Any chubbies at your gym?



  • Christizzzle
    Christizzzle Posts: 454 Member
    I actually find that you have a lot of support when you are a chubby at the gym. People are willing to help you out and are pretty pleasant towards you. I think they see it as, yes, you admit that you need to work on yourself, which we all do, and at least you aren't walking out of a McDonalds or sitting on your couch.
  • NChiz
    NChiz Posts: 15 Member
    Everyone's there for the same reason- (we hope)- just walk on in and start with the machines you know (treadmill or bike)- if you're unsure of other machines and are afraid to ask- watch others use them and learn. After a while you may feel comfortable to use the others or ask for assitance.

    I'm at Planet Fitness and out of all of the gyms I've belonged to in the past- this is by far the most diverse in size and age! It's a fabulous atmosphere.

    Good luck! You deserve to feel your best and not feel ashamed or scared.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Just go and do it. You ever heard the saying "Do something every day that scares you"? You'd be amazed at the adrenaline rush and the pride you feel after you go and do something you've been too scared or intimidated to do - and usually you'll find out it's not nearly as bad as you made it out to be. Still, what's worse - paying for a membership and cowering because you're too scared of the 'maybe's to use it and wasting your time, or going in there, getting snickered at by a 14 year old, but coming out knowing you conquered a fear and did something you know damn well you should have been doing a long time ago?

    Just get in there. The water's fine.
  • missjanetleigh
    missjanetleigh Posts: 149 Member
    If people are going to judge you they will so either in the gym or anywhere in public. At least your there to work out and make your life better, not to impress them or make them uncomfortable because your bigger than them.

    I was telling some girls about my Gym, they asked what time do the fat people go? I wanna go then. Oh my????? WTH

    Go and don't worry about it is what I say :)
  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    I had the exact same anxieties. I was afraid of some nightmarish moment where all of these fit people would stop what they were doing and just turn and stare as the fat girl walked by. Ridiculous, right? Because they really couldn't give a flying you-know-what. I read something someone here said a little while back... "What makes you so special that they'd even care?"

    Sounds rude, but it really isn't meant to be. And it makes sense.
  • Alissakae
    Alissakae Posts: 317 Member
    When I joined the gym at the beginning of August, I felt self-conscious about being there. I'm 51 and had 165 lbs to lose. After a few weeks of going faithfully, but hoping nobody noticed me, I had an epiphany one day. I was slogging away on the treadmill when I looked out at all the really buff young guys, who could be my sons, and just had the feeling of "I'm awesome for being here when I could be sitting on the couch eating crap instead". And I never looked back. I am in the gym four days per week. A couple of times a buff young guy has given me a high 5 while I was working out. Yesterday a cute young girl told me I'm "good". Hold your head up and be proud that you are doing the right thing. If you are just paying attention to taking care of yourself you won't even notice if there is anybody looking down on you.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,628 Member
    Im a chubby at my gym ...... so what ????

    My $$$ is as good as anyone else's ...... JUST DO IT !
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    When we did there were plenty of ppl who were trying to get in shape and plenty more staying in shape or better. I run mostly and last year I would see this heavy set woman on the trail quite often with her HR moniter arms elevated going for a power walk. And i would think good for her for trying to do something different. I started at about 280 down to around 180-190 now so I was one of those porkers or chubbies at the gym not anymore glad to say. But I will say ive seen ppl spend more time looking for a tv channel to watch then time on the treadmill.
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    Yup, me, and lots of other people that keep going back and get less chubby over time. Everyone has to start somewhere. :-)
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    There's just way too many people who care about what people think e.g. women who won't workout with the free weights because "everyone will stare at them" when the reality is, you're really not that important and no one really cares who you are, what you're doing, or how you look. People pay a gym membership to workout, not people watch. Sorry to be so blunt, but that's the reality.

    That said OP, get yourself an iPod, strap it on, get to the gym and do YOUR thing. Everyone else there is irrelevant.
  • I dont pay attention to anyone else who is at the gym, i go there for myself, not anyone else! I couldnt give a monkeys if theres chubbies there, as im one myself.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    Just go. If anyone looks at you, stare back, and don't blink. They'll think you're crazy and will leave you alone.

    If anyone says anythign, reply, "Thanks, and go f*** yourself." Sure, no new friends, but who knows, maybe somebody will think it's awesome you said that, and you now have a new training partner.
  • WABeachWalker
    WABeachWalker Posts: 133 Member
    I used to feel this way when I first joined the Y. I can't control what people think about me, so I just do my own thing and they do theirs.

    I find that as I focus on getting "my work" done, other things don't matter as much. Just keep going. Don't let those thoughts stop you from doing all you need to do to get healthy and fit! You can do it! <3
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    That'd be me but I go and I wear bright hot pink shoes and a bright shirt most days, so I probably stand out. it does not matter how big you are or small you are, if you are getting your butt into that gym you are winning.
  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    I, too, work at a gym as a fitness instructor - and I'm also a weight-lifter, so I'm in the gym 2-3 hours a day.

    When I see a "Chubby", as you called yourself, at the gym I get EXCITED because it means that they are taking steps to improve their health! I don't know ANYONE at the gym, either staff or participant, who looks down on heavier people there. THAT'S WHAT THE GYM IS THERE FOR!!!

    So, swallow the fear, get in there - AND OWN IT!!!
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    I am one of the only chubby girls at my age - even more awkward being around the same age as everyone (mostly mid 20s - 30s aged people). But, I know they're not looking at me, they're all working on themselves, so I don't really care.

    I also know that when I see some chubby, older, or just anything "different", I think to myself "good job, go you (random person)". Yeah, there might be a judgmental jerk face, but 99% of the people aren't noticing anyone else, and when they do, think only good things.
  • marinegirl92
    marinegirl92 Posts: 184 Member
    I'm using my husband's material....

    everyone is focused on themselves and most of the time aren't paying attention to the people around them

    Personally I like the gym - healthy people moving and staying in shape really motivates me!

    Maybe you might meet some new gym friends and wanna go to the gym to see them :)

    YOU GOT THIS - so get to the gym stat and start your journey to a new you!
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    Put your headphones in and don't pay attention to anyone. I go to my gym around 8:30 and there are a few of us "chubby" women and men that work out.
  • Coffeeholic8
    Coffeeholic8 Posts: 272 Member
    The first time I walked through the door of my gym last March I was 52 years old and weighed 332lbs, I had gone through the same worries as you, and sure it was a bit nerve-racking but at least I was in there and you know what? I wasn't the only big person in there; we have these preconceived ideas that the place will be full of super fit, toned and muscled people but it's just regular people of all shapes and sizes and nobody gave me a second glance. A lot of those people are still there and I've seen their progress while they have followed mine and some have even become really good friends over the last 11 months. Just get in there and you will wonder what on earth you were worried about, you can do it.
  • sarantonio
    sarantonio Posts: 880 Member
    I *PROMISE* that the gym has seem something weirder than u...:wink: I workout at the college and most ppl are athletic in there, I don't fit in.. however there is one guy who sings at the top of his lungs on the elliptical... nobody says anything
  • Errrica91
    Errrica91 Posts: 122 Member
    There are many "chubbies"(especially after Christmas - LOL) at my gym and no one gives a damn about it CAUSE the important thing is they are trying to do something for their health and not being "chubby" and everyone highly respects that:-)
  • jonswife0206
    jonswife0206 Posts: 125 Member
    I am without a doubt from what I have seen, one of the heavier people in there. You know what? I go every day and sometimes twice. I have lost weight, made friends and people even ask ME for advice now. Sounds crazy but I think attitude is a big factor. If it's that concerning what people think (which I can relate to), prove them wrong ! Show them you are serious and are there to make a difference in yourself.
  • al369
    al369 Posts: 170 Member
    I was one of the "chubbies" at my gym when I first started. I felt a little awkward but there were other overweight people as well and I saw being one of the overweight folks as motivation to work our harder and more often. Now, I am no longer one of the out of shape/chubbies.
  • chylo1
    chylo1 Posts: 41 Member
    I fine it easier to go to the gym with a friend.
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    everyone will judge you. just like you judge others. but who cares? we judge strangers every day when we see them - generally our judgement is "nothing remarkable" - sometimes something will catch our eye - ex pretty, ugly, fat, unhealthy, rich, arrogant, crazy, charismatic. loud, etc..... but even when we do, how long do you remember them after they pass by?

    I guarantee there are some immature kids who will delight in seeing how ugly/fat/out of shape (etc) we are at the gym (just exaggerating a bit here for emphasis ), but even they will lose interest (and moreover will eventually grow up). if you see youngsters there over and over, then likely they are committed and also likely they have matured up/ are dedicated/ and understand fitness (and the guts and energy it takes to achieve it) and get the whole out of shape thing (maybe because they were themselves or have loved ones who are).

    there's this fit guy at the gym I've noticed recently who does a very enthusiastic jump rope routine - not just rocky style but literally dancing all over the place (and taking up half the floor). I am a little annoyed that he's taking so much space, but that aside I do think he looks silly....but I do also very much respect him for doing something that is obviously burning alot of calories and takes no small deal of coordination. same thing with this guy I see at night who is in his 50's and super tubby, wearing fully body loose black sweat suit gear (looks like Louis CK). He's maybe where I was 40 pounds ago - and I admit I dislike the look of him (mostly because it reminds me of what I was or could be) - but I really have started to respect his dedication. I notice he furtively looks around alot (I think to see if anyone is looking at him), he wears too many clothes (I think to hide what he looks like), and he goes at night (when there are less people). all this to me makes me think he is super self-conscious - and I can't blame him, cuz I was (am) too.....but he is there all the time. and I highly respect him and fee he will one day be who he wants.

    I also get somewhat self conscious because, since I goto the gym almost everyday, sometimes more than once, I am beginning to see the same trainers over and over. (same thing w/ starbucks actually, but that's neither here nor there...still can't make my drink right grumble grumble...). I'm sure some of them definitely recognize me - I have no idea what they think (they are super fit trainers and are quite a bit I admit sometimes I think they look at me w/ disgust for being out of shape). But I still go, and they can go frack themselves if they think anything other than "her, this tubby is here all the time, must be dedicated, and he looks like he's lost weight since last year).!!!

    stay strong and carry on brothers and sisters!!!
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    Just go. Maybe it sounds mean or "too easy" but once you go, it'll be easier to go the next time, and the next. Baotzu is right-no one will care or notice. They're there to do their own thing. Walk in like you've been going there for years, jump on a machine and bust out your workout :happy:

    This is so true. The awkward feeling fades.
  • amyoliver85
    amyoliver85 Posts: 353 Member
    There are some people at my gym who are fairly fit, but I would say that nearly everyone in there is working towards some goal. There are some twiggy girls who I can tell are there because they still think they're porkers, despite the fact I could break them in half just by blowing air on them.

    The cool thing about going to a gym with "porkers" is that you feel right at home.

    The BETTER thing about going to a gym full of fit people is that if you find a nice person they will be willing to teach you how to work out and lose weight and build muscle.

    And oh...I AM the porker at the gym. And totally cool with it. I don't care what other people think. They do what they do. I do what I do. And btw...I can run faster, pedal faster and can certainly use a ski machine and elliptical better and faster than most of those fit people anyway!!!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    40 lbs to lose? And 48 years old?

    Come to our place---you'll be both young AND thin....:drinker:
  • UsaJewels05
    UsaJewels05 Posts: 229 Member
    Yep I am the chubby one at my gym! Just do it! Everyone is there for the same reason, to get in shape or stay in shape! Start out slow, go for 30 minutes, then add on to it til you get used to your gym! There is no reason to pay that money and not go! You can do it!
  • salgalbp
    salgalbp Posts: 218 Member
    Without going through all of the other comments I will respond.

    I once was in a similar situation except I had over 100lbs to lose. My FIRST suggestion would be to find a workout buddy or team. Folks you like and know like you. You can chat, visit and encourage each other while there and it'll make the time go faster and make it more fun.

    Secondly this about this for a bit. By having the current thoughts you do, you are pre-judging the folks in that gym that the moment you walk in that they are judging you. So, who's really doing the judging???

    Most folks in the gym are there for themselves. They have the buds in their ears and are not focused on looking/judging others and instead focused on their own agenda there.

    I wonder if folks like you see folks like me in the gym and wonder what I'm doing there or if I'm judging you without knowing where I've been.

    Re-work your thinking so that you can work your workouts and I bet things will change for you!

    Best of luck and get your rearend in the GYM!
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