Any chubbies at your gym?



  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    haha Me! I'm one of the porkers at the gym... Honestly I've never had anyone be anything but supportive to myself or any of us other porkers at the gym... I mean... where better for a fat person to be than the gym right? If you are really worried about it... just go early in the morning... definitely an older crowd generally and people are only there to get their work out in and go home... they are too tired to care to criticize anyone else at that time of the day.
  • hellokathy
    hellokathy Posts: 540 Member
    There's this really fat guy at my gym. And I don't mean this in a nasty way, it's just that he is huge, twice my size and I'm already obese. I absolutely love watching him (discreetly!) because he is so dedicated when he's working out. He sweats all over the place and you can see that it's so hard for him not to give up but he just keeps going, even though some idiots will give him "the look". He's one of my biggest inspirations when I'm there. :)

    Anyway, what I was gonna say is you're probably not gonna be the biggest person at your gym. And even when you are, what matters is that you're there to feel better. Everyone with half a brain cell will recognize that and the rest are just idiots.
  • JimLeonardRN
    JimLeonardRN Posts: 296 Member
    Shoot yeah there are chubbies at my gym.....I'm one of them. And I dont worry about what the gym bunnies think about me or what i'm doing. I put the ear buds in and rock out while I'm working out.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    just do it for YOU...who cares what others aren't there for them, you aren't there for social aren't there picking up isn't a bar. Just do it..

    I'm not the prettiest or tiniest woman at my gym...there are hot guys, old guys, young guys...everyone ... no one talks to me, I dont' talk to anyone...we just do it.

    I'm totally not trying to bust your hump or make you feel bad...just stop giving yourself an out...stop giving yourself an option. I don't give myself an option unless I have a serious migraine or illness. I set the days and I stick to it. If I let myself slide one day I know I'll do it again and again and everything I've worked so hard for will be down the tubes and I'll have to start over.

    Screw your courage to the sticking place - Shakespeare
  • april1445
    It's possible this just isn't the right gym for you. I've belonged to several, and definitely felt more at home at some than others. If it's your only option, just think of this quote: "In a year you'll be glad you started today".
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Once in a while, when I walk past the hip adductor machine.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Yeah, me. That being said, I've also seen a few people who make me look some ways. I remember one guy in particular, probably weighed the better part of 350 pounds, who then proceeded to make me look like a total puss in the squat rack, and on the elliptical. Those of us who have been at the gym long enough have learned that it's never a good idea to judge people by appearance, and it doesn't do anyone any good anyway.

    Worry about yourself, and your workout. The only people you have to worry about 'judging' you based on appearance, are likely people who haven't been in the game long enough to be worth worrying about anyway.
  • SamanthaClarexo
    SamanthaClarexo Posts: 353 Member
    Yep - lots of chubbies at my gym, me included.

    I don't care about what they're doing - I get on with my own thing. In the same way as, I don't care who's looking at me.

  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Last year when I started going to the gym I weighed 241 lbs, my BMI was 37.7 which is super duper chubby.

    I could barely manage 15 minutes on the elliptical at about 3mph.

    A year later I weigh 148lbs my BMI is 23.2 (I really need to get a BF% done). I've taken a foot of my waist. I'm running, lifting and when I do get on the ellipticals I can comfortable do 9-10mph for up to an hour (they dont like you on a machine longer than that and really an hour is PLENTY long enough)

    People never bothered me at my heaviest, and there are some rather heavy people I see every day in the gym. I really feel for them because I was there...
  • adamalle
    adamalle Posts: 88 Member
    Yep, several of them at my gym, including myself.

    It's a gym at work, so maybe not a great comparison - but the workplace is big enough for me not to know most of them still.

    I literally don't give a fark if people stare. And equally I don't give a fark what anyone else looks like, I'm not there to pay attention to others. As soon as the earphones go in, the world could implode and I probably wouldn't notice.
  • cordellvidrine
    In my on again off again relationship with the gym I have been the regular that doesn't socialize, the gym rat and the fat guy going once a month. I'm on again! Which is good for me. But I've talked with a lot of people. And despite how you might see all the "beautiful" people at the gym they are all there for the same get improve. That basic motivation shapes the perception of most people at the gym too. If you are improving most of the people at the gym would applaud your effort and the payoff you've given yourself.

    A trick that has worked for me on more than one occasion. Go through the motions, even if you don't want to be there or don't want to go. If you get ready, show up and you can even tell yourself that "I'm only going to do part of my work out because I feel too ( insert your problem here )." It’s a mental game. I know. But it works. I feel better about going. And when I'm there I 90% of the time finish my whole workout.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    I saw a very large female walking on the sidewalk the other morning. She had her workout gear on and I was proud of her. The ppl you come across in your gym are either gonna go, "Hey, this overweight guy is trying to take control of his weight. Good for him," or they're gonna be a-holes. You shouldn't let a-holes stop you from getting in shape.
  • jbutterflye
    jbutterflye Posts: 1,914 Member
    There are people of all shapes and sizes at my gym. When I see people who are overweight (especially VERY heavy/ morbidly obese) the first thing that pops into my mind is respect and admiration, because it takes guts for a lot of people to take those steps toward fitness and to stand in a room next to the already-fit-ones. I admire their courage and find them inspiring. I'm heavy but not morbidly obese. I know that there are many people who are in way better shape than me. Maybe now that I'm older I just generally feel better in my own skin and it doesn't matter to me what people think. I feel quite relaxed being at the gym, especially knowing that I'm doing something about the extra weight. Who knows, maybe my self acceptance is empowering me to get and stay fit.

    ADDITION: When I see someone who is very fit at my gym, who has a rocking body, my choice is to go into that comparison mode OR to be inspired by them. Comparison mode feels really bad and doesn't serve anything. Instead I'd rather see someone's accomplishment as an inspiration to what I can achieve, and being happy for them makes me happy.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    When that one girl shows up, and gets on the thigh abductor machine.... yup, chubby.
  • SarahG2399
    I started going at off peak times to get comfortable, like late Friday or Saturday night.
  • NoleGirl0918
    NoleGirl0918 Posts: 213 Member
    Pls don't let others deter you from your decision to get healthier - i've come to the realization that other people have no right to judge & at the end of the day, you only have to be accountable to yourself. Best wishes to you & feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like :-)
  • canadiandee
    canadiandee Posts: 196 Member
    Just go. If anyone looks at you, stare back, and don't blink. They'll think you're crazy and will leave you alone.

    This is handy advice for so many life situations. :smile:

    It really works. See ? ... :indifferent:

    *looks away uncomfortably"
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I don't care about anyone else in the gym...I mean we are all there for the same work out and be healthy...
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    uMMM yEAH ME!!!
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    I've gotten the occasional chubbie now and then! !Oh wait, what?? :noway: