What Have You Given up?



  • pumpkinspice84
    pumpkinspice84 Posts: 160 Member
    Nothing really. I plan my meals and measure out what I am going to eat. We rarely eat out, so it is mainly me making everything. I have also made better choices with our meals.
  • Tetonia
    Tetonia Posts: 79 Member
    I gave up wishing I had an active and healthy life. Now I HAVE an active and healthy life!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Being fat, lazy, and out of control with food.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Nothing - I just portion control better.
  • pinky_pinkster
    pinky_pinkster Posts: 56 Member
    Trying to give up stuff that has a lot of yeast in - to beat bloating and trying to eat less margarine/butter....
  • k011185
    k011185 Posts: 320 Member
    Just the huge portion sizes, every time I have tried to eliminate something, I end up binging on it later on.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    There was no particular food that I deliberately gave up, but there were a number that I found were not worth the calories they contained. Soda, for one. Chips for another. I didn't give them up altogether, I just got tired of being hungry or going over on calories (still working on that) because I already spent my calories on junk.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    More active, more conscious about food calorie quantity. I think I now eat more volume in a more consistent manner.

    I gave up the lazy weeks.
  • Sandrose
    Sandrose Posts: 90 Member
    Cookies! They have been banned from my house. Now if I want a cookie I buy just one. Gotta have a treat once in awhile.
  • MsLilly200
    MsLilly200 Posts: 192 Member
    Milk. I used to drink milk instead of water and that wasted a LOT of calories.

    Now I only have it rarely, like with gingerbread cookies or as hot cocoa.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I've given up forcing myself to run. Always hated it, always will. I stick to exercise I know I enjoy and which is not a chore to me.

    I also gave up 'diet' food products. Anything marketed as 'low fat', 'low cal' went out of my life.
  • Scrimples
    I've given up a lot. Sometimes I think I've given up food.

    I've given up...

    Soda, both regular and diet. The closest thing I drink to soda now is carbonated water. I had a liter a day diet coke habit and when I was nauseated, which was most of the time, I drank regular coke.

    Sugar , both artificial and refined. I now opt for natural sweeteners, fruit, or more natural low glycemic options. First, refined sugar is in everything and until I started paying very close attention I didn't realize how much sugar I was eating. It does nothing good for my medical situation and eating too much of it causes weight fluctuations.

    Over intake of starches. I just can't handle too much without weight fluctuations.

    Pre-made convenience foods with lots of extra not so goodies, sugar, and preservatives. The fewer the ingredients the better.

    Now for the big things... Actually the following is what made the convenience foods changes very important. It also made eating out very difficult so I now HAVE to make everything at home. When I had to start preparing everything myself I had a much better grasp of what I was putting in, what I didn't need, and really learned my body and how it react to different foods. Making everything myself also gave me complete control over my diet, but that is as negative as positive to me as I hate to cook and really hate to bake. However, if I want to eat I have to cook. I can say that helped my weight loss too as sometimes I would rather starve than head into the kitchen.

    Gluten, I am highly reactive to it and found out last summer.

    Dairy, except goat and sheep, I found out this was a problem at the same time as gluten.

    Eggs, I react to them as well. I found out this was a problem at the same time as gluten and dairy.

    Cranberries. Again this was at that notorious appointment. Honestly, this wasn't that big of a problem until Thanksgiving, though you'd be surprised how many gluten free, dairy free, egg free, pre-made foods there are that contain cranberries.

    That doctor appointment was a HUGE bummer and turning point for me. I was forced by my own body to completely change my diet for the better for the rest of my life. Six months in and I accidentally had some gluten and dairy and got some very serious stomach upsets and it took days to start to feel more normal, I wasn't safe to leave the house for nearly 48 hours, and I gained 5 lbs over night after my weight being rock stable. Not fun. I know I can't have those and I know that I will stick to it as just one slip up leaves me regretting it for days.

    Recently my doctor was wondering at my reactions to starch and sugar and had me tested for possible candida or sibo or something along those lines. Not thrilled. I'm still waiting for the results to come back. If that test comes back with something funny I'll probably have to have even less sweet stuff or even less starch (I really miss potatoes) for at least the foreseeable future or until it is cleared up. Due to high uric acid I'm supposed to eat less meat too, but I refused asking what that left me with. The answer-not much. Bah. So yeah, sometimes I feel like I gave up food. :/
  • SamanthaClarexo
    SamanthaClarexo Posts: 353 Member
    Sugar in my tea and coffee.
  • 1aurane
    1aurane Posts: 73 Member
  • disawell
    disawell Posts: 102 Member
    Not much so far, just trying to moderate and stay within goals. Make better choices, exercise more, LOL my house is getting cleaner by the day from doing intense cleaning! Mostly I've given up excuses - which i made most of last year (but i was sick - that is a reason) but well no-one to credit and no-one to blame if not myself. Eat like **** = look like ****. Not PC, but true :) Anyone can view my diary or add me as a friend :)
  • juliesmithdiet
    Sugar and cut down massively on bread, I used to bake (and loved it) but don't do that any more. There is a positive side though as I have more energy and don't have loads of washing up to do ! lol
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Flesh and dairy.
  • symonspatrick
    symonspatrick Posts: 213 Member
    I gave up regular coke, doritos, cheese-its, junior mints, whoppers. Hopefully one day I will feel comfortable eating them in moderation. I still drink 5 to 10 cups a day of coffee it hasn't hindered my weight loss. The biggest difference is that I feel less embarassed about the way I look when I am out in public.
  • istayedhomeandate
    Cola. I have to be all or nothing about it or the habit creeps back in. I gave up for six months or so last year and got right back on it after one soda on a date. So none for me. I'll have sprite if I have to, but mainly water or juice now. I don't feel any better as such but the process of coming off it makes me realise how bad it was for me.
  • Akumu
    Akumu Posts: 120 Member
    Caramel swirl iced latte from Dunkin Donuts. It would prob make me sick now.....