should you really eat ALL your calories from excercise back?



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Your goal is to lose weight, if youre full there is no logical reason to eat them back.

    You need to understand how MFP works, it would give 2 people of the same size and job the same calorie target, as it excludes exercise calories.

    now if one of those people was a couch potato, and the other one a marathon runner, do you still think they should eat the same, as that's what you are suggesting by not eating back exercise calories.

    this may help

    do you really believe a 120lb female marathon runner would be full on the same diet as a 120lb female couch potato. Not Possible! Unless your body has some serious defects. I dont think you gals are giving the body enough credit.

    If youre tricking yourself into not being hungry thats a different story, but if youre full and a healthy person there is no need to eat the calories back.

    I don't understand your point in the first paragraph. That is exactly the point that was being made.

    Read the link I provided.

    ETA: here it is:


    Dont understand why you would eat back Cal plz explain.

    The link provided earlier explains it - it's all about the size of the deficit.

    (This link: )
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    i actually tried to load one and it crashed my internet. might have been a coincidence, but hey....

    They are just links to other threads in this forum, should not cause any crashes hmmmm....

    tried again - it's too much for me. to be honest, i want easy answers (yes or no, not easy options) , not scientific formula... if I get confused, I'll stop trying. So thanks to those who posted but thats not how I'm going to succeed at this. I don't want to get THAT caught up in the numbers.

    in other words, "if it's hard, you don't want to do it."

    not at all. happy to put in hard work but know myself and i don't want to get that scientific about it. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    Why do you keep saying its scientific - you put a few numbers into an online calculator - and do a bit of simple math.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I don't. I don't understand why I would want to. The whole point is to LOSE weight and create a deficiency. Meh. It works for me!!

    Read the links and articled provided - you should understand why then.
  • AnabolicKyle
    AnabolicKyle Posts: 489 Member
    Your goal is to lose weight, if youre full there is no logical reason to eat them back.

    You need to understand how MFP works, it would give 2 people of the same size and job the same calorie target, as it excludes exercise calories.

    now if one of those people was a couch potato, and the other one a marathon runner, do you still think they should eat the same, as that's what you are suggesting by not eating back exercise calories.

    this may help

    do you really believe a 120lb female marathon runner would be full on the same diet as a 120lb female couch potato. Not Possible! Unless your body has some serious defects. I dont think you gals are giving the body enough credit.

    If youre tricking yourself into not being hungry thats a different story, but if youre full and a healthy person there is no need to eat the calories back.

    I'm pretty sure that was the point that was being made. Someone who is sedentary and someone who is very active have different caloric needs, however because their weight is the same MFP would most likely give them the same caloric intake goal. The difference in caloric needs would be then based on the amount of activity - the marathon runner would most likely need to consume many more calories than the couch potato even though their base caloric intake is the same based on their weight.

    Original question

    i have 1000 calories 'spare'after burning 800 ish calories today.

    So what is the consensus? Try my damndest to eat them back, or let this be an under day and eat higher calorie food tomorrow?

    My answer - no need to eat back Cals if youre full. Still have the same answer.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    i actually tried to load one and it crashed my internet. might have been a coincidence, but hey....

    They are just links to other threads in this forum, should not cause any crashes hmmmm....

    tried again - it's too much for me. to be honest, i want easy answers (yes or no, not easy options) , not scientific formula... if I get confused, I'll stop trying. So thanks to those who posted but thats not how I'm going to succeed at this. I don't want to get THAT caught up in the numbers.

    in other words, "if it's hard, you don't want to do it."

    not at all. happy to put in hard work but know myself and i don't want to get that scientific about it. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    Why do you keep saying its scientific - you put a few numbers into an online calculator - and do a bit of simple math.

    Look you have your way, and that's fine, but I don't want to hear about it. I accept your right to follow your own path, do me a favour and accept mine. Oh and don't bother telling me it won't work. I think we're on different pages and I find a lot of what you post to not be helpful to ME. Thanks for taking the time out to help but you are starting to really get to me now.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    i actually tried to load one and it crashed my internet. might have been a coincidence, but hey....

    They are just links to other threads in this forum, should not cause any crashes hmmmm....

    tried again - it's too much for me. to be honest, i want easy answers (yes or no, not easy options) , not scientific formula... if I get confused, I'll stop trying. So thanks to those who posted but thats not how I'm going to succeed at this. I don't want to get THAT caught up in the numbers.

    in other words, "if it's hard, you don't want to do it."

    not at all. happy to put in hard work but know myself and i don't want to get that scientific about it. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    Why do you keep saying its scientific - you put a few numbers into an online calculator - and do a bit of simple math.

    Look you have your way, and that's fine, but I don't want to hear about it. I accept your right to follow your own path, do me a favour and accept mine. Oh and don't bother telling me it won't work. I think we're on different pages and I find a lot of what you post to not be helpful to ME. Thanks for taking the time out to help but you are starting to really get to me now.

    You are making no sense. I am not trying to tell you how to do anything - I am trying to get you to read something that will help you understand how to answer your question. Obviously you cannot be bothered so here is good luck to are going to need it.
  • AnabolicKyle
    AnabolicKyle Posts: 489 Member
    I don't. I don't understand why I would want to. The whole point is to LOSE weight and create a deficiency. Meh. It works for me!!

    Read the links and articled provided - you should understand why then.

    Read, still same answer.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    i actually tried to load one and it crashed my internet. might have been a coincidence, but hey....

    They are just links to other threads in this forum, should not cause any crashes hmmmm....

    tried again - it's too much for me. to be honest, i want easy answers (yes or no, not easy options) , not scientific formula... if I get confused, I'll stop trying. So thanks to those who posted but thats not how I'm going to succeed at this. I don't want to get THAT caught up in the numbers.

    in other words, "if it's hard, you don't want to do it."

    not at all. happy to put in hard work but know myself and i don't want to get that scientific about it. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    Why do you keep saying its scientific - you put a few numbers into an online calculator - and do a bit of simple math.

    Look you have your way, and that's fine, but I don't want to hear about it. I accept your right to follow your own path, do me a favour and accept mine. Oh and don't bother telling me it won't work. I think we're on different pages and I find a lot of what you post to not be helpful to ME. Thanks for taking the time out to help but you are starting to really get to me now.

    You are making no sense. I am not trying to tell you how to do anything - I am trying to get you to read something that will help you understand how to answer your question. Obviously you cannot be bothered so here is good luck to are going to need it.

    ^^ This. You are condescending and it grates. Please don't bother, I would appreciate it.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I don't. I don't understand why I would want to. The whole point is to LOSE weight and create a deficiency. Meh. It works for me!!

    you don't understand. mfp already gives you a deficit.

    just go to the homepage and go to goals, and change your goals to maintain your weight. you'll see that it gives you a certain number of calories to eat. that is not taking into account exercises.

    **hmmm, maybe thats what people don't understand. that your daily calorie intake is not taking into account what you've put in for your expected calorie burn a week.**

    so anyway, if you put in "lose 1 pound per week" you will now be given a reduced calorie intake. a deficit. by exercising, you now create a greater deficit. but too much of a deficit can be harmful.

    this is like when you are sick. taking twice the medication won't make you feel better quicker. in fact, if done regularly, it can have harmful long term effects.

    having a large calorie deficit can be okay for a little while, but it can have some negative effects over a long period of time.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I don't. I don't understand why I would want to. The whole point is to LOSE weight and create a deficiency. Meh. It works for me!!

    Read the links and articled provided - you should understand why then.

    Read, still same answer.

    I think you are trolling now, as all the answers are in the threads previoulsy linked.
  • jellybeanasmommy
    Your goal is to lose weight, if youre full there is no logical reason to eat them back.

    You need to understand how MFP works, it would give 2 people of the same size and job the same calorie target, as it excludes exercise calories.

    now if one of those people was a couch potato, and the other one a marathon runner, do you still think they should eat the same, as that's what you are suggesting by not eating back exercise calories.

    this may help

    do you really believe a 120lb female marathon runner would be full on the same diet as a 120lb female couch potato. Not Possible! Unless your body has some serious defects. I dont think you gals are giving the body enough credit.

    If youre tricking yourself into not being hungry thats a different story, but if youre full and a healthy person there is no need to eat the calories back.

    I'm pretty sure that was the point that was being made. Someone who is sedentary and someone who is very active have different caloric needs, however because their weight is the same MFP would most likely give them the same caloric intake goal. The difference in caloric needs would be then based on the amount of activity - the marathon runner would most likely need to consume many more calories than the couch potato even though their base caloric intake is the same based on their weight.

    Original question

    i have 1000 calories 'spare'after burning 800 ish calories today.

    So what is the consensus? Try my damndest to eat them back, or let this be an under day and eat higher calorie food tomorrow?

    My answer - no need to eat back Cals if youre full. Still have the same answer.

    Since you quoted my most recent response I will respond with part of my earlier comment - doing this OCCASIONALLY is probably not a big deal, however doing this REGULARLY is most likely not healthy. Not to mention most likely not sustainable. Sustainability in a diet (I use the term loosely here) can make or break your weight loss. Can you lose more weight more quickly by having a greater deficit? Probably. However, when you start consuming a "normal" amount again (i.e. not a severe deficit) you're more likely to start gaining. There's a reason "get thin quick" doesn't work for most people in the long term - because it's just not sustainable. You're much more likely to get long lasting results by reducing your intake moderately and perhaps losing more slowly, but it's much easier to KEEP it off this way. Not to mention healthier. Thinner does not always equal healthier.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i actually tried to load one and it crashed my internet. might have been a coincidence, but hey....

    They are just links to other threads in this forum, should not cause any crashes hmmmm....

    tried again - it's too much for me. to be honest, i want easy answers (yes or no, not easy options) , not scientific formula... if I get confused, I'll stop trying. So thanks to those who posted but thats not how I'm going to succeed at this. I don't want to get THAT caught up in the numbers.

    in other words, "if it's hard, you don't want to do it."

    not at all. happy to put in hard work but know myself and i don't want to get that scientific about it. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    part of this isn't just learning how to exercise and cook healthier. part of this is educating yourself on how the body works. on how food effects it, and how much you need and what you can do with certain fuel.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    i actually tried to load one and it crashed my internet. might have been a coincidence, but hey....

    They are just links to other threads in this forum, should not cause any crashes hmmmm....

    tried again - it's too much for me. to be honest, i want easy answers (yes or no, not easy options) , not scientific formula... if I get confused, I'll stop trying. So thanks to those who posted but thats not how I'm going to succeed at this. I don't want to get THAT caught up in the numbers.

    in other words, "if it's hard, you don't want to do it."

    not at all. happy to put in hard work but know myself and i don't want to get that scientific about it. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    Why do you keep saying its scientific - you put a few numbers into an online calculator - and do a bit of simple math.

    Look you have your way, and that's fine, but I don't want to hear about it. I accept your right to follow your own path, do me a favour and accept mine. Oh and don't bother telling me it won't work. I think we're on different pages and I find a lot of what you post to not be helpful to ME. Thanks for taking the time out to help but you are starting to really get to me now.

    You are making no sense. I am not trying to tell you how to do anything - I am trying to get you to read something that will help you understand how to answer your question. Obviously you cannot be bothered so here is good luck to are going to need it.

    ^^ This. You are condescending and it grates. Please don't bother, I would appreciate it.

    It's an open forum and you are entitled to your opinion as I am to mine. Have a lovely day :flowerforyou:
  • AnabolicKyle
    AnabolicKyle Posts: 489 Member
    please read article and then post
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    please read article and then post

    please cite a credible source.... and an article that relates to this
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    please read article and then post

    It is defining the word satiety...I am not sure of your point.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    please read article and then post

    What exactly does that have to do with eating the right amount of calories and nutition for your bodie's activities?

    I could get full eating a tonne of broccolli, but I wouldn't have got in my daily nutrition/protein/fats etc.
  • amruden
    amruden Posts: 228 Member
    Thanks you for posting the links. They are full of wonderful information.

    Rereading them keeps me on the right path.

    Weight loss. In a healthy way while keeping lean body mass and my hair..

    Too much of a Deficit over time, is not a good thing.
    In time you will see the light and truth.
  • jellybeanasmommy
    please read article and then post

    What exactly does that have to do with eating the right amount of calories and nutition for your bodie's activities?

    I could get full eating a tonne of broccolli, but I wouldn't have got in my daily nutrition/protein/fats etc.

    I totally agree with this ^^^ and forget even EATING anything. I could drink a bunch of water and feel full, but I would still be starving myself if that's all I consumed. Also, I can't be the only person who has gotten overweight because I didn't always understand my hunger/full cues. Why would those cues tell the truth now when I am trying to lose weight, if they didn't tell the truth when I was gaining it?
  • AnabolicKyle
    AnabolicKyle Posts: 489 Member
    please read article and then post

    What exactly does that have to do with eating the right amount of calories and nutition for your bodie's activities?

    I could get full eating a tonne of broccolli, but I wouldn't have got in my daily nutrition/protein/fats etc.
    please read article and then post

    please cite a credible source.... and an article that relates to this

    cited so far today myfitnesspal article and cited some internet article i promise you Wikipedia is much more credible.

    yes if you ate only ate broccoli you wouldn't be the healthiest person a live, whats you point? though if you only ate micro nutrient dense food and low calorie food you would be perfectly healthy.