3 day Military Diet?



  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Quit dieting and make lifestyle changes. If you can't make a change forever do not make it. You will only fail. Making new healthful habits is the only way to succeed.

  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    This 3 day diet is a jump start to get you losing! You have to follow it as stated. Not good to change the foods on this diet, because it is a chemical breakdown to lose the fat. It is hard to do and you do feel like you are starving and the end of 2nd and 3rd day. If followed correctly you can lose 8 to 10 lbs.

    Lose 8-10 lbs of what?

    This will be mostly water and will return immediately once you start eating normally again.

    There is no such thing as "jump starting" your diet. Eat foods you enjoy and stay at a deficit. Exercise how ever you enjoy.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I am making lifestyle changes and have no issues in doing so, I was just asking if anyone had heard about it or used it, no reason for smart *kitten* comments. It is very low carb as when I entered day 1 into MFP I wasn't even at 1,000 calories no way I could go that low.

    So if you're already making changes, should we applaud you for asking about a fad diet? What were you expecting?

    You've already lost, why go off on some stupid pinterest diet?
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    It's a bad idea.
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    I've been around the military my whole life, and I work closely with members of the military. I have not personally encountered this "3 day Military Diet" on the web, but from what you people are describing, it's nothing like what I know members of the military to eat. When you do heavy physical work, you might want to actually, y'know, eat food. As others have mentioned, MREs are extremely high calorie and mess halls are not the stuff that fad diets are made of.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    What the heck? I was in the army and I never heard of such nonsense.

    If anything..eating like a military person is going to the chow hall 3 times a day. No snacks for you. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. And it definately isn't low cal or small portions either.

    And the occasional mre when you are out in the field. And those are like 1000+ cals if I remember correctly.

    Forget any preworkout protein shakes and afterworkout recovery nonsense. Uncle Sam aint' giving you any extra.

    As for what I think the "military diet" would be-

    Go back to old school eating. Forget once a day or 6 meals a day..it's 3 times a day like in the olden days..

    If anything eating 3 square meals a day would be the military diet.
  • rwhite610
    rwhite610 Posts: 29 Member
    I didn't know it was a fad diet or what it was other than what I seen on there which is why I asked on here. I didn't know how low cal it was until I plugged it into MFP. I didn't realize people got so pissy about people asking questions on here
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I didn't know it was a fad diet or what it was other than what I seen on there which is why I asked on here. I didn't know how low cal it was until I plugged it into MFP. I didn't realize people got so pissy about people asking questions on here
    I'm not speaking for the collective, but I get pissy when the threads are full of fad diets or quick fixes. There are no quick, safe, lasting fixes. It's even more sad to see someone that has lost looking for a way to speed it up.

    Just like when you see all of the other fads pop up. You've lost 4 lbs according to your ticker, you're doing something right. Keep doing that and be patient.

    If you're concerned about the honest feedback on the forums here, google is always an option.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Just another ' fad diet"
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I've seen this on Pinterest countless times but I didn't know if anyone has done it, does it work or left are you left feeling like you're starving by the end of it? I also seen where you can't sub out any of the food but I've never had grapefruit, I don't drink coffee or tea, don't like broccoli, or the middle of a hard boiled egg... picky huh :) Anyways I was just curious as to anyone has tried it, as I would suck it up and eat the stuff if it actually works....

    First, I would NOT recommend this. However, I know someone who has been doing this for 8-10 weeks. It simply suprresses your calories for 3 days and then you are supposed to "eat reasonably" the rest of the week. They have lost approximately 2 lbs per week doing this. Just using MFP and making your macro targets will get you much better results IMHO.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Military diet, eh? So you lose weight by not eating the crappy food they serve?
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    This 3 day diet is a jump start to get you losing! You have to follow it as stated. Not good to change the foods on this diet, because it is a chemical breakdown to lose the fat. It is hard to do and you do feel like you are starving and the end of 2nd and 3rd day. If followed correctly you can lose 8 to 10 lbs.

    Please explain how you can chemically breakdown the fat! You lose fat due to a calorie deficit. You feel like you are starving because you are... this "diet" doesn't give you enough of the things your body needs.

    Sure, you can lose 8-10lbs if you follow it but for what when you will most likely gain it all back when you are done. Even if you dont gain it all back, it is NOT 8-10lbs of fat loss during those three days. Say you lose 9lbs... in order for it to be fat you would have to be at a deficit of 31500 calories for those three days. With an average TDEE of say 2500 cals a day... that's only 7500 calories of a deficit if you ate nothing for those three days...

    Don't look for shortcuts. Eat properly, exercise and drink enough water and you will lose weight. Don't go after fad diets that are severly unhealthy.
  • cmcmommy
    cmcmommy Posts: 197 Member
    I say to each his own. I Tried it the other day because I was on a plateau for over 2 months the first two days i lost 2.5 lbs. I messed up and didn't do the third day I'm still down 1.5 so that's all I care that i hope i finally broke this plateau, Starting it over again this am. even if I only lose a few lbs its better then NOTHING!
  • rwhite610
    rwhite610 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm not concerned with honest feedback just wasn't expecting the attitudes that came with some of them. Again I didn't know it was considered a fad diet.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I'm not concerned with honest feedback just wasn't expecting the attitudes that came with some of them. Again I didn't know it was considered a fad diet.

    Now you do. Problem solved.
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    I could prolly stick to it for 3 days...yea I know I can. What do I do for day 4-rest of my life?
  • rwhite610
    rwhite610 Posts: 29 Member
    I wasn't looking for shortcuts, it was just something I seen when I logged into Pinterest today and was wondering about it is all. I didn't realize it was under 1000 calories for day 1 alone and I couldn't/wouldn't go that low.
  • cassig13
    cassig13 Posts: 78 Member
    i did it last year and lost 7 pounds but gained it back with holidays it works but some of the food is bland.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I'm not concerned with honest feedback just wasn't expecting the attitudes that came with some of them. Again I didn't know it was considered a fad diet.

    FYI: In general, anything with the word "Diet" after it is probably a "fad diet."
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    This diet is okay but I'm a much bigger fan of the all pixie stix 72 hour 30lb shed diet. It's a little extreme but it works great. I got it off the back off a Willy Wonka wrapper so it must be safe. HA! See! I can make up absolutely absurd diet plans that make no sense as well! Time to sign up for Pintrest I guess