Not allowed to diet! arrgh



  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    I'm agreeing with this post. While being "Banned" may make it harder (I always want to do the opposite of what my fiance tells me! lol!), a "diet" isn't always a good thing, as it usually limits some nutrients to facilitate weight loss and can be hard to maintain for a length of time. This also is why so many people bounce back to a "pre-weight" or even heavier after getting off "diet" for lets say the Holidays. You should be focusing on getting the nutrients you need by eating a range of foods, and not limiting.

    I know it will be worth it in the end but is it possible to change my shape but stay the same weight? Or even weigh more?

    Absolutely. I've been (somewhat) muscular at 140 and "skinny" at 130, and I looked much better and thinner at the muscular 140. Also, when you first begin lifting weights, sometimes it takes your body a bit to adjust before it starts shedding lbs, especially since you don't seem to have much to lose.
    How about not letting your husband 'ban you' from doing what you like? I'd start there.
    True, but the advice he gave her wasn't bad, unless she's eating A LOT of cals a day. If you take it as advice and not an ultimatum :tongue: If I were her, I'd still log, but make sure not to under-eat.
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    If it helps, I'm 5'5" and 145lbs in my profile picture. While everyone is different, it's nice to get reference points... :smile:
  • randomgyrl
    randomgyrl Posts: 111 Member
    How about not letting your husband 'ban you' from doing what you like? I'd start there.

    I think her husband is being sensible to be honest.....You DO need the calories whilst training at the gym, and going on some silly crash diet is a batty idea, so good for him being sensible.

    Eat healthily, workout, and you'll get results. Do some crazy diet and its likely that you'll put it back on anyway.

    This ^^^ makes sense. However she said her husband signed her up for the gym before Christmas, not that she signed up. Makes me wonder if she is even into the whole weight training thing.
  • hollyjane77
    I'm just wondering what would happen if my husband banned me from doing anything or I banned him - yep nothing we would do exactly what we wanted and still love each other and support each other.

  • beautmel
    Ok, so tonight i will take my meassurements- very good advice all.
    Taunto- sorry, mis-interpreted that- my mistake
    He signed me up because I wanted to go but I've always been to lazy to do something about it myself.
    Thank you for the links- this is exactly what I've been hoping to see. I'm going to try and avoid the scales for the next month or so and also not worry so much about calories. I've got loads of protein rich snacks which I will try and substitute for chocolate/sweets.

    Oh and for the person who thought I might have had a eating disorder before- nope.. never have done.

    Really appreciate all the other positive comments :) x
  • beautmel
    You look amazing by the way!
    I "gained weight" while strength training.



    Ask me if I give a damn. :smile:

    Atta girl !!
    ^this, and meow.
  • csheltra26
    csheltra26 Posts: 272 Member
    How about not letting your husband 'ban you' from doing what you like? I'd start there.

    I think her husband is being sensible to be honest.....You DO need the calories whilst training at the gym, and going on some silly crash diet is a batty idea, so good for him being sensible.

    Eat healthily, workout, and you'll get results. Do some crazy diet and its likely that you'll put it back on anyway.

  • Katemarie34
    Katemarie34 Posts: 144 Member
    I feel people are taking the 'ban' too seriously... She even said in her post that she diets- and then gains. I think that it's something that she should do, she should be eating healthy and not just dieting to lose on the scale. If she's weight training and working out- you DO need calories for that, and you most likely will see the scale go up before down... keep at it.. stop bashing the husband.
  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    Track body fat instead.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Yeah, I think the point has been made. But here's one more: (NOT me, for the record. Ha! I wish.)

  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Eh, giant picture alert. There's actually one more, even, where she's at 137 lbs and looks even BETTER. You can view the whole image if you want.
  • sclarktiw
    sclarktiw Posts: 217
    Ban? Not allowed? WTF?
  • mommamills
    How about not letting your husband 'ban you' from doing what you like? I'd start there.

    I think her husband is being sensible to be honest.....You DO need the calories whilst training at the gym, and going on some silly crash diet is a batty idea, so good for him being sensible.

    Eat healthily, workout, and you'll get results. Do some crazy diet and its likely that you'll put it back on anyway.

    ^^^ THIS^^^^

    Also as another poster said, put the scales away and get out the tape measure for a while.

    AGREED! and how bout don't listen to ppl who want to sour your attitude. It's obvious that you are trusting your hubs to HELP you with your workout. I'm sure you aren't referring to this "ban" as he has actually forbid you or is RULING over you as others would imply. If you have asked for his help and you guys are working out together then his advice is what you've asked for and what will really help you in the end. Not the ppl that posted ahead and want to pull the "women's rights" card. EVERYONE knows that we are grown and will do what we want..........I'm sure it's not even like that. Listen to what he has to say and remember that what another MALE poster said was 100% accurate! You will only do yourself harm by under eating and over training. Put away the advice yet.
  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member
    My OH has banned me from sleeping with other women. Apparently it is not in my best interests.

    Having read this thread I now have to say: to hell with her.

    Man power!
    I love you.

    And OP...your husband is spot on here. The way you worded your original post is setting off some man hating but the fact of the matter is, he is right.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I'm 5'9" and have accepted the fact that 145 is an impossibility for me. It is in the healthy range, but after having my body fat tested, I realized to get to 145 would require a loss of lean body tissue.

    Dump the scale. You are WELL within a healthy range. Take pictures and measurements as that shows a truly accurate picture.

    As for the husband...seeing as how you are completely healthy (based on weight/height)...he's right. He is telling you not to diet because it is insane to cut calories, especially if you are lifting. In order to gain muscle (which then burns fat) you need to eat MORE so that your body has fuel to build.

    ^^^^^ this. The whole entire range of BMI is not healthy for everyone, you can't just pick any random weight in that range because you like the number or whatever. It's far better to get your body fat percentage measured and aim for a particular body fat percentage in the healthy range, and be whatever weight you happen to be when you reach your body fat percentage goal. It's a lot healthier and more accurate and I think a lot of women inadvertantly end up starving off lean tissue because they've been led to believe that the lower end of the BMI range is always better than the higher end. The low end of the BMI range is not healthy if you have a larger frame than average, and if you have to starve off lean body mass to get to a particular weight, you will not look good or healthy when you get there, and you'll also be increasing your risk of health problems. However going by body fat percentage you can find out how much pure fat you need to lose to get the level of definition you want. 20% for a lean but "softer" look, and 15-17% plus building up your muscles for a more "ripped"/visible abs look. Both you achieve the same way (i.e. lifting weights in the gym and eating right) it's just a question of when you stop cutting and focus on maintaining.
  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    I think it's great your hubby wants you to be healthy. Don't think of dieting. Think of eating healty foods. You will need more calories when you lift. And it's not all about the numbers on the scale. Take measurements and before and after pictures. When you see how much better you look toned - that will be your motivation.
    good luck!
  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    Do your research! You should be sure that your eating enough. Look at the big picture. Building muscle takes protein. It may be that he's not really "telling you what to do", but is concerned about you!!