, I just point out that arsenic is all natural, as well. I mostly eat clean, but the idea that something is good for you just because it is natural is ridiculous. I know plenty of overweight vegetarians and vegans and I have seen what they eat, so it isn't some fluke medical condition.
  • Shrelana
    Shrelana Posts: 248 Member
    The biggest one I get into is that "yes, you DO need to eat in order to lose weight..." Eating one meal of chicken sticks and tater tots while supplementing with tons of glasses of [green tea/coffee/water/insert "healthy" drink here] does not give you enough Calories for your body to continue to operate, so yes, you feel like crap!
  • Shrelana
    Shrelana Posts: 248 Member
    The biggest argument I get into is when my friends decide they want to 'eat healthy' and all they eat are special K bars, weight watchers crisps etc and think that's healthy. I always say it's full of empty carbs and little nutrition what's wrong with eating real food but they just say 'yeah but it's only got 99 calories in' they just don't understand.

    Or it is fat free!

    Oh, or it all natural, since it was sweetened with honey. But whenever someone tries to shove all natural at me, I just point out that arsenic is all natural, as well. I mostly eat clean, but the idea that something is good for you just because it is natural is ridiculous. I know plenty of overweight vegetarians and vegans and I have seen what they eat, so it isn't some fluke medical condition.

    To be fair, I LOVE those Special K bars when I don't have time for breakfast (slept in, for example) and need something on the way out the door :)
  • slimcakelady
    slimcakelady Posts: 81 Member
    "You've lost weight!!! What are you doing that for?!? You looked fine the way you were!" I don't look fine the way I am now? I'm doing this the healthy proper way with diet and exercise! I'm losing weight because I want to be healthy-never a good enough answer, "You weren't healthy before?" "Did you have issues? Did a doctor tell you to lose weight?" Now I just smile when someone notices, and shrug and walk away when asked why. It's not worth the argument. I love getting the 'How did you do it?' from from friends who are trying to lose weight too quickly by under eating. They act like they desparately want advice and then just scoff and say their way is better, it's soo much faster. Yup, that's why I'm seeing results and you're not.

    I get this from my friends too. When I share with them the MFP site and how its help me get my eating back under control from the holidays and lost 8 pounds in the 30 days I've been logging on....They tell me "but you were fine, you didn't need to loose weight." My response is "I've let myself get to 155 pounds and at 5'3" a BMI of 28 is not good." Diabetes is very prevalent in my family and that's one of the main reasons I exercise and eat healthy. Looking good in my clothes and feeling awesome from all this energy is just a wonderful added bonus.

    Some people just don't want to listen because they don't want to put in the work to change their lifestyle. Mostly, I just keep it to myself and only talk to people I know really want to listen to some good advice. I don't claim to know it all, but the prrof is in the pudding.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    The biggest argument I get into is when my friends decide they want to 'eat healthy' and all they eat are special K bars, weight watchers crisps etc and think that's healthy. I always say it's full of empty carbs and little nutrition what's wrong with eating real food but they just say 'yeah but it's only got 99 calories in' they just don't understand.

    I have a friend/gym buddy who is doing WW and has a lot of their snacks, processed food etc. Every time I go to her house (we'd usually go out to lunch after gym on Saturdays, but shower and pick up her husband at her house first) she'll offer me those snacks saying how great they are. She's also taken to offering me candy and other junk (I need to work on my will power against everything).

    But, the biggest thing that we "argue" about is how much I eat. At one point I was eating back calories (now TDEE-%), so she couldn't understand how I could have two slices of pizza for lunch and for dinner needed to eat higher calories to hit my goal. She's on WW, and she's on the lowest points possible because she's short (she probably still has 40lbs to lose), and she refuses to eat back exercise points. She just glares at me or will say something, but I just kind of shrug and don't respond because I'm not going to change her mind (she's been dieting for years and years so obviously knows more than me) and it's not worth the argument.
  • patentguru
    patentguru Posts: 312 Member
    I don't talk to my friends about it any more if I can help it, because lots of them are always trying the newest diet or "fat club" or just plain not interested. That's why I have MFP friends and the MFP forums.

    So true. I am starting to head down the same road as I make like minded friends on MFP.
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    The following statements will cause me to argue

    "It's low fat, so it's healthy!"

    "I'm cutting out all 'insert entire food group"

    "It's a 'free food'" (I hate weight watchers.)

    " X is 'rabbit food'"
  • Yaxomoxay
    Yaxomoxay Posts: 25 Member
    - "You don't need to lose weight"
    -"Why do you count calories? Isn't that sad?"
    -Eating is fun, why would you get off having fun?
    - "come on it's just a beer" "no, I already had one" "come on dude"
    - "You are not eating enough" (usually in front of cheeseburgers and fries)
    - (while my mom is literally pouring gallons of extra virgin olive oil when she visits from Italy) "It's just a drop"
    -"why are you looking at calories or proteins? You should look at vitamins!"

    And the worse one:
    -"I don't get why I am not losing weight. I do yoga" (food and frappuccino in hand) "you eat to much, you don't exercise enough" "That's not true" "If you want I can explain how it works" "no thanks, I will think about it later" (usually they show up heavier three months later, complaining about their weight but still unwilling to actually analyze the problem)
  • KathyPBiles
    KathyPBiles Posts: 292 Member
    The biggest argument (if you want to call it that) is "I thought you were dieting, you can't have that." I try to tell them, if you tell yourself you can't have something, you are going to have it or die, and probably over indulge with it at that. I know I can have everything in moderation, as long as I plan for it. I never feel deprived, I just make better choices.
  • Katy8967
    Katy8967 Posts: 41 Member
    That its automatically healthier because its home cooked - MIL. Yeah this might be the case when I am cooking but all that butter and salt you like to add and those portion sizes are NOT healthy.
  • patentguru
    patentguru Posts: 312 Member
    The biggest argument (if you want to call it that) is "I thought you were dieting, you can't have that." I try to tell them, if you tell yourself you can't have something, you are going to have it or die, and probably over indulge with it at that. I know I can have everything in moderation, as long as I plan for it. I never feel deprived, I just make better choices.

    My thoughts exactly.
  • 212ackley
    212ackley Posts: 431 Member
    1. Biggest argument from female friends is that "I don't need to lose weight" "I'm fine the way I am" bullS.... Especially since they're all UK size 4-8 (US size 0-4) and at the time I was 250lbs and wearing tents as clothes. I still get it now

    Yeah, when a friend tells me that, I'm likely to reply with "I can just about fit your jeans on my ARM. Shut up."

    still laughing ...I feel the same way sometimes!!!
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    Ohhh and anything anyone tries to say about women lifting heavy other than "it will make you look freakin amazing"
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I don't get into arguments with friends about diet. I really wish even one of my friends would succeed losing the way I do (counting calories, moderate deficit), but instead my two dearest friends do the Cambridge Diet , lose the weight, regain it, then start again.

    The strongest argument for my way is that I keep the weight off, but if that unspoken argument can't convince them, I shan't waste my breath.
  • orthopgk
    These very friends will ask you how you did it and log on to MFP at the earliest opportunity. It's another thing whether they persist or not. :happy:
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I don't argue with anyone about this stuff. I have friends who have successfully lost weight and keep it of and workout everyday, and attribute it to kick starting their metabolism in the morning, and never eating after 7pm. I just keep my mouth shut, or laugh and tell tem I eat dinner at 10pm often and if my metabolism ever stops, I hope someone calls 911.