My diet for today is ruined



  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    Well, I was going to workout then I saw that I forgot to bring a phone with me icnase someone would be calling so I ran upstairs then I saw this delicious banana bread standing on the counter untouched and I decided to take a slice because I absolutely love banna bread before I knew it I was into it and ate the entire loaf.

    You should feel terrible. You selfishly ate the whole loaf and left nothing for anybody else.
  • Rehobobound
    Rehobobound Posts: 143 Member
    Just let it roll off your what you normally would. Go for a walk. Main thing is don't be so hard on your self. Tomorrow is a new day. One cheat day won't kill you.

    Agree! Don't beat yourself up!
  • waggonje
    waggonje Posts: 8 Member
    This is just too funny and too true!
  • Ncharles2013
    If you feel bad for eating something that you are not suppose to be eating.. that mean ONE THING... that at least you know that you should have not done it and you do care -vs- just eating what ever you want and dont care and recognize that you shouldnt of ate it. Tomorrow will be another day! treat your self to something good sometimes! IT NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. :) have a good day!
  • Mjhnbgff
    Mjhnbgff Posts: 112
    How often do you binge and purge? As a recovering bulimic, I'm going to suggest psychotherapy before you start any weight loss plan if this is something you do frequently. Eating disorders are not about losing weight. There are psychological and emotional issues that need to be addressed before you can embark on a healthy weight loss journey. Get professional help if you need it.