Slim In 6 Workout Buddies Wanted!



  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    ank5 and Truhvn: Welcome to our group!:flowerforyou:

    Well workout #2 done!

    I did 20mins on the elliptical on a weight loss program and then 3mins of stretching for a calorie burn of 239.

    Todays total is 719.
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Jill - Congrats on your 20th anniversary! :flowerforyou: We have our 21st on 4/12! And...I am ALMOST jealous you're doing Tear It Up...:tongue: I don't like this rest week already lol. Doing TIU makes me feel like I can conquer anything!!!!

    Callie - Good for you getting in the exercise in spite of it all! :drinker: I know I am always glad (in the end) that I put in that effort to just do it.

    Mandy - That breakfast sounds yummy!!

    Ank5 & Natasha - welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Sweettart - NICE calorie burn!! :drinker:
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Forgot to mention - there's an online chat with Debbie Siebers over at Beachbody's chat room tomorrow if anyone's interested! Never joined a chat there before, but I might take a peek. :smile:

    From Beachbody:

    Hi everyone!

    Mark your calenders! We have a chat coming up with Debbie Siebers scheduled for Tuesday, March 30th 2010 at 5:00pm (PT)/8:00pm (ET)in the Public chat room!.

    Please join in and feel free to ask Debbie anything about Slim in 6, and connect with others who are also doing the program.
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    Alrighty, so I didn't do Start It Up like I wanted this evening...but I did go on a walk for 30 minutes with a stroller (pushing a 35lb 2 1/2 yr old boy...couldn't find that one on any calorie burner!) up hill part way, and I did Slim and Limber...and about 3 minutes of Slim and 6pack as that was all I could muster. I was glad I did the SandL, I'd never done it before. Tomorrow I'll have TKD so that will be a big calorie burner. I did manage to eat pretty good today. All in all I'm feeling proud of myself cuz what I really wanted to do was go to bed and NOT do any SI6...but I felt a nagging in my head to make picking off the breading and skin of my KFC chicken breast today count even more by burning a few more calories than I normally would have!:laugh:
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Truhvn: Glad you did something which is better then nothing. Take baby steps getting into SI6 if that is whats going to help you.

    Well just got done RIU. My shoulders are hurting today. I burned 379 calories. Not enough of a calorie burn today so Ill be doing more exercise later.

    Have a job interview today so time to get ready!

    Have a great w/o everyone!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    WELCOME ank5 and Truhvn:flowerforyou:

    Truhvn This is your time to stick with it !! Good job last eve. About the cals.. THE ONLY THING that has worked for me in the past was to stick closely to my BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate, what your body needs to function) cals within 200-300 daily. So I guess I was burning the 200-300 durning my w/o's then I was eating my cals. Dont forget your water, I aim for 100 oz. :drinker:

    sweettart Your going GREAT!!

    scoobees LOL... we have something in common.. my 21st anniversary was mid Feb! Thanks for the heards up on the DS chat... I havent done that before.
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    sweettart .....Break a leg at your job interview today!!! :smile:
  • Glad to see everyone is still going! Keep it up!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    Thanks, Scoobees. Happy almost-21st anniversary to you! We'll be celebrating your anniversary by going to the Mariners home opener that day. :-)

    Well, I definitely tore it up yesterday. I tweaked my shoulder, so it's a good thing today is a rest day. I was hoping it wouldn't still hurt this morning, but it does, so I think I'll ice it here pretty soon. I probably should have done that yesterday. I think I'll be good as new soon, though.

    Welcome to the new people!

    Good luck at the job interview, Sweettart!

    Good morning, Callie!

    Hope you all have great days and awesome workouts. I have lots to do to keep me busy on my "rest" day, so I'd better get busy.
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    Had a good hard work out at karate class...weighed after class...YAY I've lost 4 lbs! (and that was at 8 at nite!) I like not having a scale at home cuz I'd probably weigh myself every morning praying for a miracle to have happened overnight. I had a real problem with calories though, cuz I'd ate pretty good during the day, then BOOM, I gained an extra 900 calories because of class...guess I need to factor that in from the get go on Tues and Thurs cuz there's no way I'm eating that before bed! Can I balance it out during the week, on the days I don't burn as many calories?

    Keep up the hard work everyone! My optimism is overflowing tonight...I can do it! You can too!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Hi Everyone

    Mandy Keep pushing play!!

    Jill Good Morning!!

    Truhvn Wow 4 lbs... keep that optimism on a roll!!

    My w/o yesterday was like Monday RIU ... 30 mins (10 mins more) into the dvd & S& L. I feel a bit more rested this am. Hopefully that will help me complete RIU this morn.

    Have a WONDERFUL Wed and KickA$$ w/o :happy:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    WOW it tripled!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Well another day closer to being done SI6!

    Today I did slim & 6 pack and RIU for a calorie burn of 406. Am going to take the dog for a walk/run today too so there is more calories gone!

    Will be back later to post second workout.

    Have a great hump day
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    sweettart That's the way girl!!

    I completed my 1st offical day of RIU :tongue: I can tell my stamina is getting better. The leg lift floor phase, was burning badly so I had to stop every once in awhile. I was happy to see Yoga was included but was not crazy on her instruction or maybe it was the sequencing? I cant wait to do it again tomorrow.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    Hey everybody! Man, I have been busy with work today.

    I did Slim & 6-Pack, Cardio Core Express, and Slim & Limber today.

    Callie, the yoga on RIU is kind of goofy. The poses are held for significantly different amounts of time from one leg to the next. When I was doing that workout regularly, I would alternate which leg I started with each time I did the workout so that it would balance out. The yoga is better on BIU.

    Those leg lefts are even more killer in BIU! I guess that's one of the changes that's being made for the revised SI6 that's coming out — not fewer leg lifts, but she alternates between legs so that you don't kill yourself so long at a time on each leg. NOW she fixes that! :tongue: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Hi Jill, I am sure I will do a change up for the Yoga... so I am more balanced, she was just turning every which way! I thought about alternating legs, it would be better than having to take breaks and work up to it.... if I need them to progress for BIU. They are butt breakers.:devil: I am glad to hear there is Yoga in BIU... though. I took Pilates and Yoga classes and I miss them.:cry:

    When's the new version coming out?
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    I think the new version is out now, but I will find out for sure.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    OK, I checked, and the info I read says it's the new version that's shipping if you order it now.

    Here's a link:

    There are a couple of specials too.

    You can get Slim in 6 + Shakeology (and get a 25% discount on SI6):

    Or you can get Slim in 6 + Slim Series:
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    I'm in too....been there and done that but had a blast the whole time! You can def tell a diff!! When I was actively doing it...all the girls at work were asking me about it because they could tell the diff in my body strength and tone. After having a baby in Jan, that is def something I need to get back!!!! lol It will be a nice addition to my step and kickboxing classes at the gym. I'm ready to be "Slim in Six" and bikini bound! :)
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