Slim In 6 Workout Buddies Wanted!



  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I didn't get my workout in yesterday. I did get to the store and get the inserts for my shoes hoping it will help. So here's today's goal....Slim & 6pk, SIU, and S&L. Regardless - I WILL get the Slim & 6pk and S&L done -no more excuses about the shins for me!

    Richmand - thanks for sharing the info about calories burned. I've always wondered about that.
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Just a fast run by...

    Got my.....Slim and 6pk, SIU, and S&L done!!

    The 6 pk needs some work..... big time :tongue:

    MandyThomas WELCOME to you!! :flowerforyou:

    Catch up later
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    I'm driving through real fast here too.

    I just did S&6-Pack, Cardio Core Express, and Slim & Limber. Gotta run!
  • shagybear33
    shagybear33 Posts: 272
    Hello everyone!!

    Glad to hear everyone is doing good!!

    I did SIU last night as well as some interval training on my treadmill. I wore my HRM while doing both.

    My calorie burn for SIU was 113 and my treadmill training was 413.

    Tonight's plan is SIU & Slim & 6 Pack and some treadmill interval/hills training.

    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Im back!!

    Did 20mins on a weight loss program on the elliptical and slim & limber. Then took the dog for a 30min walk/run for a burn of 704 calories.

    Todays total calories burned was 972!! Good thing I have lots of calories left we are having sausages, perogies and salad for dinner...yummy!

    Jill & Shagy: Great job on getting those workouts in!!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Yeah! Glad to see everyone is pushing play! :smile: You guys are rockin' this for sure - keep it up!

    Yesterday I did Slim Series Shape it Up (78 min) and today was Firm it Up (58 min)...and then I realized this was supposed to be a rest week. :huh: I had no clue it's been 4 weeks already. Ohhh well. Since I've already worked out 4 days this week I guess I'll finish up and take a rest week NEXT week lol. :tongue: Time flies when you're having fun - Ha!

    Checkin' in with you guys later...
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Wow Its great to see such activity going on here!!

    Mandy I strained my back 2 week ends ago... wasnt sure weather if I was going to start..SI6 Monday or not, but glad I did. I have done Slim & Limber the last thing after all 3 days and it has REALLY HELPED!! ( Thanks to Jill) I urge you to gve it a shot. Cheers to you for starting up again! Its the best thing you could do for your boys.. is to take care of you :smile:

    AWESOME job everyone:flowerforyou: See you tomorrow!
  • MandyThomas
    Did Slim in Limber and Start it up. My back is feeling much better this morning. In case no one has tried it but I had bought some of the Activ On joint and muscle topical for my husband and tried it in my back. That is stuff is awesome by back feels much better this morning! YEA full speed ahead! Glad to see everyone is doing their work outs! See everyone tomorrow!
  • shagybear33
    shagybear33 Posts: 272
    OH yummmyy Sweettart!! That's what we are having for tonight's supper. So needless to say I'm going to have to burn some major calories too!!

    I did Cardio Core Express last night. My shoulder was a bit achy (not sure what from) but it's better today. I was running short on time last night so I didn't get my Slim & 6 pack in like I wanted.

    Tonight I plan on doing the Start it Up and probably going to hit the treadmill for a good interval run.

    Glad to see everyone is keeping up with the workouts!! Way to go!!!!!!!!!! :D
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    I did Day 4 -Start It Up and Slim and Limber.. its getting easier. :smile:

    Anybody else notice the music doesnt match the moves, I turned it off this morn and the w/o went much smoother.

    Have a great day all!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    Oh yeah, I always turn the music off! That isn't an option with Cardio Core Express, but I actually like the music in that one.

    I'm off to do one of my favorite Slim Series workouts: Firm It Up. It's pretty much lower-body stuff — lots of squats and lunges. Call me crazy, but I absolutely love squats!
  • fitmommy4life
    So the Slim Series is something you buy and do AFTER SI6??
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    So the Slim Series is something you buy and do AFTER SI6??
    Short answer: Yes.

    If you're already quite fit, you can skip right to Slim Series, but most people would do better to do Slim in 6 first. Plus, I still use some of the workouts from the original program, so I'm really glad to have both.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Good Evening Ladies!

    Callie: I also always turn off the music too annoying and boring.

    Well today I did SIU for a calorie burn of 224. Then did 20 mins on the elliptical with the weight loss program and slim & Limber for another calorie burn of 378.

    Total calorie burn for the day is 602. Only 1104 calories to burn in 2 days..I CAN SO DO IT!! :)

    My abs don't hurt as much today or either does my neck (still hurts a bit) but the back of my thighs are still sore.

    Jill: I dont mind doing squats its the lunges I HATE!!

    See you ladies tomorrow!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Mandy I bought some Acti On yesterday... even though I am almost healed... it still helps. THANKS!!

    Shagybear Good Job :smile:

    Jill Squats and lunges = a smaller, sculpted, lifted butt.. I HOPE!

    Sweettart Same here squats ok... lunges a pain.. Yip-ee your geting stronger!!

    I had a rough night up 3 times and waiting for my daughter to come home. So I am not in the mood to w/o.. but I'm gonna do it anyways, if I dont, its gonna be another time I have quit and I want this to work!!!! I beleive it will but I have to do it!

    Have a HAPPY FRI and a w/o everyone :flowerforyou:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    How old is your daughter, Callie? I have two teens, and they cause me to lose more sleep now than when they were infants. Ugh!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Callie: Tell your daughter she needs to start coming home earlier she isnt doing your health any good! You need your sleep. I get like that too where you dont want to w/o but trust me once you push yourself and do it you are SO glad you did!!

    Just finished Slim & 6 Pack and SIU for a calorie burn of 287.

    Later going to do the ellpitcal and slim & limber.

    Time to clean

    Have a great w/o everyone!!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Ah feeling great workout #2 is done!

    Did 20 min weight loss program on elliptical and then slim & limber.

    I can't believe tomorrow is already week 1 done! Now time to move upto Ramp It Up!! The question is I do it for 1 or 2 weeks? hmm guess I'll find out next week!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Well I got them done!! 6 pk, SIU & S & L!! I could tell I was tired but am stronger than I was Monday! Consistency is the key.... I gotta remember that!

    Jill I have 2 teenagers... my daughter is 17 and son 19. I know it... TG for CELL PHONES!!!!!!

    Sweettart I am glad I made myself. She was on a class field trip... I cant blame it ALL on her... the dog, light and a potty break had me up before she got home. GREAT JOB 2 x a day is going to yield results!!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Sweettart MMMMM same ??? Do I move up ? Guess I better watch RIU this week end.