


  • ejay90
    ejay90 Posts: 42
    While most of the suggestions in this thread will work for a normal, healthy, constipated person, the OP simply is starving. You can't poop if you don't eat.

    The anorexic girl's legs in your ticker pic confirm that you need help that fiber and coffee won't provide.
    Go see a therapist, please.

    Therapists are a waist of time

    So is school, or so one thinks. *waste

    Sorry darling. I actually have a degree in business, just suffer from a little thing called dyslexia

    How exactly does dyslexia cause you to spell waste like waist? Different letters, this isn't an issue of letter order.
    Oh who cares. The point is - striving to be 100 pounds and not being able to poop are indicators of some other problems there as Robin pointed out. You need to eat.

    Orders of words are effected, but that not the only issue people who suffer from dyslexia have... who are you to judge?
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    Sugar free candies, about 3-4 will do it. The sorbitol in it is also used in laxatives, just don't have too many thinking it won't work... The first time I tried it I ate about 10 of them and seriously thought I was going to die! My fiancé lovely refers to it as "poop candy" lol
  • allysondicaro
    That **** is no joke. It will FOR SURE get things moving. Take it before bed or in the morning if you have nothing planned for the day. Do not drink it in the morning before work, otherwise you will have the worst commute of your life.
  • Jacqsie
    Sorry to break the thread but I was thinking about this thread while on the toilet about 15minutes ago wondering if many more people had commented on it :)

  • toomuchbootyindapants
    While most of the suggestions in this thread will work for a normal, healthy, constipated person, the OP simply is starving. You can't poop if you don't eat.

    The anorexic girl's legs in your ticker pic confirm that you need help that fiber and coffee won't provide.
    Go see a therapist, please.

    Therapists are a waist of time

    So is school, or so one thinks. *waste

    Sorry darling. I actually have a degree in business, just suffer from a little thing called dyslexia

    How exactly does dyslexia cause you to spell waste like waist? Different letters, this isn't an issue of letter order.
    Oh who cares. The point is - striving to be 100 pounds and not being able to poop are indicators of some other problems there as Robin pointed out. You need to eat.

    Orders of words are effected, but that not the only issue people who suffer from dyslexia have... who are you to judge?

    *affected (when used as a verb, effects are nouns or affect can be a noun when used in psychological terms)
  • ejay90
    ejay90 Posts: 42
    While most of the suggestions in this thread will work for a normal, healthy, constipated person, the OP simply is starving. You can't poop if you don't eat.

    The anorexic girl's legs in your ticker pic confirm that you need help that fiber and coffee won't provide.
    Go see a therapist, please.

    Therapists are a waist of time

    So is school, or so one thinks. *waste

    Sorry darling. I actually have a degree in business, just suffer from a little thing called dyslexia

    How exactly does dyslexia cause you to spell waste like waist? Different letters, this isn't an issue of letter order.
    Oh who cares. The point is - striving to be 100 pounds and not being able to poop are indicators of some other problems there as Robin pointed out. You need to eat.

    Orders of words are effected, but that not the only issue people who suffer from dyslexia have... who are you to judge?

    *affected (when used as a verb, effects are nouns or affect can be a noun when used in psychological terms)

    Low. No need to undermine me. Not nice to be a ***** to someone with a disability... pretentious tool.
  • fuzzieme
    fuzzieme Posts: 454 Member
    <<<Passes round the popcorn

    Heh heh!

    I don't mean to add fuel but dyslexia DOES cause people to spell words incorrectly which sound the same; not in all cases; but I know a lady who sometimes spells her own child's name incorrectly

    And like you it is my opinion the OP is under eating and her goal weight is terrifyingly low; attacking her won't help anything though. Guaranteed you can expect a lot more trouble in the bathroom if you continue like you are, and that's just to begin with. You are at risk of causing your body serious damage; your body tells you everything you need to know if you listen to it. I once semi starved myself like that, pooped once a week if I was lucky, and my metabolism has been very low since.

    Finally, it's my also opinion that seeing a councilor is anything BUT a "waste of time", don't expect too much from them, they aren't your fairygodmother, but it's proven that talking helps, sometimes it's easier to talk with a stranger. I'm not telling you to see one, I'm just defending them from your comment because they have really helped me in the past and I realised nothing was wrong after only one session; my thoughts were just decaying because I suppressed them, can my body let me know with physical symptoms
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    eat 8 fiber one bars and you won't be able to stop yourself
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    Ummm... you have a daily calorie goal of 830 calories?!?!?!??!?!?

    Try eating something, you probably dont have enough in your system to actually have a bowel movement.

    I cant see your diary, but if shes right this is probably the problem.
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    While most of the suggestions in this thread will work for a normal, healthy, constipated person, the OP simply is starving. You can't poop if you don't eat.

    The anorexic girl's legs in your ticker pic confirm that you need help that fiber and coffee won't provide.
    Go see a therapist, please.

    Therapists are a waist of time

    So is school, or so one thinks. *waste

    Sorry darling. I actually have a degree in business, just suffer from a little thing called dyslexia

    How exactly does dyslexia cause you to spell waste like waist? Different letters, this isn't an issue of letter order.
    Oh who cares. The point is - striving to be 100 pounds and not being able to poop are indicators of some other problems there as Robin pointed out. You need to eat.

    Orders of words are effected, but that not the only issue people who suffer from dyslexia have... who are you to judge?

    *affected (when used as a verb, effects are nouns or affect can be a noun when used in psychological terms)

    Low. No need to undermine me. Not nice to be a ***** to someone with a disability... pretentious tool.

    LOL! Thank you for that!
    Your only disability is you aren't eating enough and thus you are now full of chit. So, go eat, take a dump, and watch your mind clear. It's causing blockages of all sorts honey. Oh, and senna is pretty powerful. ;)
  • ilovescarymovies
    ilovescarymovies Posts: 202 Member
    Activia yogurt and Fiber cereal always help me
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    I have had to start taking stool softeners since I started taking more and more vitamins. Also, and I know this isnt the most popular answer but I take laxatives when I cant go for more than a day. I don't abuse them and it only happens a couple times a month. Plus, my doctor told me to.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    Two words.

    Taco Bell.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Do a salt water rinse... you drink 1 liter of warm water with 2 tablespoons of sea salt... then don't plan on going anywhere for a few hours... cleans everything right out....

    Epsom salt, NOT sea salt.

    You should NEVER drink Epsom salts solution--can be dangerous (as are some of the suggestions that have been made before). It can mess with your electrolytes. (But it is quite safe to BATHE in an Epsom salts bath--might even help with the constipation, if low levels of magnesium is part of the problem.) I would avoid doing anything harsh and looking at my diet--800 calories is too low and will ultimately lower your metabolism (and that can cause constipation--big time). Also, there are acidophilus formulations that encourage bowel movements. Some strains can be constipating though so I would ask a naturopath what he/she recommends.
  • ejay90
    ejay90 Posts: 42
    Two words.

    Taco Bell.

    i don't eat red meat or chicken... plus there is no such thing in the uk
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I have had to start taking stool softeners since I started taking more and more vitamins. Also, and I know this isnt the most popular answer but I take laxatives when I cant go for more than a day. I don't abuse them and it only happens a couple times a month. Plus, my doctor told me to.

    It isn't actually the vitamins that are the likely cause--the binders that they use in the tablets is typically the problem. Switching to liquid vitamins can help.
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    I have had to start taking stool softeners since I started taking more and more vitamins. Also, and I know this isnt the most popular answer but I take laxatives when I cant go for more than a day. I don't abuse them and it only happens a couple times a month. Plus, my doctor told me to.

    It isn't actually the vitamins that are the likely cause--the binders that they use in the tablets is typically the problem. Switching to liquid vitamins can help.

    Good to know, thanks
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Activia yogurt and Fiber cereal always help me

    Yes---many people say that Activia yogurt has the correct bacterial strains to keep one regular.
  • runwmeNC
    runwmeNC Posts: 612 Member
    Drink a jug of prune juice along with some spicy hot wings. That should clear things out quickly...

    Quickly? That would turn her behind into a fire breathing dragon!

    Best quote of day! haha
  • tsp0k3n
    It's not a healthy choice, but Taco Bell usually will do the trick and quickly.

    lol I was doing to say this! my best friend was constipated for a week and one meal from tacobell did the trick =] you should get the cantina bowl