Less than 1200 calories



  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I said I wouldn't do it... but if you are just starting out, you likely won't feel like you're hungry after that many calories but in two, three weeks, you might suddenly find that >2000 calories doesn't leave you feeling full. That's you're body waking up and realizing that you've been depriving it. Those sorts of cravings aren't nearly as likely if you don't do such a drastic cut to calories. You could be potentially sabotaging your weight loss goals in the long run by cutting back your calories so drastically.

    Also, no diet of this low of calories should be done without medical supervision to make sure you are meeting all of your dietary needs, both in your macros and your micro nutrients. Since most people lose weight to get healthier, it would be ironic if your journey left you less healthy in the long run.

    **hope this hasn't been considered bashing**
  • twoss9112
    twoss9112 Posts: 162 Member
    If you look under the APP tab of this website and scroll down, on the right hand side you will see a BMR calculator. Click on this, it already has your information filled in and all you need to do is press CALCULATE. This will give you your BMR number which is the amount of calories that you body would need if you were in a coma just to keep your vital organs and breathing healthy.

    Something is wrong with this app, then!

    It's telling me my BMR is 1358. That cannot be right - 1358 is my number AFTER I take off the 500 calorie deficit, according to every other calculator on earth. If that were right, then my deficit number would be 858. MFP gave me a 1200 calorie/day goal, originally.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    If you look under the APP tab of this website and scroll down, on the right hand side you will see a BMR calculator. Click on this, it already has your information filled in and all you need to do is press CALCULATE. This will give you your BMR number which is the amount of calories that you body would need if you were in a coma just to keep your vital organs and breathing healthy.

    Something is wrong with this app, then!

    It's telling me my BMR is 1358. That cannot be right - 1358 is my number AFTER I take off the 500 calorie deficit, according to every other calculator on earth. If that were right, then my deficit number would be 858. MFP gave me a 1200 calorie/day goal, originally.

    that actually does seem right-ish. what do the other calculators say your BMR is?
  • stormynytes4ever
    stormynytes4ever Posts: 60 Member
    Haven't seen a person yet that can pack in all the vitamins, minerals, nutrients, carbs, healthy fats and protein into 1000 cals a day - you're depleting your body of something, whether it's calcium, vitamin D, protein to build muscle or healthy fats to keep your brain going. Keep that in mind.

    Take a look at my diary then. My bloodtests always come back fine.

    lol you take 800 supplements a day instead of eating. if you just ate those foods instead, you'd lose weight faster.

    It's more like 4, dear, and 22 lbs since December 1st is pretty darn fast. :-p
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    MFP will never allow someone to go lower than 1200 calories. if something calculates lower they still put you at 1200.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    I agree with those that suggest eating your BMR at minimum and making your maximum your TDEE - (10-20)%.

    If you calculate your activity level into your TDEE you'd never have to eat back any regular calories you burn but only those above and beyond the regular.

    It also is way harder without supplementation to eat all the vitamins and minerals you need in a day. I try to eat over 1500 at least everyday and I still have trouble getting all the vitamins and minerals I need. But over time I will easily be eating more and will get what I need from my diet and not a pill.

    Be good to your body and it will be good to you :)
  • katiess1128
    katiess1128 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm a small person (only 5'2 at 23 years old) and I find that most days, I don't eat more than 1000-1100 calories. I work out for about 45-60 minutes a day, depending on the day, and I'm losing weight slowly (about 1.5lb per week) but my clothes are fitting much better and I FEEL better overall. I know that everything I've read says to consume 1200 calories or more, but I see where you're coming from and honestly- my body feels better than it ever has. There are definitely some days where I pack in some more healthy fats (natural peanut butter, avocado, etc.) but for the most part I tend to average closer to the 1000-1100 range. You're not alone :)
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    Haven't seen a person yet that can pack in all the vitamins, minerals, nutrients, carbs, healthy fats and protein into 1000 cals a day - you're depleting your body of something, whether it's calcium, vitamin D, protein to build muscle or healthy fats to keep your brain going. Keep that in mind.

    Take a look at my diary then. My bloodtests always come back fine.

    lol you take 800 supplements a day instead of eating. if you just ate those foods instead, you'd lose weight faster.

    It's more like 4, dear, and 22 lbs since December 1st is pretty darn fast. :-p
    But you aren't meeting your macros...you are always way off. Also I think the point about losing weight faster is in the long term. I owuld be concerned about that much weight loss in such a short time. Its not smart and its not something you can keep going. Eventually you will stall and palteau
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Haven't seen a person yet that can pack in all the vitamins, minerals, nutrients, carbs, healthy fats and protein into 1000 cals a day - you're depleting your body of something, whether it's calcium, vitamin D, protein to build muscle or healthy fats to keep your brain going. Keep that in mind.

    Take a look at my diary then. My bloodtests always come back fine.

    lol you take 800 supplements a day instead of eating. if you just ate those foods instead, you'd lose weight faster.

    It's more like 4, dear, and 22 lbs since December 1st is pretty darn fast. :-p

    Hmmm, have you talked to a doctor, endocrinologist and nutritionist about this and they all agree it is healthy and can last long term?

    ** I have also been eating loads and I am currently at 18 lbs lost since December 1st.
  • stormynytes4ever
    stormynytes4ever Posts: 60 Member
    As a matter of fact, I have. Everything checks out fine and I'm feeling better than I have in years. What I'm doing works for me and I am not going to force myself to eat when I'm not hungry.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    Haven't seen a person yet that can pack in all the vitamins, minerals, nutrients, carbs, healthy fats and protein into 1000 cals a day - you're depleting your body of something, whether it's calcium, vitamin D, protein to build muscle or healthy fats to keep your brain going. Keep that in mind.

    Take a look at my diary then. My bloodtests always come back fine.

    lol you take 800 supplements a day instead of eating. if you just ate those foods instead, you'd lose weight faster.

    It's more like 4, dear, and 22 lbs since December 1st is pretty darn fast. :-p
    But you aren't meeting your macros...you are always way off. Also I think the point about losing weight faster is in the long term. I owuld be concerned about that much weight loss in such a short time. Its not smart and its not something you can keep going. Eventually you will stall and palteau

    your brain, heart, lungs, muscles and every other body organ needs fuel to function including healthy fats....you asked a question and we are trying to help you be healthier not just skinnier. I would rather be as healthy as I can, eat properly and lose the weight to keep it off.
  • stormynytes4ever
    stormynytes4ever Posts: 60 Member
    you asked a question and we are trying to help you be healthier not just skinnier. I would rather be as healthy as I can, eat properly and lose the weight to keep it off.
    I'm not the one that asked, I just offered my experiance.
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    depends on how much you have to lose and height etc.

    personally, as someone who is 5ft tall, even when i wasnt watching my weight, used to eat MAX 1600 - 1800 a day (i know this because when i have one of my now bad days - prior to this normal day - and log, it comes out to around this)

    however for me to lose weight, considering that i only have a few lbs to lose, i

    a) have to be extremely patient and allow myself to lose about 200gms a week if not less
    b) eat more but also exercise a whole lot more
    c) stick to 1200 and eat CLEAN. i.e no junk, processed crap, not too much sugar.

    Option C is working for me. I have plenty of energy. I drink enough water. i allow myself treats now and again. and i'm losing. I also take Vitamin C, Omega's and zinc etc (which i used to do before as well)

    My suggestion would be to top up your cals with peanut butter, a handful of nuts etc if you arent hungry but still have calories.

    all the best!
  • Akumu
    Akumu Posts: 120 Member
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Haven't seen a person yet that can pack in all the vitamins, minerals, nutrients, carbs, healthy fats and protein into 1000 cals a day - you're depleting your body of something, whether it's calcium, vitamin D, protein to build muscle or healthy fats to keep your brain going. Keep that in mind.

    Take a look at my diary then. My bloodtests always come back fine.

    lol you take 800 supplements a day instead of eating. if you just ate those foods instead, you'd lose weight faster.

    It's more like 4, dear, and 22 lbs since December 1st is pretty darn fast. :-p

    let me know when you plateau. :)
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Careful everyone, I think we're about to enter "bashing" territory.

    le sigh
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    MFP will never allow someone to go lower than 1200 calories. if something calculates lower they still put you at 1200.

    actually they do :)

    you can custom your goals
  • twoss9112
    twoss9112 Posts: 162 Member
    If you look under the APP tab of this website and scroll down, on the right hand side you will see a BMR calculator. Click on this, it already has your information filled in and all you need to do is press CALCULATE. This will give you your BMR number which is the amount of calories that you body would need if you were in a coma just to keep your vital organs and breathing healthy.

    Something is wrong with this app, then!

    It's telling me my BMR is 1358. That cannot be right - 1358 is my number AFTER I take off the 500 calorie deficit, according to every other calculator on earth. If that were right, then my deficit number would be 858. MFP gave me a 1200 calorie/day goal, originally.

    that actually does seem right-ish. what do the other calculators say your BMR is?

    You know what, I just realized that I've been using the wrong number. The first equation that I used (not on MFP) was the REE plus activity, not just the REE (or BMR, same thing)

    This explains why I've not progressed. :(

    I can't do 858, though, that isn't healthy (and unless I eat nothing but cucumbers and celery, it's also impossible).

    I also used the calculator on cooks.com, which tells me that my BMR (or REE) is 1437. So even that is only 937 after deficit.

    This means one would absolutely have to eat back the exercise calories (I have been eating back some not all, because I didn't believe that to be true)
  • stormynytes4ever
    stormynytes4ever Posts: 60 Member
    let me know when you plateau. :)

    IF I plateau, it's nobody's concern but mine, dear. :)
  • wildchild06241
    wildchild06241 Posts: 130 Member
    I set my goal for 1200 calories and I work out an hour or more a day. I have been losing at a fair rate. I am not hungry but do have trouble meeting my protien goals even on days when I drink my protien shake with my meals. I just checked my BMR and this is what I got Your estimated BMR is: 1,129 calories/day. So 1200 calories seems right for me.