Did you throw or give away your old clothes?



  • LittleDebbieNay
    I would give them to a charity! That way if you see that your new clothes are getting tight and you have nothing to fall back on as far as old clothes then you know to get back on track and lose those few pounds you gained back :bigsmile:
  • offthedeependay
    offthedeependay Posts: 435 Member
    donated mine to the food bank store after a year and I was sure I wasn't going back to the same size.went from a 40 waist to a now 29-30 " waist..there is always people in need of clothes
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    sold them on ebay!
  • DonaGail
    DonaGail Posts: 190 Member
    I tend to hang on to things, Im not a big shopper but I do have clothes ranging in 4 sizes where I go up and down.
    Last year I lost 62lbs and felt it was going to stick, I was very determined, then my world fell apart and I ended up caving in to bad habits after really struggling for months. Im not proud of it and am back in semi-control again.. I wear a uniform to work and for some reason I did turn in all but one pair of my biggest pants..now I only have 1 pair that fits! Maybe it is good that Im in such a pickle, it
    sure is motivating me to eat right again so I can wear nicer smaller pants at work. I am feeling cluttered and so I probably will get rid of my big clothes at a consignment shop, there is one close that only takes plus size items, I agree its bad to keep a safety net but for people with confidence issues its a little harder to do.
  • merapp9
    merapp9 Posts: 153 Member
    GET RID OF THEM!!! :)
  • Gracerrr
    Gracerrr Posts: 141
    I donated my old clothes during a previous large weight loss. But always remember the rule of "only give away something that you'd be happy to receive." Things with tatters, holes, or stains? Toss.
  • Cathy7794
    Cathy7794 Posts: 223 Member
    Naked Lady Parties!! (ok, that's what we call them here...feel free to call 'em what you will)

    Basically, a bunch of really awesome people (aka friends or friends of friends as word spreads) who are within a size or three of each of other who get together with the clothes that no longer fit or they no longer need/want. The clothes can be tossed in big piles, sorted by size, by who brought them, by item type-- whatever suits the group.

    Then people just go around trying stuff on and taking home what fits and what they fancy! The only "rules" are that the items you bring are in good condition and that you not walk out with gobs more than you brought in. Most of the time we rock good music, maybe some healthy snacks (yeah...mostly, maybe some wine and beer) and give honest feedback about what that purple striped t-shirt does for someone's new flat stomach.

    Leftover items that don't go back to the original owners can then be donated to local charities or saved for the next NLP.
    It saves everyone money, it's a great social gathering and if your group has kiddos in it that can be incorporated, too.
    That is an awesome idea!! :love: Totally stealing this and going to do it maybe this spring.
  • joyzeejay
    joyzeejay Posts: 95 Member
    I went from a 16 to a 6, so I had to get new clothes. And I figured, if I don't have the clothes, I have nothing to fall back on: Keep the weight off or I'm stuck with no clothes. I took my clothes to a consignment shop and have been making a REALLY nice chunk of change off of the shop selling them.
  • cheshire1865
    I'm going to take in a load of my clothes when I get to the size I want to be. I love a lot of them and still want to wear them when they'll look better :) anything I don't want, I'll give to charity.
  • sbbhbm
    sbbhbm Posts: 1,312 Member
    Wow, am I the only person on here who has a yard sale in the summer?
  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member
    I either have a yard sale or I donate them to local charities.
  • judykmmg
    judykmmg Posts: 56 Member
    I, too lost 47 pounds. That's a big loss for my 5'2" frame. And since I have been exercising, I am still losing inches, but not pounds. Nothing I had would fit me. I emptied my entire closet out. Including the smaller sizes I might could have worn. The problem with them is that they were 8 years old and I figured I would reward myself with new. I took all my clothing to my business and let my employees look thru them first. There was nothing left for the goodwill box. They took everything I had brought. I am NOT going back to that size again! Problem is, I have actually had to give some of my new clothing away - they are getting too big, too. I did buy dresses I could belt when they became too big. Good thing I didn't buy any new summer clothing. I'm waiting a little while till I buy them.
  • momof2TONI
    I donated all of the clothes that were too big. I kept two stretchy pairs of pants 'just in case'. Well over the holidays I gained about 15 lbs and I'm having to wear the two pairs of stretchy pants. I refuse to buy bigger clothes again, so wearing the same two pairs of pants again and again has given me the determination to get back into my weight loss routine. I WILL get back into the smaller jeans I was wearing before the holidays. Glad I didn't keep all the bigger clothing I had or it would have been too easy to stay lazy. lol

    Edited to add: I did sell the nicer items on eBay. And when I was losing weight before and needing smaller sizes, I did a lot of shopping and buying in the thrift stores. You can find some really nice, and name brand, items there.
  • irenematilda
    irenematilda Posts: 45 Member
    I was a dressmaker for years and so I could quite easily alter the 'fat' stuff I've got, but most of it carries such mental associations of self-disgust that I can't think why I'd want to. I imagine that close and honest inspection would reveal that a lot of it was straining at the seams and would not be long for this world anyway, but the rest of it I'm going to donate or sell. I've got at least a few clothes in pretty much every size for on the way down, including the best part of an entire wardrobe of 'goal' weight clothes from the days when it was my normal weight, and so I don't really have a good reason for keeping clothes that are too big for me. I am never going to be back at start weight again (and I'm never going to buy anything with a 'comfy' elasticated waist again either - I'll do myself a favour instead and feel that strain when it starts, not four inches later!).

    The bigger I've got, the more likely it is that I've spent money on cheap essential tat that most people wouldn't want to be seen dead in anyway. I can't see a single reason why I'd want to keep any of it. It would be like keeping my gunky appendix in a jar in case I ever wanted appendicitis again :)
  • WAHMto5
    WAHMto5 Posts: 375 Member
    gave mine away as I refuse to go back to that weight!
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I gave everything to the Goodwill. Well... that's not entirely true. I have a Japanese Star Wars tee shirt that I don't want to let go of. But everything else is gone. They were just taking up space in my closet. Plus I've moved five times in the past year and it is a pain the *kitten* to move something I'm not using.
  • Okapi42
    Okapi42 Posts: 495 Member
    I'm donating a lot of things, but anything with a nice/interesting textured fabric I'm keeping to make a patchwork quilt for my baby nephew.
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    Goodwill. Immediately. Period.
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    Donated them to St-Vincent-de- Paul or Value Village ( Village des Valeurs in QC)