Gym Etiquette - what bugs you?



  • lizzynewm
    lizzynewm Posts: 199 Member
    i hope during my cool-downs and off-days, people aren't annoyed by me at the gym for my lack of effort. and i hope when i go to the gym at night after a long school day, people aren't severely bothered by my makeup!

    what annoys me are unsupervised kids at my gym who just kind of run around playing on the machines - not necessarily because they are inherently annoying, but because i begin to feel sort of responsible that they don't get hurt on the equipment.

    and when friends go to the gym, don't really use the equipment, and just sit and talk. these two girls planted themselves on the leg press and abductor and didn't use either for 10 minutes and just talked about winter formal. and of course, that was during my leg day. grumble grumble
  • starcyndycyn
    People that come on the internet and whine about other people at the gym.

    Agreed. What is to anyone if someone wears jeans, is moving slow, or whatever else? Just do your workout and don't look at others doing theirs.
  • deedee303z
    One of the biggest reasons I gave up my gym membership was other people.

    There were a dozen ellipticals and yet more than once a crazy person came up and insisted that they needed the machine I was on RIGHT NOW and How Dare I use THEIR machine! None of the others were even in use at the time.

    There was only one circuit course (and one of each machine) and yet people thought it was ok to sit on a machine for 20 min or longer "resting" (ie, chatting). Polite inquiries as to the availability of the machine were met rudely--and they would wait until you left before getting up. Many times it wasn't worth the hassle to even bother with the circuit because you wouldn't be able to use half the machines anyway.

    Locker room. I'm not a prude. I do NOT, however, care to be sitting on a bench putting my shoes on to look up with your bent over bare bum right in my face--complete with tampon string hanging out. Nasty! (I did, however, learn how to put my shoes and socks on without sitting on the benches).

    Mostly, though, I got tired of hearing husband complain about the above the whole way home (um not the ladies locker room part though!).

    (Apparently, I wasn't the only one who had issues with that gym though--it closed a year or so later.)
  • jolenelf
    jolenelf Posts: 27 Member
    Two biggest things:

    1. When people do not wipe down their machines. I used some weight machines at the gym for the first time last week and ended up with pink eye in both eyes. I will now wipe down every machine BEFORE I use!!
    2. When someone wears a ton of perfume/body spray/smelly stuff and jumps on cardio equipment next to me. Makes my throat burn!

    For the most part, I try not to pay attention to other people and really hope they pay me the same courtesy.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    i will profess to being annoyed when someone elses uses the third elliptical machine from the right, i might start peeing on it to mark it as mine.

    but if its taken i use the next available one.

    mind you the things i listed through out here dont so much bug me as just makes me roll my eyes. its not like i get roid rage at this stuff (other than guys leaving the locker room a damn mess)

    clothes - i dont think it should bother anyone but there are things you shouldnt wear to the gym. 3 sizes too small.....biker shorts only (seriously, i dont know how a woman has ever gone near a guys nether region, even just the outline of one in biker pants creeps me out) or people that wear do-rags (this is in general)

    slow workout people - dont really mind them either but if you do work out slow pretend your golfing and let someone else play through

    smelly people - it happens, its a gym. plus they may have walked through one of my crop dustings.

    grunters or loud lifters - this is fine unless i have my headset turned on as loud as possible and can STILL hear you from 50 feet away.

    for some odd reason the only people i think who should be put to instant death are un-re-rackers. or if they place them on the wrong spindle.
  • Slaci_Jo
    Slaci_Jo Posts: 69 Member
    I dont understand why people are annoyed by girls coming in with makeup on/perfume. Did you ever think that maybe they just came from work or school? I don't believe that its mandatory for them to make sure they wipe off all thier makeup before coming out onto the gym floor so that you dont feel annoyed. Everytime I have gone to the gym I have had make up on because I came straight from work. It shouldn't mattter if they are wearing a sexy outfit either. Maybe being able to wear that sexy outfit and feel comfortable in it is a confidence booster. It says a lot about ones insecurities if little things like make-up and clothes bother them. If it isn't directly affecting your workout then it really shouldn't be an issue.

    Luckily for me I have a gym at my apartment complex and my biggest pet peeve is the apartment not supplying at the very least a spray bottle with water for people to wipe the machines down with. I also avoid going around 7pm because a gaggle of women come in and talk so loud that I can't hear my music in my earbuds, even turned up to full volume. This affects me being in "the zone" because its so loud I can't even think straight.

    Mostly I try to "get in the zone" where I can block most everything out. Once I am in the zone I pretty much am oblivious whatever else is going on in the gym (besides the loud people). I try to not judge others based on their workout preferences.
  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member
    I dont understand why people are annoyed by girls coming in with makeup on/perfume.

    Perfume bothers me because my gym is small, sometimes it makes it difficult to breath when the inconsiderate gal next to me marinated in Sweet Pea minutes before walking through the door.
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    Not so much that this bugs me, as amuses me and makes me wonder....Women, generally much older women, who bring their purses with them into the workout area and hang it on the treadmill/elliptical/bike or other gym equipment instead of locking it in their car.
  • sallyaj
    sallyaj Posts: 207 Member
    People who do not wash their hands after using the toilet. Yes, there is a woman at my gym who comes out of the stall wearing her "lifting gloves" and talking on the phone. Doesn't wash her hands. Heads right back to the weights floor.
  • Lantzbug
    What really bothered me today as I was pulling into the gym, was someone who had to hurry and pull in front of me, came so close to hitting someone that she dropped her stuff, just to get a close parking spot. It's a GYM, a little walk won't hurt you.
  • KateRunsColorado
    KateRunsColorado Posts: 407 Member
    Just an edit/response on my "girls who wear a pound of make-up" comment earlier.

    I don't care if it's leftover after work/school, I'm talking 5:00am and they look like they're going to Prom.

    But alas, everyone else's comments about worrying about yourself are correct...I shouldn't care, I'm there for me, and myself only!!! Must work on that!
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    What really bothered me today as I was pulling into the gym, was someone who had to hurry and pull in front of me, came so close to hitting someone that she dropped her stuff, just to get a close parking spot. It's a GYM, a little walk won't hurt you.

    its funny cause we make fun of those people that swim the parking lot like a shark waiting for that easy prey. youre going to the gym, the 300 foot walk is not going to kill you
  • jbutterflye
    jbutterflye Posts: 1,914 Member
    Cooking and foodie shows on the overhead TV's. C'mon, really? Last thing I need to look at while working out is Paula Deen's country fried everything. That was at my old gym though. My new one has individual monitors on most cardio equipment... way to go technology!

    Also, I really hate it when people try to chat while I'm huffing and puffing to some high BPM music on my ipod, clearly with my earphones on. And then I'll make a big show about stopping the ipod and taking off my earphones to answer them. Then putting them back on. After awhile, if they can't take a hint, I just shrug and point to the earphone with a "gee I'm sorry" look.

  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    People who wear a gallon of body spray or perfume. I'm trying to breathe, moron. You're making it impossible. Just put on some deodorant for chrissakes.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    i am pro smart phone usage in the gym! its how i calculate my ORMs between sets!!

    I dislike:
    - when people don't wipe their own sweat off the machines

    I HATE:
    -when people don't rerack their weights so I'm sitting there thinking "someone must be using that and just resting in between sets"...
  • runningfataway
    There should be a hall of shame for repeating offenders. Snooze you lose.
  • Alyssa__Lauren
    Alyssa__Lauren Posts: 148 Member
    1. People who don't clean their're gross.

    2. People who think that weight machines are benches or beds....aka people who hog machines for 10+ minutes just sitting there or playing on their phones. I understand resting between reps but sitting on a machine and not using it? Come on. Also I'm too afraid to say anything to these people because the one time I did, it was a bad experience.

    3. People who stare at your cardio machine to see how long you've been running, what level you're on, etc. This doesn't happen at my gym but my mom and I were trying out a different gym recently and the woman on the elliptical next to mine was watching my every move. I ended up moving :X
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    When people give me the crusty for doing curls inside that big metal cage-looking thing.
  • crazy4lulu
    crazy4lulu Posts: 822 Member
    while i work in a gym and i see this stuff on a regular basis... there are a few things that bug the hell out of me.
    #1 . you are going to go to a fitness facility.... why must you circle the parking lot like flies on a rib roast to find the closest parking space???? Unless you have a handicap sign in the window and need to park close.... friggan walk will ya!!!
    #2. Please people.... take into consideration, that we all do not like the smell of overbearing Abercrombie perfume or what ever the hell you chose to spray on your body before you left your house. I have to keep a bottle of ibuprofen with me just to get rid of the headache i start getting 5 minutes after you walk in the door.
    #3. I am on my own time... i have my hat on.. notebook... drink.. gloves... and i am lifting 70 lb dumb bells above my head.........................DO NOT BUG ME!!!!!!!!
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    guys who stand 1 inch from the dumbbells to do their sets