Gym Etiquette - what bugs you?



  • sin485
    sin485 Posts: 125 Member
    1. If you can text on a machine, you are not working hard enough.
    2. 30 seconds on a machine is not effective, don't be Mr bad *kitten*.. pace yourself.
    3. It is flu season, sanitize and wipe please. Every Time
    4. Your not a dog, don't reward yourself with food.
    5. Stop listening to everyone's fitness advice. Not everyone is qualified.

    i txt on machines sometimes if its necessary...and its during my warmup. obviously i cant text while im running lol
  • sin485
    sin485 Posts: 125 Member
    The body odor thing. Gosh, I cannot BELIEVE the smells I smell at the gym. Yikes!

    its a gym LOL of course you will get body odour people are sweating there *kitten* off working out
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    1. People who don't wipe machines down.
    2. Those who feel the need to come and run on the treadmill right next to me when there are about 20 others free, WHYYYY!? Puts me off more than anything!

    Sweetie, have you seen you? Gyms are full of creepers, almost as bad as MFP. Just try to tune it out.
  • breyn2004
    breyn2004 Posts: 162 Member
    not re-racking weights. there were at one point signs in our weight room that said that those who failed to re-rack would have their membership revoked. it's seriously like another workout for me just to re-rack the huge weights that some of these guys just leave on the bars when they're done. not all of us can squat 315.


    Agreed. Nothing annoys me more than going to the hack squat machine to find it loaded down with 10 -45 lbs plates. Granted, unloading them (I only do 4 -45 lbs plates) could be considered a workout as well, but it's interfering with my workout time and my routine.

    Okay, maybe not "nothing"..... sitting on a machine, texting/talking while people are waiting. Use the machine or MOVE YOUR *kitten*. I track my workouts on MFP, so I do have my phone in the gym, but I enter my workouts between sets while my partner is doing her set.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    All the FARTING! GEESH!

    Oh wait.....that's me.

    i never get stomach bubbles until someone gets on a machine next to me.....
  • SugarBoomBoom
    The person I saw use the ladies room and then hit the equipment without washing her hands. Yuck! I'd rather deal with the sweat not being wiped off!

    Oh goodness nooooooooooo! :sick:
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    I would like the personal trainers to be yoked! Or, at least is better shape than I am. Fat trainers crack me up.
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    People who pop their pimples in front of the gym mirrors. Really? You can't do that in the bathroom?
  • PXMike
    PXMike Posts: 94 Member
    Oh, ho, ho boy have you opened a can of worms here! I could write reams but here are just a few...

    1. Dropping/Slamming Weights
    2. Not putting away equipment when finished workout
    3. Taking excessive rest periods between sets or not clearing the area between rotations so others can use equipment
    4. Using training area as social area
    5. Not picking up after yourself

    I could go on and on. I belong to one of our area's most elite facilities where many professional athletes as well as many of we serious Fitness Enthusiasts. Unfortunately, being a Moe affluent locale, we have many who are either there for appearance sake and many spoiled punks who have their dues paid for them and I guess they think their mommies are going to come pick up after them. With all that said, the number one thng that tics me off is how someone can have the energy to workout and yet can't quite muster the strength to close up their locker befor they leave!

    It can all be summed up in the simple fact that if people would simply be a bit more considerate, it would be a so much more pleasant world. Still an old addage stands true. Money cannot buy class or taste.
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    not re-racking weights. there were at one point signs in our weight room that said that those who failed to re-rack would have their membership revoked. it's seriously like another workout for me just to re-rack the huge weights that some of these guys just leave on the bars when they're done. not all of us can squat 315.

    This. Most things I can overlook, but this drives me up the wall. It's just flat out inconsiderate.
  • magmary7
    The guy in the treadmill next to me with disgusting breath!!!
  • lolwutshannon
    Women who go to the gym with their hair and make-up done; B!tch, you're here to get in shape, stinky and sweaty. This isn't Eharmony. Go home.

    How do you know they didn't just get off of work? Judgy.

    I should have added in that these said women also don't work out while at the gym, they just walk around and prey on single men. Excuse me.
  • nakiarhall
    nakiarhall Posts: 51 Member
    People that come on the internet and whine about other people at the gym.
  • bpn80
    bpn80 Posts: 43
    When you are the only one on a treadmill with 10 empty treadmills around you and someone gets on the one rightnexttoyou! Go use the one at the end of the row! Don't be right next to me!
  • inuta
    inuta Posts: 12 Member
    People who think they know it are busy lifting your weights n they come to show you how to lift like plizzz!
  • nakiarhall
    nakiarhall Posts: 51 Member
    Nothing bothers me at the gym. I know people are going to be sweaty and smelly - they are at the GYM!!

    Gym time is me time and I don't like to waste it hating other people working out. I don't really focus on anything else. If I am bothered by something, I move away.

    Well put.

    But for me, i have my music loud so no one ever bothers me as i never hear anyone. Most of the time, i just have tunnel vision in the gym anyway.

    Reading the responses in this thread really makes me think that some people forget what a gym is for.

    Who cares if someone is checking you out, that should be motivation if anything. Now if they start stalking you as you leave the gym or are there every time you are at the gym, then it's time to get worried.
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    Not sure why this bothers me but it does: women who workout in full make up and tons of jewelry
  • alitap
    alitap Posts: 38 Member
    People who worry about what other people are doing rather than just focusing on their own workouts.

    Well, that and people who keep talking to me when I'm trying to work out.

    Yeah! i get this alot too. infact ive changed to another gym a few months back and this one is better
  • Jozie_
    Jozie_ Posts: 61 Member
    Not sure why this bothers me but it does: women who workout in full make up and tons of jewelry

    I work out in full makeup and some jewellry, I go to the gym from work I'm hardly going to bother taking my makeup off before working out. And I figure my jewellry is safer on me than in the lockers at the gym. I can't really see how either of these things effect you?
  • Serafimangel
    Serafimangel Posts: 174 Member
    Major pet peeve, sitting on the equipment doing nothing. Im not being snobby and saying nothings as in hardly anything but literally sitting, watching tv. Especially when there is only one of that particular machine.

    A few months back an old guy fell asleep on the only crunch machine (no idea of the actual name). I actually thought he was dead for a while, then someone prodded him and he woke up (I was scared to prod incase he was dead and he slumped over or something and I would seem like a totally heartless cow being all 'can someone move the cadaver cos I gotta do my crunches').

    Also, deep heat. I know it is good for the muscles and everything, but any machine that is used by someone who liberally uses deep heat will stink for the next few hours.