Has anyone lost weight eating less than 1200 calories a day?



  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Anyone can lose on less that 1200 a day, the question is, is it weight you wanna lose weight or mostly fat? Cuz eating that low will promote more muscle loss.
    Some folks BMR is less than 1000.

    The people in this thread do not know their BMRs. That is the issue.

    They must be short & not weigh that much if they have BMRs that low, or old as I reckon age plays a part? I'm 5'5 120 24yrs old & my BMR is higher than 1200.
    That's it. They are old, or shorter, or older and shorter than you... less active, more active, physically disabiled..their needs might be different....Their goals might be different.

    I'm not advocating at 1200 calorie diet. Just wondering why folks are being such absolutists without considering lives and (importantly) life styles that differ from their own.

    I could be on the chit chat section harping on everyone who doesn't put 400 a month into their 401k. That's where I'm at. Others may be thinking: wtf is a 401k and why do I care? My lifestyle and my needs may be different than theirs.
    And please, don't bring up snowflakes.
    Who are the folks on this thread being 'absolutists'? I didn't see anyone say nobody should do this diet in any circumstance?

    The fact is I HAVE done this diet & ended up skinny fat. So I never recommend it to anyone. Who wants to b skinny fat? Certainly not me.
  • nicleed
    nicleed Posts: 247 Member
    If I eat 1700 calories a day I'd be mooing in no time. Sorry, but especially when you get older and your metabolism slows, your caloric intake to lose weight or to maintain it is much different than when you are younger.

    I'm 44 years old and menopausal and my TDEE is around 2200. I lost weight (20+ pounds in four months) eating around 1700, and reduced BF% from 30-ish to 23-ish. So I say phooey to you and your slowing older metabolism! :)

    The key is in keeping your metabolism alive by not turning into a couch potato - I do some sort of exercise every day, including regular strength training, and I am probably stronger now than I was in my cardio-crazy 30s.

    I have no horse in the 1200 calorie race, but my question is why deprive yourself? You can eat cake, drink wine AND lose weight!
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    If I eat 1700 calories a day I'd be mooing in no time. Sorry, but especially when you get older and your metabolism slows, your caloric intake to lose weight or to maintain it is much different than when you are younger.

    The whole 'I eat less because my metabolism is slow' is like the double dip recession. You are only going to make your metabolism slower.

    Eat more. Exercise more. Lift heavy. Net 10-20% below TDEE. Lose weight.
  • ums3961
    ums3961 Posts: 20
    Very Good! I am also on the 1200 cal diet. I also eat about like you, thru the day. Take a multi-vitamin, seems to be working for me also! I say what ever works for each person. I log in my calories and it only says I am under eating if I eat less than 1200 cal/per day. Thanks for posting! I just started trying to lose the 7th of Jan,13. I am very happy with my progress so far, and feel better than I did before. I have done research on the 1200 cal. a day.
  • dchannell
    Help...I think I have figured out my TDEE at 1755 but I have no idea what that means or how much I should be eating. I am on the 1200 plan but I work out so much that I am always well under what the recommended calorie intake should be. My plan allows for a bit more protein and less carbs because I had gastric bypass seven years ago and my doctor wants me on 60 grams of protein a day. I actually struggle to get in more than 1400 calories because I always feel full, especially after workouts. I've been on the program since Jan. 4th and have lost 10lb. so far. I'm happy with how things are going but am fearful of that dreaded starvation mode I keep hearing about by not eating enough to make up for the exercise add ons. Suggestions?
  • amyschicos
    amyschicos Posts: 30 Member
    ask if anyone has kept if off. heh.

    Yes, I did. I lost 82 lbs eating at that level and kept it off for about 4 years. I moved last year and with stress and being surrounded by lots of need, yummy food...gained 25 lbs so I am here to get that off. However, I didn't gain all the weight back and then some.

    still gained.

    SO will you if you eat in excess!! YOU ARE THE RUDEST POSTER ON THIS SIMPLE MESSAGE & NOT helpful!!! Your RUDE & NO need for that EVER!!! I bet your a real JOY in person....NOT!!!!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    If I eat 1700 calories a day I'd be mooing in no time. Sorry, but especially when you get older and your metabolism slows, your caloric intake to lose weight or to maintain it is much different than when you are younger.
    If only moo moo moo moo moo you'd understand moo moo moo moo moo.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    If I eat 1700 calories a day I'd be mooing in no time. Sorry, but especially when you get older and your metabolism slows, your caloric intake to lose weight or to maintain it is much different than when you are younger.
    If only moo moo moo moo moo you'd understand moo moo moo moo moo.
  • Melishark
    Melishark Posts: 7 Member
    I ate 800 or less when I was a senior in high school .. lost 35 pounds in 2.5 months. I cheated one day a week and had a Whopper with cheese and small fries on Friday. That was 1988 ... here I am now .. trying to lose 50 pounds the right way. :)

    It does work -- but you miss out on a lot of good fruits and veggies you could be having on a 1500 calorie diet.

    I'm around 1200-1300 right now and doing well. I'm not hungry either .. and getting in more exercise than when I was .. uh hem .. 17. :)
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I never ceased to be amazed that people will go to such lengths, and put their bodies through such torture, when it is totally unnecessary in most cases. But let people do what they wish. Maybe in another ten years time when they are still battling their weight on their sub 1200 calorie diets, and when their health starts failing, they might finally start doing some research and start taking care of their bodies rather than caring only about a number on a manmade object. I am glad I no longer engage in this behaviour.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    ask if anyone has kept if off. heh.

    Yes, I did. I lost 82 lbs eating at that level and kept it off for about 4 years. I moved last year and with stress and being surrounded by lots of need, yummy food...gained 25 lbs so I am here to get that off. However, I didn't gain all the weight back and then some.

    still gained.

    SO will you if you eat in excess!! YOU ARE THE RUDEST POSTER ON THIS SIMPLE MESSAGE & NOT helpful!!! Your RUDE & NO need for that EVER!!! I bet your a real JOY in person....NOT!!!!
    You are absolutely right. But I don't think that was their point. I think their point is statistically, that's what happens. And then someone proved her point when they thought they were doing the opposite...I don't think pointing out the truth is mean. I don't think she meant any offense by it like you did. I think the truth needs to be pointed out sometime.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Anyone can lose on less that 1200 a day, the question is, is it weight you wanna lose weight or mostly fat? Cuz eating that low will promote more muscle loss.
    What if someone's BMR is below 1200? Some folks BMR is less than 1200.

    This is very true. But as far as a healthy person with no diseases go...or a person who can increase their BMR to what it should be by eating sensibly...the math shows that I'd have to be about 85 pounds (at 5'7). And if we talk about shorties, a 20 year old 4'9er would still have to be under 85 lbs for their BMR to be less then 1200...and even if they were...they'd still lose on that...For their TDEE to be under 1200 at 4'9 they would have to weigh under 44 lbs. Not a look I think people should go for...

    Not everyone is 20 years old.
    Pshh, they wish they were lol.
    Sure, but they're not. I'm pushing 50 and at 5'6" and 132lbs my BMR is heading into the 1200s soon... My sister at 50 and 5'2" has a BMR around 1000....
    I'm sorry, I don't understand what point you're trying to make? Many people in the low end of 'healthy' according to bmi standards will be towards that number. I'm headed into the 1200s soon too. Like I said, you'll still lose weight eating much more. Why would any healthy person have a need to eat as little as possible just for a number on a scale when they're a healthy weight? Especially when they could eat much more then that and still be the same number. It seems like a very unhealthy thought to me.
    I'm no where near the low end of the BMI scale.
    a question as I go? How long have you maintained your weight loss?
    Nevermind what?

    Ow. I didn't know this was a competition. If I get the 'right' number do I win a prize? Is there a magic 'right' number? If someone maintains a loss for longer then someone else does that mean they're healthier? If someone is skinnier then someone else does that mean they know more about weight loss? Does it say anything at all?

    The answer btw is I'm currently trying to gain. I got down to my original weight and felt pretty flabby so I started incorporating more exercise and weights. My goals have changed. My current goal is to keep my measurements the same but to have abs, I assume that can only happen with a weight increase.
    You brought it up and suggested she was a failure because after 4 years she gained a bit back. wow, talking with you is fun.
    carry on. Enjoy your maintenance.
    I'm done here. Best of luck in the long run.
  • Magggs_
    Magggs_ Posts: 6 Member
    The diet I've been on for the last two months allows me to eat 1200 calories a day and my results have been amazing, I've lost around 15 pounds, but that also includes eating healthy and exercise. I'd recommend limiting yourself to around 1200 calories a day if you're serious about losing weight.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I am a bit older. I checked with 3 of my doctors and was told to eat 1000 calories a day to lose. If I eat 1200 I gain weight Much of it is age. In my 30's..40's I lost so easy. Now at 60 it is difficult.

    Doctors are not the greatest to take nutrition advice from. THey know barely anything about nutrition and anyone who does shouldn't be telling someone it's ok to eat so litte.

    I would rather take advice from a nutritionist or dietician. They really know about food.

    Yes you are right, they do. Can I borrow the $100+ from you. My insurance dosent pay for it. Thanks for the advice.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    If I eat 1700 calories a day I'd be mooing in no time. Sorry, but especially when you get older and your metabolism slows, your caloric intake to lose weight or to maintain it is much different than when you are younger.

    The whole 'I eat less because my metabolism is slow' is like the double dip recession. You are only going to make your metabolism slower.

    Eat more. Exercise more. Lift heavy. Net 10-20% below TDEE. Lose weight.

    It's like Chalene Johnson says, you're metabolism isn't slowing down because you're getting older, it's slowing down because you've lost muscle.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    The diet I've been on for the last two months allows me to eat 1200 calories a day and my results have been amazing, I've lost around 15 pounds, but that also includes eating healthy and exercise. I'd recommend limiting yourself to around 1200 calories a day if you're serious about losing weight.

    A totally irresponsible thing to recommend and total rubbish that only people eating 1200 calories are serious about losing weight. Some of the greatest success stories on this site are people who lost weight eating 1600 calories plus.
    Seriously, do some research before typing such things and suggesting something that could be seriously unhealthy for many on here.
  • amyschicos
    amyschicos Posts: 30 Member
    ask if anyone has kept if off. heh.

    Yes, I did. I lost 82 lbs eating at that level and kept it off for about 4 years. I moved last year and with stress and being surrounded by lots of need, yummy food...gained 25 lbs so I am here to get that off. However, I didn't gain all the weight back and then some.


    still gained.

    SO will you if you eat in excess!! YOU ARE THE RUDEST POSTER ON THIS SIMPLE MESSAGE & NOT helpful!!! Your RUDE & NO need for that EVER!!! I bet your a real JOY in person....NOT!!!!

    You are absolutely right. But I don't think that was their point. I think their point is statistically, that's what happens. And then someone proved her point when they thought they were doing the opposite...I don't think pointing out the truth is mean. I don't think she meant any offense by it like you did. I think the truth needs to be pointed out sometime.

    Clearly you did not read ALL her responses!! Very rude & sarcastic & in no way helpful like yourself & the others! I had at least 6 people inbox me with their response due to the rude backlash they knew they would receive! Now that is ridiculous!! And yea she wanted to be offensive thus her sarcastic rude response...I appreciate everyone's (almost everyone) responses! Looking forward to posting my success story in the months ahead!! :)
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    The diet I've been on for the last two months allows me to eat 1200 calories a day and my results have been amazing, I've lost around 15 pounds, but that also includes eating healthy and exercise. I'd recommend limiting yourself to around 1200 calories a day if you're serious about losing weight.

    I hope ur trolling. I can't even respond to this comment in a not mean or rude way, so I wont say anything else.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Anyone can lose on less that 1200 a day, the question is, is it weight you wanna lose weight or mostly fat? Cuz eating that low will promote more muscle loss.
    What if someone's BMR is below 1200? Some folks BMR is less than 1200.

    This is very true. But as far as a healthy person with no diseases go...or a person who can increase their BMR to what it should be by eating sensibly...the math shows that I'd have to be about 85 pounds (at 5'7). And if we talk about shorties, a 20 year old 4'9er would still have to be under 85 lbs for their BMR to be less then 1200...and even if they were...they'd still lose on that...For their TDEE to be under 1200 at 4'9 they would have to weigh under 44 lbs. Not a look I think people should go for...

    Not everyone is 20 years old.
    Pshh, they wish they were lol.
    Sure, but they're not. I'm pushing 50 and at 5'6" and 132lbs my BMR is heading into the 1200s soon... My sister at 50 and 5'2" has a BMR around 1000....
    I'm sorry, I don't understand what point you're trying to make? Many people in the low end of 'healthy' according to bmi standards will be towards that number. I'm headed into the 1200s soon too. Like I said, you'll still lose weight eating much more. Why would any healthy person have a need to eat as little as possible just for a number on a scale when they're a healthy weight? Especially when they could eat much more then that and still be the same number. It seems like a very unhealthy thought to me.
    I'm no where near the low end of the BMI scale.
    a question as I go? How long have you maintained your weight loss?
    Nevermind what?

    Ow. I didn't know this was a competition. If I get the 'right' number do I win a prize? Is there a magic 'right' number? If someone maintains a loss for longer then someone else does that mean they're healthier? If someone is skinnier then someone else does that mean they know more about weight loss? Does it say anything at all?

    The answer btw is I'm currently trying to gain. I got down to my original weight and felt pretty flabby so I started incorporating more exercise and weights. My goals have changed. My current goal is to keep my measurements the same but to have abs, I assume that can only happen with a weight increase.
    You brought it up and suggested she was a failure because after 4 years she gained a bit back. wow, talking with you is fun.
    carry on. Enjoy your maintenance.
    I'm done here. Best of luck in the long run.
    Wait what? I suggested she was a failure at what? I don't remember saying anything along the lines that she was a failure at anything. She jumped back on the horse and kept going.
  • amyschicos
    amyschicos Posts: 30 Member
    The diet I've been on for the last two months allows me to eat 1200 calories a day and my results have been amazing, I've lost around 15 pounds, but that also includes eating healthy and exercise. I'd recommend limiting yourself to around 1200 calories a day if you're serious about losing weight.

    Thank you for the friendly helpful advice! :)
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