Has anyone lost weight eating less than 1200 calories a day?



  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I have been on a 1200 plan and have lost 8lbs in about 2 weeks.
    I also exercise and lift weights.
    I find I am still able to enjoy going out to eat (take a look at my diary and you will see Red Robin, Pei Wei and Denny's!) and I am satisfied. I incorporate lean meats, fruits, grains and dairy into my diet. Sometimes I even have calories left over that I can not eat.

    I listen to my body. If I feel that 1200 is not good because I have been working out, I will allow myself a little more.
    It is not for everyone and I can see myself bumping up to 14-1500 when I lose the weight I want.
    And splurge days for me are a must. I am def splurging on Superbowl!

    If you are lifting weights - they can't be heavy. How in the world do you support lifting on 1200 cals a day and 45 mg. of protein? I encourage you to do some research on weight lifting and eating properly.

    Never mind - in looking at your exercise diary, you've only lifted weights once in the last 10 days.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    So far I've lost 25 lbs since 12/27/12 by keeping my calories at 1200. I take a multivitamin and other supplements, eat really healthy lean meats, lots of egg whites, veggies and nuts. I really think the quality of food you eat is important. I'm sure if I were eating 1200 calories of low quality, processed food I would be hungry and craving more but I feel really satisfied with my 1200 calories.

    You've lost 25 pounds in 4 weeks?
  • FlannelMothman
    FlannelMothman Posts: 193 Member
    I lift as much as I can and I have a calorie goal of net 800 cals. I've lost 31 lbs in 4 months. (I'm plateauing right now - I tried increasing my caloric intake as per the EM2WL's mantra of stupidity and it did nothing so I put myself back to 800 cals today actually)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I did lose weight eating less than 1200 about 6 years ago.

    And after I gained that back and then some... I lost more, and faster, eating 1700-2000+ (1350-1700 plus exercise calories) this time around.

  • Im having trouble getting up to 1200 a day. Im ranging between 600-800 average and the only way I get even a little more (maybe up to 900-1000) is by eating out. Im not hungry though. I eat 3 meals a day and usually 1 snack. Im a fruitarian but doing a 60/40 plan where fruit makes up 60% of the food i eat. I feel really good and am losing weight. Im attempting to make higher calorie dishes at home but Im not a chef and dont care for much cooking. I eat the equivalent amount of food to a happy meal but I eat when Im hungry its just like I said. 3 meals a day and a snack and Im good.
  • I havent weighed in in a while though. Lol dont like too >.<
  • awake4777
    awake4777 Posts: 190 Member
    Yes, I eat about 800 calories per day when not working out, which I do 4 days per week, and the other days I walk at a leisurely pace for at least 60 minutes.

    I work out days I try not to eat all the calories I worked out to gained, so I will have some room for weightloss. I lose about a 1 lb per week this way, less if I eat too much. I try to leave about 500 lbs.

    I had gastric bypass surgery so it is pretty easy for me because I don't feel well if I over eat, I try to eat healthy meals. It works for me. I do most of the cooking.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I lift as much as I can and I have a calorie goal of net 800 cals. I've lost 31 lbs in 4 months. (I'm plateauing right now - I tried increasing my caloric intake as per the EM2WL's mantra of stupidity and it did nothing so I put myself back to 800 cals today actually)

    Do you understand how stressful lifting heavy (or exercise and dieting in general) is on the body? Do you understand the caloric requirements (especially carbs and proteins) required to support lifting weights? You're an adult. Do your research.
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    Of course you'll lose weight. That isn't the issue.

    I basically starved myself for most of a year in high school. I went from over 160 to about 125, quite small for my frame. I still wasn't happy with how I looked. I was still flabby. Gained it all back and then some.

    Then when I was working really hard physically I got back down to 140 or so. I looked way better than previous. Not to say that I couldn't have stood to have lost a bit of fat, but I looked less flabby than at a smaller weight.

    If you eat that little you will lose weight and lose it quickly, but you will also lose muscle and run the risk of being skinny fat like I was. I want to look toned, not just skinny. You will also have a hard time weaning off of that (do you want to only eat 1k for the rest of your life) without gaining again.

    Basically if you want to look good in clothes and quickly, this is a good plan. You aren't going to starve to death. If you want to look great, naked, for years to come, take it slow and eat enough to sustain the body that you want.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I am a bit older. I checked with 3 of my doctors and was told to eat 1000 calories a day to lose. If I eat 1200 I gain weight Much of it is age. In my 30's..40's I lost so easy. Now at 60 it is difficult.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I am a bit older. I checked with 3 of my doctors and was told to eat 1000 calories a day to lose. If I eat 1200 I gain weight Much of it is age. In my 30's..40's I lost so easy. Now at 60 it is difficult.

    I'll be 55 in March of this year. Still losing. I eat between 1700 and 1800 every day. It is possible.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    The problem with sub-1200 calories per day to me (if you're obese) isn't so much that your caloric intake is too low. It's that it's next to impossible to get all your NUTRITION at that level.

    2-3 servings of dairy. 3-4 servings of whole grains. 8-10 servings of fruits and vegetables. 25+ grams of fiber. 50+ grams of high quality protein. Vitamins. Minerals... all of those take calories to consume (unless you're taking tons of supplements and powders and concoctions).

    For a month? maybe. For 6+ months? Possible, but you WILL be losing muscle and you will probably have some malnutrition issues if you aren't under a doctor's supervision.
    Since when has dairy been a requirement? I'm vegan and doing just fine without meat and dairy.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Just curious! I actually ate around 1000 calories per day several years back and lost really well! This was before the starvation mode thing was even a known factor (as far as I knew at least) I lost 60 lb easily within 7 months...I gained my weight due to some depression issues ONLY which of course will happen on any diet! Soooo would like to know if this has worked for anyone else!

    Starvation mode is a myth thrown around far too often.

    Don't try to only eat 1000 calories again. It is far too little especially if you are exercising as well. If you were only eating about 1000 calories when you lost 60lbs before I can guarantee a large portion of the 60lb was muscle that you lost. When you are on a calorie deficit and have a deficit too large you will lose muscle.

    Set your goals properly here and follow that. You will not lose the same as you did in the past... your body changes. Dont strive for what happened before. Take it slow for the best results. Losing too quickly only hurts your body.

    I don't think thats what happened to me though! I lifted daily (took off Sundays) and was in amazing shape!! Had muscle tone as well! I'll see if I can post a pic to share..I just like the original poster gained my weight back due to some issues in my life that sent me in a downward spiral of food,food and more food...but I am back on the saddle again now!

    Even with lifting weights your body will burn away muscle while in a calorie deficit. Too large of a deficit and more of the losses will be from muscle. It is just how the body works. To preserve muscle while losing fat you need to eat more than enough protein, have a small deficit and lift HEAVY weights.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Starving usually works for everyone. Temporarily anyhow.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    I am a bit older. I checked with 3 of my doctors and was told to eat 1000 calories a day to lose. If I eat 1200 I gain weight Much of it is age. In my 30's..40's I lost so easy. Now at 60 it is difficult.

    Doctors are not the greatest to take nutrition advice from. THey know barely anything about nutrition and anyone who does shouldn't be telling someone it's ok to eat so litte.
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    I am a bit older. I checked with 3 of my doctors and was told to eat 1000 calories a day to lose. If I eat 1200 I gain weight Much of it is age. In my 30's..40's I lost so easy. Now at 60 it is difficult.

    I am 56 yrs old and my activity is totally sedentary, except for 3 hour per week exercise. I eat around 1500 cals a day and am losing 1 lb per week.
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    You do know that, eating that little, you lost mostly lean body mass, right?

    And you do know that lean body mass burns more calories than body fat, right?

    So you know that now, having lost lean body mass and gained back more body fat, it will be even harder to lose it again, right?

    Stop. The. Madness. Please.

    Eat. Lift weights. Save your muscles.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    You do know that, eating that little, you lost mostly lean body mass, right?

    And you do know that lean body mass burns more calories than body fat, right?

    So you know that now, having lost lean body mass and gained back more body fat, it will be even harder to lose it again, right?

    Stop. The. Madness. Please.

    Eat. Lift weights. Save your muscles.

    This so very much!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I am a bit older. I checked with 3 of my doctors and was told to eat 1000 calories a day to lose. If I eat 1200 I gain weight Much of it is age. In my 30's..40's I lost so easy. Now at 60 it is difficult.

    I know lots of 60 year olds who have no problem losing weight on a healthy amount of calories, I'd check in with a dietitian as to why you cannot. According to my math a body at your age needs much more then that.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Just curious! I actually ate around 1000 calories per day several years back and lost really well! This was before the starvation mode thing was even a known factor (as far as I knew at least) I lost 60 lb easily within 7 months...I gained my weight due to some depression issues ONLY which of course will happen on any diet! Soooo would like to know if this has worked for anyone else!

    Guess where your depression possibly came from. Long term, low calorie restriction has been linked with depression and other mental disturbances.

    You just might have eaten your way into your problem - imagine the body having a self regulating mechanism to stop you from under eating.... it worked in this case.
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