Dead on or Total Jerk?



  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    total bollocks! i walk an hour a day and do 20-40mins exercise dvd every other day and im getting toned an slim i can see it!! if i start working out ill start getting muscular an thats not for me i think muscles on a woman is weird so every thing this douche has said is crap in my opinion

    Hate to break it to you but you do actually have muscles (OMG so weird right). Pretty sure you couldn't walk or do your exercise DVD without them. Nothing wrong with women wanting to be strong and healthy. Lifting weights has heaps of benefits that definitely aren't sex-specific (that I won't go into as it's not the time or place).
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    total bollocks! i walk an hour a day and do 20-40mins exercise dvd every other day and im getting toned an slim i can see it!! if i start working out ill start getting muscular an thats not for me i think muscles on a woman is weird so every thing this douche has said is crap in my opinion

    Hate to break it to you but you do actually have muscles (OMG so weird right). Pretty sure you couldn't walk or do your exercise DVD without them. Nothing wrong with women wanting to be strong and healthy. Lifting weights has heaps of benefits that definitely aren't sex-specific (that I won't go into as it's not the time or place).

    go read this article www.leangains.come...train like a man look like a goddess....woman who work out with free weights can be, and are HOT! no one is saying you have to have biceps bigger than your head ..but if you train properly you can get that shredded/hot look...thats all I'm saying...
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    total bollocks! i walk an hour a day and do 20-40mins exercise dvd every other day and im getting toned an slim i can see it!! if i start working out ill start getting muscular an thats not for me i think muscles on a woman is weird so every thing this douche has said is crap in my opinion

  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    Just read this article about a study that is the complete opposite of this. Granted they aren't looking at training for specific fitness goals but rather just fitting in more exercise.

    I particularly love the diagram that shows you can burn 10 extra calories by getting out of your car and going in to buy your fast food as opposed to going drive through. Like that 10 extra cals is going to make a dent in your 1000 calorie meal

    Note: I don't count incidental exercise as exercise just bonuses (even my 30minute daily lunch break walk or walking up hill for 20 minutes to my car as exercise and would certainly never count cleaning)

    There's a certain test that should be applied to any research results. Can't use the word here, so let's just call it the "Baloney test". The claim that pacing while on the phone has health benefits definitely fails the baloney test.

    What's sad is that there are hundreds of studies done that show the benefits of physical exercise and yet some people will use this article as an excuse to sit on their butts and watch TV.
  • gxm17
    gxm17 Posts: 374

    go read this article www.leangains.come...train like a man look like a goddess....woman who work out with free weights can be, and are HOT! no one is saying you have to have biceps bigger than your head ..but if you train properly you can get that shredded/hot look...thats all I'm saying...

    Look like a goddess… only if you are willing to get breast implants once your bosom goes bye-bye. Some folks prefer a softer look. Just because you like "shredded" doesn't mean it works for everyone else. And being "shredded" is not an indication of health or fitness IMO. It's just a look that some people think is worth generating a lot of pain for. (And that's not to mention those who use steroids to achieve it.)
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member

    go read this article www.leangains.come...train like a man look like a goddess....woman who work out with free weights can be, and are HOT! no one is saying you have to have biceps bigger than your head ..but if you train properly you can get that shredded/hot look...thats all I'm saying...

    Look like a goddess… only if you are willing to get breast implants once your bosom goes bye-bye. Some folks prefer a softer look. Just because you like "shredded" doesn't mean it works for everyone else. And being "shredded" is not an indication of health or fitness IMO. It's just a look that some people think is worth generating a lot of pain for. (And that's not to mention those who use steroids to achieve it.)

    Wow. Talk about a post full of generalizations.

    A woman can't look like a goddess unless she has huge boobs? Thanks for that pearl of wisdom.

    Being lean isn't an indicator of health or fitness? Bull****. Sure there are really lean people who, on occasion, indulge in some less than healthy habits (like eating an entire cheesecake or pizza), but once you reach a certain age, you can't maintain that level of leanness without an overall healthy lifestyle.

    Being "shredded" is just "a look?" Um, no. To a bodybuilder, maybe, but let's not confuse bodybuilding with getting and being lean. You will find that most people who lift heavy weights do it because they like being strong. Improving their PRs is like a marathoner improving his/her finish time. The aesthetics are just an awesome bonus.

    You may not have the desire or the discipline to get as lean as some of the people on this site have gotten (or are trying to get), but when you bash other people's goals (which is exactly what you did), you are no better than the writer of the blog post you are criticizing.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    go read this article www.leangains.come...train like a man look like a goddess....woman who work out with free weights can be, and are HOT! no one is saying you have to have biceps bigger than your head ..but if you train properly you can get that shredded/hot look...thats all I'm saying...

    Look like a goddess… only if you are willing to get breast implants once your bosom goes bye-bye. Some folks prefer a softer look. Just because you like "shredded" doesn't mean it works for everyone else. And being "shredded" is not an indication of health or fitness IMO. It's just a look that some people think is worth generating a lot of pain for. (And that's not to mention those who use steroids to achieve it.)

    so you are saying that someone who is "shredded" is less fit/healthy then someone with body fat of say 20%?

    So a thirty year old male with 10% body fat would not be as healthy/fit then a thirty year old male with 20% body fat? How do you come to that conclusion?

    I lift five days a week...about two weeks ago my friends and I played flag football. the ones that do not work out were calling for water breaks every five minutes to get a breather and the whole time I was never really out of breath....if your premise was ture then they should be able to hang with me for as long as I can go without needing a breather, right?
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    does this guy even lift?
  • gxm17
    gxm17 Posts: 374
    Wow. Talk about a post full of generalizations.

    A woman can't look like a goddess unless she has huge boobs? Thanks for that pearl of wisdom.

    Being lean isn't an indicator of health or fitness? Bull****. Sure there are really lean people who, on occasion, indulge in some less than healthy habits (like eating an entire cheesecake or pizza), but once you reach a certain age, you can't maintain that level of leanness without an overall healthy lifestyle.

    Being "shredded" is just "a look?" Um, no. To a bodybuilder, maybe, but let's not confuse bodybuilding with getting and being lean. You will find that most people who lift heavy weights do it because they like being strong. Improving their PRs is like a marathoner improving his/her finish time. The aesthetics are just an awesome bonus.

    You may not have the desire or the discipline to get as lean as some of the people on this site have gotten (or are trying to get), but when you bash other people's goals (which is exactly what you did), you are no better than the writer of the blog post you are criticizing.

    IMO "lean" and "shredded" are two different looks, and the comment I replied to used the description "shredded."

    As for the implants, I was referencing the popularity of plastic surgery among bodybuilders, and extend my comment to men bodybuilders (as well as fitness professionals) who go under the knife to achieve a certain look. Actually, I think "natural" women bodybuilders have a nice physique. Again, not one I'd pursue but they look good. But for women who don't want to lose their natural curves, bodybuilding (or any fitness activity that demands excessively low body fat) is a poor option.

    The truth is that a "shredded" look isn't an indication of fitness or health. Really, no "look" is because looks can be deceiving. But in the case of bodybuilding, a lifter can look extremely "shredded" but if they are using steroids they might not be as healthy as they look. Big muscles = big muscles, but not necessarily good health.

    "In terms of non-cardiac morbidity, AAS use is associated with hypogonadism, testicular atrophy, impaired spermatogenesis, baldness, acne, gynaecomastia, and psychiatric disturbance. Such drugs also have toxic effects on metabolic profile and hepatic structure and function,10 as well as potentially promoting neoplastic growth.10 Indeed, Parsinnen reported the 12 year mortality to be 12.9% among 62 male powerlifters suspected of AAS use, compared to 3.1% in a control population."

    "Steroid abuse may lead to serious, even irreversible, health problems. Some of the most dangerous consequences that have been linked to steroid abuse include kidney impairment or failure; damage to the liver; and cardiovascular problems including enlargement of the heart, high blood pressure, and changes in blood cholesterol leading to an increased risk of stroke and heart attack (even in young people)."

    For the record, I'm not bashing other people's goals. I'm bashing the jerk who wrote the article we are commenting on. I am also addressing the folks who tell members who have stated that their goal is not to be "shredded" that lifting won't affect their curves. If you get serious about lifting, it will eventually affect your natural curves. I'm not saying either look is better than the other. To each their own, which for some reason, it seems, a vocal contingent of lifters can't understand.
  • jehavin
    jehavin Posts: 316 Member
    As to the Leangains link:

    Hey, I do IF, belong to FFF and know tons of ladies who are GORGEOUS from weight training. However, if you do follow your link to follow Elsa's "experience" at StrongWoman, it's amazing how Martin tends to laud praises on his girlfriend but wants us to ignore the other 5 "she-beasts" who are in the competition with her. If you ask me, he picked the best apple out of the "train like a man" barrel.....

    Also, you do lose your boobs. True facts. I guarantee his girlfriend's are not real but he doesn't address that fact. Just go to the FFF board and see how many "hot ripped ladies" are considering or have already gotten implants. So if you want to keep your boobs, you have to compromise and keep a bit of your flab....
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    As to the Leangains link:

    Hey, I do IF, belong to FFF and know tons of ladies who are GORGEOUS from weight training. However, if you do follow your link to follow Elsa's "experience" at StrongWoman, it's amazing how Martin tends to laud praises on his girlfriend but wants us to ignore the other 5 "she-beasts" who are in the competition with her. If you ask me, he picked the best apple out of the "train like a man" barrel.....

    Also, you do lose your boobs. True facts. I guarantee his girlfriend's are not real but he doesn't address that fact. Just go to the FFF board and see how many "hot ripped ladies" are considering or have already gotten implants. So if you want to keep your boobs, you have to compromise and keep a bit of your flab....

    maybe I should of defined what I feel is "shredded" with respect to woman I was not thinking the extreme bodybuilder type with arms bigger then me and just totally jacked. I was thinking more of the ladies with around 12 to 16% body fat that are toned and you can tell work out...that is least to me...hope this clears up what I was trying to say lol..

    I am still trying to figure out the post where someone said you can be shredded and LESS healthy then someone who is not..sorry that just does not make sense to me...
  • jehavin
    jehavin Posts: 316 Member
    As to the Leangains link:

    Hey, I do IF, belong to FFF and know tons of ladies who are GORGEOUS from weight training. However, if you do follow your link to follow Elsa's "experience" at StrongWoman, it's amazing how Martin tends to laud praises on his girlfriend but wants us to ignore the other 5 "she-beasts" who are in the competition with her. If you ask me, he picked the best apple out of the "train like a man" barrel.....

    Also, you do lose your boobs. True facts. I guarantee his girlfriend's are not real but he doesn't address that fact. Just go to the FFF board and see how many "hot ripped ladies" are considering or have already gotten implants. So if you want to keep your boobs, you have to compromise and keep a bit of your flab....

    maybe I should of defined what I feel is "shredded" with respect to woman I was not thinking the extreme bodybuilder type with arms bigger then me and just totally jacked. I was thinking more of the ladies with around 12 to 16% body fat that are toned and you can tell work out...that is least to me...hope this clears up what I was trying to say lol..

    I am still trying to figure out the post where someone said you can be shredded and LESS healthy then someone who is not..sorry that just does not make sense to me...

    I totally agree. On the fb group "Fierce Fit Fearless," which is an offset all-female group of Intermittent Faster's, the women are smoking hot! I just know, as a member (and a person who adopted that lifestyle) that a lot of the women are bothered by the fact that they lose their chest/boobs. It makes them feel less feminine and a lot of them either have already gotten implants or plan to. They look great, they feel strong, but it doesn't take away that feeling of losing something "feminine" b/c of the low body fat. (And, in my case, my boobs deflated around 23%bf---under 20% I'd say it's almost a sure thing. Luckily, now I'm pregnant and they've reappeared, along with love handles and saddlebags.)
  • AnAmericanGirl2
    AnAmericanGirl2 Posts: 46 Member
    This guy would be branded and meanie and a bully if he posted on MFP.

    I had a feeling that would be the case, I was even hesitant to post it but I'm enjoying reading all of the replies. :)
  • ArchangelMJ
    ArchangelMJ Posts: 308 Member
    I honestly think it's BS. You don't have to feel like you're dying to lose weight or get in shape. You can certainly lose a tone of weight dancing, which is FUN. Exercise doesn't have to be boring, repetitive and nauseating. If it were always like that, I'd never do it. I don't know why people must always dump all over someone else. If someone starts walking regularly when they'd otherwise be sitting on the couch, that's excellent. In fact, I know a girl who lost a TON of weight by just walking. I don't like jerks.
  • AnAmericanGirl2
    AnAmericanGirl2 Posts: 46 Member
    total bollocks! i walk an hour a day and do 20-40mins exercise dvd every other day and im getting toned an slim i can see it!! if i start working out ill start getting muscular an thats not for me i think muscles on a woman is weird so every thing this douche has said is crap in my opinion


    ^ Lol
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    I guess I just feel that if you want to reach your goals, you trian like the body type you wish to be. I'd actually be completely happy skinny fat. If I could acheive it, I'd do it, but that's not going to happen so I train hard instead. But if someone can get to their goals by adding in any sort of activity, more power to ya. Not my problem.