Starting the 30 Day shred 3/20 - want to join?



  • tmlane810
    tmlane810 Posts: 87 Member
    A huge Thank you to all my friends on MFP......seeing how much effort everyone is putting in just doing different task during the day encouraged me to put forth the extra effort today! I haven't even did my 30 day Shred or the Cardio max and I have already exceeded my daily goal and weekly goal for burning calories!!!! Thank you everyone, my success is your success to because your support is amazing to me =)
  • faerygal
    faerygal Posts: 51
    Just done day 4,level 1 and I am determined to be able to do MAN push ups!lol I am loving it and have ordered yoga meltdown too!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Everyone; Happy Easter Happy Springtime,
    Just finished L2D2 - and I am really hating Jillian ~ in a good way! I hate to say this but I haven't lost a thing as of yet - despite all my working out and I'm really trying not to stress about it ( but I think I am anyway!)
    One of my biggest fears about quitting smoking was that I would gain back all the weight I've lost - which is why it took me so long to make the decision to quit. Before joining this thread I'd gained about 10lbs during this not smoking process, i'm officially not smoking finally, I've picked up my woking out and have been really paying attention to my cals but my body is just not cooperating with me.....after 12 days no loss!! How is this possible???.
    I cannot put into words how frustrated, sad and frightened I feel right now:cry:
    I almost want to never get on the scale again because it totally changes my mood if I don't see the results i'm expecting - That's just entirely too much power to give to anything
    Apologies for the rant ! I try to carry a positive, hopeful message to myself and others, but this is where I am today. I feel a little better just getting that off my chest ~ I'm not quitting the journey but I do feel some disappointment.
    Ok..that's my alotment of self pity for the day. This too shall pass ~ starting my day over right now!!!

    I hope anyone else who is struggling pushes through it - Mind over Matter, right???

    Have a great rest of the weekend,

  • lynzt16
    lynzt16 Posts: 48
    Hey guys,

    I was just wondering if getting the shred DVD would be worth it for me. I have an ongoing wrist injury and i am unable to do push ups or ANY activites that have me balancing on my wrists.....

  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Lynzt16,
    How are you? Not sure how badly your wrist is injured but in Jillian's w/os she believes in planks and push up and she uses weights ( which, of course are optional) in certain segments - with a wrist protector you could possibly modify some of the moves w/o re-injuring yourself. Portions of the dvd are plyo (jump training and other old school cardio - jumping jacks, skaters, jump rope and the like - which i'm sure you could do with no problems. 9.00 investment at walmart - even if you can't use it now you probably will be able to once your wrist heals. I think if you google her w/o's you can see a sample and also has some reviews that are more detailed than mine. Good luck and I hope you find what you're looking for.

    Take Care,
  • lynzt16
    lynzt16 Posts: 48
    Thanks Dragonfly11,
    I guess $9 doesnt hurt even if i have to substitute some of the wrist exercises for the time being. Due to an injury ill never be able to do push ups...but planks on my forearms i definitely could do, its mainly just the motion of bringing my wrist back that is the problem.
    Thanks again for the info!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Shredders,
    I'm still here!! L2D3 done before work this am and eating right so far!! Cardio of some sort on for later!!

    Just a quick check in!!

  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Continuing to hold myself accountable to reporting here. I did L1D4 yesterday and L1D5 today. I'm already starting to see more definition in my arms, which is super exciting. I may take a walk later today since it is so gorgeous outside!

    I weigh-in tonight so I'm hoping that my next post will have an lower CW and bigger ticker!
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    :bigsmile: D9 L1 complete and 2 pounds lost!!!! Going to go home and go for a 3 mile run! Lovin' it and really seeing changes to my body!!!!
  • aprilwilliamsba
    aprilwilliamsba Posts: 9 Member
    Today I did L1D5 followed by a 30 min "walk" with my two dogs. (More like me running to keep up with them as they pull me around the neighborhood haha.) I'm feeling great about my progress on the this workout so far and I cannot believe how quickly I've been able to start doing these push ups!
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    I think, if my body if up to it, I'll go back to L1 in the morning. I've been in a lot of pain all weekend since started L2. I just don't want my neck to be in pain anymore. IF you have any suggestions on what I may be doing wrong with L2 let me know. I think it was all the planks. They really seem to use a lot of arm and neck muscle. I was taking muscle relaxants all weekend and that hardly touched the pain!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    After a sad weigh-in last night (up 0.6 lbs), I got my butt in gear and did W1D6 of the Shred and a Biggest Loser cardio workout on-demand this morning. I'm kicking myself for not going outside and running/walking in the beautiful weather. There's always tomorrow!
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Taking a break today, but definitely starting up again in the morning tomorrow! Going to start with level 1 again and add some planks (easy) to that to get my body used to themm,, then I'll move on to L2 again.
    Looks like many of us are continuing through! Good Job Shredders!!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Shredders,
    Oversplept this am :grumble: and missed my AM w/o !! That means L2 D4 for me whan I get home plus BFBM!! I am going to be sooo spent!! I feel your pain Ferff w/ thos planks - I am trying to learn to love them !!
    For some reason this w/o is not moving the pounds off of me right now - I keep adding extra to it - like last night I did 4 miles very fast pace walking for my cardio. Hopefully I'll push on through this plateau - sure is frustrating though, that's for sure.
    I keep reminding myself it's for my good health - not necessarily a smaller jeans size ( although i sure would love to wear some size 10s loosely!!

    Hang in there folks and have a great day,

    will check in after my night circuit
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Went for a run/walk this AM - so pretty outside. Then came home and did L1D7. Woohoo - what a way to start the day!
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    Day11 L2 complete!

    Today was my first day on L2 - and my oh my - what a workout!! Definitely had my heart pumping :)

    Goal is to complete 45 mins on the eliptical trainer tonight!
  • ajimenez
    ajimenez Posts: 16 Member
    Hey, Shredders!

    It's been a while since I've posted but I've been keeping up on all the goings on and appreciate all the motivating posts!
    I have just completed Day10 of L1 and am pleased to announce I am only following Anita about half the time! Yeah! Also, I have graduated from 3-lb -weights to 5-lb-weights for about half of the strength exercises. Hopefully, by the end of the 30-days, I'll be following Natalie and using 5-lb-weights all the way.:tongue:

    allykat8: Congratulations on your first day of L2! I've been reading about it and am not really looking forward to it myself. :frown:

    elmox: What a perfect start to your day! Glad you are enjoying your beautiful weather and your beautiful body!

    Dragonfly11: Love your posts -- they always make me smile! How's the smoke-free lifestyle going? Congratulations on that. I appreciate that focus shift toward good health and not necessarily the weight-loss. I tend to self-sabotage myself when I focus on the weight thing... as soon as I start losing weight, I quit making healthy choices. I'm blown away at your weight loss -- Major Congrats to you! :flowerforyou:

    ferff3: Oh! These planks you speak of are scaring me! :cry: More importantly, please take care of your body -- that whole no-pain-no-gain is only true if the pain is a good pain. Good job listening to your body and easing yourself back into the exercise. Keep us posted.

    amber331: You inspire me! I cannot do those push-ups for the life of me! Partly because of an injured wrist (went to a PT yesterday about that) but mostly because my upper-body strength is pretty pathetic. But, because of you, I tried to get off my knees and actually push into what faerygal calls "MAN push-ups". And guess what? I did it!!! Thank You! :smooched:

    lynz16: I am having wrist issues, too. Modification: Do the exercise on your fists (turned toward each other). I learned that in a yoga class and it really takes the stress off the wrists. But if it hurts, definitely stop.

    tmlane810: Congrats on exceeding your exercise goal! You Rock!

    Purpleflipflop: So cool that you're looking at even more workout plans! I am going to do my best to complete this 30-day thing before I start something new (I am notorious for not seeing things through to the end). But maybe in July I'll be finished with all three Levels of Shred and ready to have a Jillian overdose. Good luck to you and keep me posted!

    Nic4:: usmcwife1223::Mizberg: Are you still with us?

    Signing off... Keep shredding, everyone! :bigsmile:
  • kniclo
    kniclo Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Team Shred!

    I completed D2L1 and oh me, am I feeling it. When i finished i didn't the ab workout was sufficient, or the arms/back. HA, was I proven wrong about 2 hours later. I love that after two days I feel the pain in the target areas. Keep up the good work, I'm looking fwd to getting my endurance and strength up to move to L2...maybe this weekend...

    Hang Tough!!!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Getting out of bed was SO hard this morning, but L1D8 is done! Looking forward to a good walk outside later tonight.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    I've lost my workout mojo!! I pulled a muscle on Thursday night and let myself rest Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I'm feeling better now but need to get back my mojo/desire to get up and go.

    I hope you all haven't lost your mojo either. We need the get-up-and-go to get up and go!!