

  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    The warm up is a workout in itself! Too hard!


    It is hard but I wouldn't say it's "too hard".

    I just finished the 60 days yesterday and plan on taking a month "off" and going back to the gym then starting it up again. This time though I hope to keep up with my weight lifting and just use the workouts as cardio.
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    The warm up is definitely the most intense one I've done in any program, he sure has you getting that HR up quickly. I'm almost done with week 4 and have really liked the program. I haven't done the complete schedule though. I don't really like Cardio Recovery so I haven't been able to get myself to do it, and cardio abs is always sceduled with pure cardio and I'm too tired to do both. Hopefully soon my fitness level will be up there to be able to handle it all. I haven't lost any pounds but that is most likely due to my diet, I just eat too much. I'm working on it though. I do feel I'm getting stronger and can move a little faster and rest less than I did in week 1 so that is progress. I'm going to do the fit test this weekend.
    I just ordered Les Mills Combat so I think I"m going to do that for a month then come back to Insanity for it's 2nd month, or possibly mix up the 2. I will see how it goes after I try the Combat workouts. I get bored easy so have to mix up my workouts all the time.
  • sten11
    As the name suggest "INSANITY" . This workout is nuts but you get really fast results. What would you like to know about it?
  • cbeckl
    cbeckl Posts: 79
    totally awesome.

    watch your form. don't try and keep up with the pros. don't let tania get the best of you. and just remember to dig deeper :)

    So glad I'm not the only one that hates her. I'm getting ready for recovery week then month 2!! Feel free to add me!